About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015


Amid all the worldwide mayhem, the only news worth sharing today is this...

Ate at an excellent (i.e. expensive) Thai restaurant tonight. I only had one little addition to my "Let's fuck with the waiter" game I am so fond of.
The menu featured "Three Flavored Duck*".
The * took you to the bottom for the hotness levels.
So when it came time for me to order I said, "I'll have the Three Flavored Duck Asterisk." He but smiled.

My wife once "lost" a whole raw chicken in our house and we didn't find it for two weeks.

I once knew a woman who took so long while I was stimulating her that my finger turned wrinkly.

I repost this because it made me smile again...

Painting murals I've come across this more than once. Each time I did my best to protect it...

Never trust a man that pees directly into the urinal water.

Another deforestation awareness poster...

Have you ever finally clipped your toenails only to find your shoes feel loose afterwards?

Knowledge is half the battle. The other half is violence.

Weird how the guy who says he doesn’t see race always knows the black-on-black crime stats.

Pink Pearl apple is a real thing...

A new kind of tent that you carry on the roof of your car...

Seriously, why is it so hard for me to drink 8 glasses of water every day but 8 beers is so damn easy?

You think?

A prank...
 After printing out the combined three views of your face, place it in a large jar of water and put it in the fridge...

para-medical tattoo specialist Basma Hameed... Over time, Hameed will camouflage Omar’s burns by tattooing them with ink that blends with her natural skin tones...

This is why most bartenders don't really mind working on New Year's Eve...

When my daughter was young I told her she could do anything when she grew up, and that’s why she’s suing me.

Just a little help from a friend...

Who has confidence in themselves will gain the confidence of others.

This shit is getting out of hand...
 There has been a resurgence of childhood diseases that we had under control...
But this moronic anti-science has been going on since the Dark Ages...
And as far as respecting other people's beliefs....
Not me.

I did shit like this all the time...
Just ask my daughter.

 An Afghan girl sits amongst burning garbage dump in Kabul

And Americans get really upset when delayed by road construction. 

Rebel fighters of al-Jabha al-Islamiya (the Islamic Front) prepare an improvised explosive to fire towards forces loyal to Syria's President Bashar al-Assad, at the frontline near Nairab military airport in Aleppo, Syria,

If you’re going to be weird, be confident about it.

McDonald’s biggest villain used to be the Hamburgular. Now it’s mostly just documentary filmmakers.

One Of My Very Own...

Something I never thought about before...

How I see blind political affiliation...

When I see that two-headed girl, I think threesome with half the effort.                  
Speaking of such things...

I've always wondered how the first guy to invent rifling knew it would work...
 Speaking of...

Just A Guy Selling His Gun On Craigslist...
Holy shit! He could claw a bear to death with those things!

Cleaning rust off metal with a laser

Trying not to get distracted while the mini-van in front of me is playing Frozen is apparently a genuine driving problem that I have just encountered.

This woman just stood on the sidewalk until the light changed...

And now you know...(double click to embiggerize)...

My New Year’s revolution is to stop using words incorrectly.

 The weaker sex...

I still think about this from time to time: There was a moment when your mom or dad put you down as a child and never picked you up again.

How a lake froze...

Is it just me or do all of you think girls in porn movies just fuck better than normal girls?

Is there no such thing as embarrassment?

I’m not impotent. I’m romantically incompetent.

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