About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, January 8, 2015



These two cartoonists, among many others, from French magazine Charle Hebdo were murdered yesterday for standing up for freedom of expression and satire...being funny...
If you are one of those people who think we should stop publishing our opinions to lessen the chance of such pay backs...murders...
 Here's my response...
In Paris...
Not afraid? If the French have any balls left, every newspaper in the country should publish every fucking Mohammed cartoon ever seen in Charle Hebdo or anywhere else. 


ABC News: "Arizona Department of Transportation posted this photo of a street Facebook, Jan. 1, 2015, with the caption: 'We might have spotted a family of sasquatches on SR 260 near Heber this afternoon.'"

 I'm assuming they are the black figures in the shoulder snow.


Second-hand marijuana smoke.
A VERY concerned reader is VERY concerned about second-hand smoke if marijuana is legalized. Does anyone have any data or just opinion on this matter. I really don't know anything about it.

A humorous look at each state's claim to fame...

Good news: I ran across this image again and it was explained that the bear has been sedated for research.

 From the mind of one of the smartest people on the planet...
 I've never been able to figure out why we support Israel no matter how many atrocities they commit...
I'm thinking that in the future we look back at how the Palestinians were treated and determine it will be on par with this from South Africa...

Two African men walk past a sign common in apartheid South Africa, Johannesburg, circa 1956.

Another great World Wildlife Fund poster...

Before it’s too late. 

Don’t call me Betty.

No matter how well you know your Chinese friend, it is never okay to call him Chicken Chow Main Man.

And now Obama is making him look like Mother fucking Theresa.

I'm not a real fan of warfare. I know sometimes things go so terribly wrong that the only solution is to kill a bunch of folks....think Hitler.
But in my opinion, most recent wars not only weren't necessary, but resulted in nothing...except the death of many people....think Vietnam.
But I have never blamed the soldiers. I sometimes think, as the photo indicates, that soldiers are just pawns, but never forget that you and I pay them to fight.
Here's another guy who thinks a lot about war...
I've posted this next quote before...
But I must admit, with all the havoc and dying you have to try real, real hard to be happy.

I have to admit, I didn't see this coming...

I bet everybody who has had to perform CPR were singing the Bee Gee’s “Staying Alive” in their head.

I felt so bad this morning I called in sick only to be told I don’t work there anymore.

A couple of signs I found interesting...

I think my memory foam pillow has Alzheimer's.

Skycycle in Japan is a good idea...

 I always wondered about the feasibility of using abandoned RR tracks for auto travel...
Maybe you could drive you car up onto a platform that is fitted with a device that allows your car tires to turn the train wheels...like the heavy duty cylinders used to test engines in labs.

Life is a party: one arrives long after it’s started, and one’s going to leave long before it’s over.

One Of My Lamer Very Own...

He said with a $600 handheld device with more computing power than the entire world that launched Apollo 11.

 Cause the square one wasn't hard enough.

I have no idea what this is about, but it's from Japan, so....
 Just trying to get comfortable...
"Well, the sign said, Have it you way."
This next guy had his last McDonalds receipt tattooed on one arm...
 And the receipt from the tattoo shop tattooed on the other arm...
 And lastly...

INTERVIEWER: How would you describe yourself?

ME: Verbally. But I also have an interpretive dance ready just in case.

I've gotten some negative feedback concerning my posting beautiful women in various stages of undress...
 I wonder why these same people aren't incensed over something like this...

Go ahead and play the blues if it makes you happy.

I once told a vegetarian that I only eat stupid animals.

Oh, dat ankle...

Went to Big Lots with a $100 gift certificate and they just handed me the keys to the store.

 Well, somebody is excited by his first snow...

I've posted something like this before, but I still find it worth thinking about...
Whenever I see a vista like this I think what it would be like if every human footprint from the beginning of time was visible. Then I wonder if there would be areas where no one had ever walked.

 Notice anything odd?
On the image on the left, why would a man with no feet need the foot holders. Those bars and footplates are removable. 

I haven't posted one of these in a while, and this is a good one...

Should I get a "hummus" tattoo in Hebrew and Arabic?

My Final Word...

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