About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, November 27, 2014



The last time the family was asked to say what they are most thankful for...



Want to live until old age?
 Don't break the law.


I finished a new money piece...

 It, of course, hangs on the wall, but I have so much art in my house we are having trouble finding wall space for it.
I dedicated it to my wife who gives more than anyone I know.
I have been asked to show my money art in a gallery in North Carolina. We are — by necessity — working out the security details. I'll keep you informed.
Speaking of...
For a while this will lead off every post here at Folio Olio.
I am conducting an experiment and a conceptual art thing just to see what happens. Bare with me.



Can I ask all of you a favor? I had a wonderful comment exchange last night from "Anonymous". I can certainly understand anyone not wanting to use their real name, but I would appreciate it if you just added initials or made-up name or number or something...anything to let me know I'm talking to the same person. Let this.


My letter to the editor is getting me more attention than I deserve. People I haven't heard from in years call me on the phone to thank me, along with barmates and such. Today an old woman (older than me!) asked if I was the same guy who wrote the letter about prayer and very hesitantly I said yes, then she beamed and gushed on about how she loved it and how it had needed saying for a long time, etc. I wanted to hug her.
And strangely (at least to me) my online letter was a companied by this image:
And the photo credit is an old friend of mine. I have shared numerous stories about Kurt without using his name. He was the guy my other friend took with us to a strip club and paid the strippers hundreds of dollars to give young Kurt "free" attention...without him knowing.
He was also the one who used me as a reference for a gig as art director at a TV station in Maryland and when the woman called me I kept her on the phone for 45 minutes and later found out that as soon as she hung up she called Kurt and offered him the job.
Small world after all.

A New Year’s resolution is something that goes in one year and out the other.

Just another reason I don't fly...

It's going to be so good when I finally make a blog post that lampoons society so much that everyone just changes their ways and smartens up.

A camouflaged Swedish Navy ship...

That's amazing. But thermal imaging would see right through that.

Another place I will never see but would like to...

The original official name of Uranus was George.

This man has A LOT of free time...
I tried that for about ten minutes and thought it was a hoot. But I thought they had inserted flaws in the program to make it impossible...at least that is what I was told.

What the hell do you think frightened that big boy to flee like that...
 ....ooor...he smells the come-hither of a female.

"To be and not to be" ~ Schrodinger's Hamlet

Would you ever kill someone with your bare hands for a sandwich?

Watch the dog...
Now watch the building down the street. 
Yeah, she stood out there all afternoon to see that building go down, then missed it because of her yappy-ass dog.

Oldest soccer ball...
 This is thought to be part of the oldest musical instrument ever found...

Today, eat like you hate yourself.

My wife believes in karma...kind of the same thing...only backwards.

Does this depress anyone else?
Of course, the government my be moving the people out of the slum into those and no matter how ugly it is, wild dogs probably won't drag away your babies.

I admire anyone who can play music...
We have been making music for so long (flute from above) that it seems to be a fundamental human need.

Once in a while blow you own damn mind. When is the last time you did something for the first time?


"I have all the pussy".............."I have all the money."
 "I'll suck your dick."...................."I will give you Wales."
"How about anal?.............."I don't have that much money."

It is literally impossible to prove that Harry Potter wasn't just in his parents basement on acid the whole time

Love of reading is the greatest gift you can give a child...
"THE greatest" may be too strong, but you get my point.

I find it amazing that I was once a helpless little baby and now I’m a big helpless man.

Told my wife I was taking her on a date to the cheesecake factory and she thought I meant some restaurant.

Try not to smile....
Speaking of...
 Speaking of dying...

I caught my wife straining to put on her favorite jeans. She said, “I think I’m retaining water.” I said, “I think you’re retaining food.”

1922 cutaway drawing of the Washington Evening Star Building...

 I found that interesting...I don't know why.

This "brand" clips right on the lighter...
And they said it was 3D printed.

When the Bird Cop shows up at the tree party...

I asked my wife how to spell Mississippi and she asked, “The state or the river?”

This technique is hot on the internet right now...no pun intended...

What idiot called it "alphabet soup" instead of "Times New Ramen"?

Model following ridiculous instructions...
 And they didn't even clean off her feet! This next lady must have had a clean-off-her-feet guy...
 I would like that job.

Technically, "Slippery when wet" signs should be on everything.

The Ambulance Drone, An Emergency UAV Concept With a Built-In Defibrillator...

Most resumes are just a list of things you never want to do again.

I just threw a football through a tire swing and now I’m in first place in the NFC South?

One Of My Very Own...

What a great question...
(Their...just sayin')

 With that they can SEE planets around other suns.
Imagine seeing something like this...
I would shit in my pants and be proud to do so.

Fun fact: every white person with dreadlocks believes in at least one government conspiracy.

 Look carefully at these aerial cityscapes...
 Now let's look a little closer...
They were all done with scalpel blades, among other things...

Somebody once called me Mark. It was hilarious because my name isn't Mark. I'm still laughing and that was 8 years ago.

Mother-in-law inspired?

I asked for information about this the other day...
It was done by Marcel Laverdet, as was this...

Ain't computers great!

I'm for driverless cars but honestly having to drive is the only thing standing in the way of me being a complete drunk piece of shit 24/7.

This is carved out of wood...

What does the Bible say about faking your own death to get out of jury duty?

And then there's this...
My wife is mentor to more young people than I am. Today a young musician she knows told her that he was moving to New York. He was aware that the chances of getting a music gig in New York was remote and said he would like to work in a music store or something like that. My wife went back in her office, did some computer research and sent him a text of a job opening in a music store in New York. The guy called and got the job. Elapsed time — less than an hour. Yeah, she's THAT good.

1 comment:

CR said...

Not sure what it smells but that "he" is a "she"!

~ CR

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