About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, October 27, 2014

MONDAY #2150


 Just ordinary folks doing the right thing.


Alan Eustace, a senior vice president at Google, set a new world record today by completing the highest-altitude free fall yet--parachuting from 135,908 feet (or 25 miles) above Earth.


Smoke and flames rise over a hill near the Syrian town of Kobani after an airstrike, as seen from the Mursitpinar crossing on the Turkish-Syrian border in the southeastern town of Suruc in Sanliurfa province, October 23, 2014. 

 The concusion probably broke every bone in their body.


More Canada -

Thirteen of the fifteen flagpoles in the Conservative caucus room were snapped off and turned into spears by Members of Parliament who positioned themselves around the door to ambush the Parliament Hill shooter, while Prime Minister Harper was shoved in a closet.


Lichtgrenze, Installation to mark 25 years since the fall of the Berlin Wall...

 That, in my opinion, is extraordinary.


Another pic of the astroid...


New Yorkers: To avoid Ebola, don't eat Ebola-infused poop or snot.

 What has happened to Americans?

The Dalai Lama Will Not Return to Lead Tibet

He did predict that the next Dalai Lama would be born outside Tibet and possibly be a woman. What a guy.


Last minute costume suggestions...

I'm not really a fan of this "sport" either...
All the concern about NFL concussions and then these guys beat each other in the head on purpose. Go figure.

Can you imagine the size of the nude giant that fell down right there?

What a nice thing to think about.

If you watch shit like this on TV, please don't read my blog....I am just wasting my time...

To be call inconsistent, you have to be consistently inconsistent...making you consistent.

Come to my house, where the beer flows like wine.

The Roomba vacuum cleaner just beat me to a piece of popcorn I dropped on the floor and this is how the war against the machines begins.

 I must confess, I still use a flip phone.

Here's to those friends who have seen me at my best and seen me at my worst and can't tell the difference.

No matter how bad you are, the German word for bath is bader.

It's called civil disobedience and it's a good thing almost every time. 

From one of young bartenders:
"Ramen for breakfast. Ramen for lunch. Sadness and disappointment for dinner."

From another:
"My anatomy professor walked in this morning with a box and said, "Because of Halloween, we will study these today. Then he pulled out various fetal skulls...at 7 in the morning. I never thought I would ever utter the words "It is far too early to be handling baby skulls."

My wife will like that.

I once asked my first graders if they thought a man had ever walked around on the moon. None of them thought that that was true. I said that they had, in fact, walked around up there several times, picked up some rocks and came home. They still didn't believe me.

It must suck to be an atheist named Christian.

Remember a week or so ago I discussed Bill Nye saying half of the scientists should be women? Well, if women don't want to work with computers, why do we automatically think it's a bad thing?
Maybe the keyboard messes up their nails.

Adolf Hitler visits the tomb of Napoleon at Les Invalides, Paris, France (1940)...

i.e. is used to explain something in another way.
e.g. used to give an example. 

Wanna guess what these two thing are?
A fish eye and a cotton candy machine. 

One Of My Very Own...

Think of all the trees who lived their whole lives just so you can wipe your ass.

 Clever bitch...

My wife ordered whipped cream on the side...

I like to imagine the Supreme Court is just like regular courts but with tomatoes and sour cream.

Why aren't women outraged over this bullshit?
How, in the name of sanity, can it be legal to show men's nipples, and illegal to show women's? I find that insulting and I'm not even a woman.

You know the game "Twister"? It says it's for "All Ages" on the box, but I think they really mean one specific age group at a time.

Let's talk about "Vocational Schools" in high school.

Have I ever mentioned that my wife has a thing for flamingos? Well, she does. 

 But what about people like me who hate ignorance?

Shit you don't see everyday...

Old gas station location is having the contaminated soil removed for future development. Every time it is scooped it catches fire. This is not the clip, though...

If I got Ebola and survived, I'd put that shit on my resume.

I read one time that the difference is that Haiti is so poor, all of there trees go for firewood.

Norway and Sweden...

Marry someone you will enjoy annoying for the rest of your life.

Now imagine the ball INSIDE that first circle.

There are so many people who think total obedience shows you love your country. I pity those people.
I love America. We have a lot going for us...but we are not perfect. Please think for yourself.
For example...

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