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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014



Data Looks Dope's Max Einstein just made this visualization that charts every touchdown pass that Peyton Manning, who is now the record holder for TD passes, has thrown in his career. Yep, all 510 of them (so far). It shows the distance of each pass along with the receiver who caught it from 1998 to October 19, 2014.


For the study, the scientists raised three breeds of domesticated chickens: one breed that was common in 1957, another from 1978, and a third from 2005, called the Ross 308 breed, CBC News reported. "We fed them exactly the same things, so we did not provide hormones," lead author Dr. Martin Zuidhof, associate professor of agricultural science at the University of Alberta, told the CBC. "The only difference that was part of our study treatments was the genetics."



I was told the Banksy arrest was bogus. And it looked so official...




McDonald's earnings are down 30%. The company has bet everything on its Monopoly promotion.


Pope Francis has closed an assembly of Catholic bishops that revealed deep divisions on how to respond to homosexuality and divorce, saying the Church should not be afraid of change and new challenges.


Is it bad to feel the need to finish off prescription drugs before they expire? I don't have most of these ailments anymore, but they were expensive

Ok how about a nail polish line for office ladies with colors like Legal pad, Non-dairy creamer, Mug stain, Excel, Boss neck?

 Dog helps dog...
 That's one of the cutest things I've ever seen.

You know how I appreciate it when people spend their precious time to spread smiles...I think this person just covered a parking ticket dispenser...

We all know that some photographs can be embarrassing...
And it's only worse nowadays when EVERYBODY has a camera...
A long time ago you had to really try to look stupid...
 I'll have some of what he had.
Speaking of cameras, what would make this cop think A) that this is funny, and B) that it wouldn't be photographed and spread all over the world in a matter of minutes?

Jesus killed the dinosaurs because he was tired of their bullshit.

I see what you did there, Sister...

I'd try Taco Bell's breakfast but I don't start drinking that early.

How come sneezes get a "God Bless You" but coughs get a cold unflinching silence?

Dance is a vertical expression of horizontal desires.

I’ve gone black and I came back. So, there.

If you smell it before you get to her bellybutton, call it off. It won’t be worth it.

One Of My Very Own...

 I've had a lot of dogs, and not one of them would have tolerated this...

If you know anyone who believes in ghosts, don’t talk to them again.

I’ve been on a diet. I’ve already dropped two coffin sizes.


Thailand's traffic policemen will get money in return for refusing bribes, police said on Thursday, part of the junta's efforts to combat what it has called an ingrained culture of corruption within the force. The army seized power in May after months of protests aimed at ousting Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, Thailand's first female prime minister, saying it needed to restore order after nearly 30 people were killed in sporadic political violence. Since then, the military government has launched campaigns aimed at cleaning up Thailand's image as a haven for vice. 

I love every part of a woman’s body, even the ugly parts…the parts so ugly that you look at it the next morning and think, “I licked that last night with my tongue?” ugly.

And finally...

A Canadian sniper shot a man from two miles away. I can’t hit toilet water with pee from two feet away.

My dental hygienist has a chair like this...

I hate it when I sit down naked and my ball sack spreads out and looks like a deflated basketball.

Can you imagine how much money this saves...
 Instead of shipping all the equipment and supplies to the site and building it there.

What a powerful statement...

This is what I meant when I said that people all over the world pay money NOT to see your art...
 Last piece of advice for young graffiti artists is this...

Found a new website and this guy is as absurd as I am...

Everything seems stupid when it fails.

 Do you think this kind of detail is absolutely necessary?

I couldn't get the gif to download, so I took a screen saver. But it showed how one man got his sofa down to the ground....
First he staked out to ropes to the ground and secured them to the balcony railing. Then he eased the sofa over the rail and lined up the ropes inside the feet on the sofa. Then he just let go and it gently slid down and settled onto the turf. I thing a beauty. 

Ladies and Gentlemen, a free-thinker...

Bottom line: HEM

It performs better tired: CAR
Press coverage: INK
Stops littering: SPAYS

Why do some people use almost unreadable fonts? I have never understood that.

Facts on the internet are interesting...
I honestly don't care if that fact is true or not...it's a pretty cool thing to think about.
Here's someone else's take on internet facts...

At dinner last night my wife asked me to pass the salt, but it sounded like “Fuck you.”

Of course they did. Men have been doing shit like this forever...

Have you ever broken up with a girl for a few days and when you got back together with her she was way better at giving blowjobs?

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