About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, February 6, 2015

FRIDAY #2252

The Government of Jordan just posted this picture of King Abdullah on their Facebook page. It is rumored that he participated in the retaliatory strike which killed 55+ ISIS fighters.
I see no reason to doubt that. He does look might pissed off.


Quick guide for debunking the six main arguments for not anti-vaxing...in case you need them...

The popular stereotype is that Asian people can’t drive, but given recent events, they aren’t making a good case for being able to fly either.

“All women are created equal, but only the finest become bus drivers.”

What could possibly go wrong?
I post that several years ago. You loyal long time viewer may remember it, but I have a whole bunch of new viewers, so cut me some slack.

“All women are created equal, but only the finest become bus drivers.” 
I have no idea what that means. I just read it somewhere and thought it was a cool ass thing to say.

 That dental work I had done last week terrified me. I kept counting off the seconds, wondering when I would snap and demand he get out of my mouth. I mean that.
Finally I stopped him and managed to ask him to keep me informed as to how much progress he was making and how much longer I had to endure the horror. He told me he had four things to do and that he had finished one. That left three more to go and as he accomplished each he would declare it. This helped me immensely.

 Sauna in Finland hockey rink...

This morning’s coffee has given me unrealistic expectations of productivity.

 Speaking of happiness...
So many sad people, so little time...
I consider myself an exceptionally happy person. Even when I was lying in a hospital bed recouping I was tickled pink that I had the best medical care in the world.
Deciding to be happy really is half the battle.

 "Rottweiler wakes up to find that his twin Hank had passed during the night and gone to heaven. Brutus does not want to leave him and will not budge, laying on top of his head. Brutus has never whined or cried out in pain the two years I have had him...But clearly you can see in his eyes, he is crying for his brother who had passed as his world around him just crumbled."

Pit Bull Terrier-Dachshund combo...

Every time I have a very strong urge to smoke again, I think of my wife, children and several bartenders that are very attached to me.

So such a thing is now just another commodity.

Glass floor in Norway office building...

Nobody foresaw the problem with skirted women visitors and office workers. Go figure.

And in an alternative universe...

Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is the fear of long words.

That's my boys!

When I walked through Europe, I would look at bullet holes still visible on walls and visualize this...
 My mind works overtime most of the time. Seeing this I can't help but try to figure out the engineering; specifically, how is the walk and stairs secured to the mountain...
 I look at this and can almost see the man lift one stone after another until he finds the exact right size to fill a gap...
Unfortunately, of late, my favorite image sites have devolved into selfies...
And food...
 It has become harder and harder to find something worth looking at...
 ...much less something that I care to comment upon...like this...
Therefore, I need your help. If you have an interesting site, please leave its name and/or address in a comment or email. 

Young underage people have always known where to buy beer...

Generally, slightly more male babies are born than female babies. This ratio can be influenced by stress.

If your poop contains the kind of microbes that make it suitable for transplants into patients who "need healthy fecal matter in their gut in order to survive," a company called Open Biome wants to buy it from you for $13,000 a year. Less than 4% of prospective donors make the cut.

Drinking from cans made with BPA increased blood pressure in the elderly. BPA is a chemical used to make certain types of cans and plastic containers.

This is how you pack a UPS truck...

That really is impressive.

One Of My Very Own...

The US is quickly earning its label as most anti-science country on earth...
 You can find examples every where...
 The anti-vaccination crowd even put their whole culture at risk...
 All because an actress told them to.
And don't get me started on global warming.
Here's an assessment I found intriguing...

I am going to assume that the countries who won't suffer as much are the richest countries. But on the opposite end of the table, not North Korea. They won't suffer much because they don't have anything to ruin.

Is the S or the C silent in scent?


When we first started dating, I knew I had a winner when she said, “I love how you just don’t care about the way you look.” I took it as a compliment.

Mourners gather around the grave of Saudi King Abdullah following his burial in Riyadh...

 Rather modest I'd say.

This is the face of war...

This, along with the Mona Lisa, are the two most copied images in the world...



This took me much longer than it should have...

Think of the power of the jets that could do such a thing....

Sorry this is so small...

It seems everyone knows where to go to buy drugs except for the police.

My Final Word...

1 comment:

Spider Borland said...

You might consider joining Pinterest. For amusement, I'll scroll through the Humor category. Some hits. Some misses. Pinterest is just a collection of images.
This is one of mine:

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