About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015


One Of My Very Own...

And on the up side...

Some think that Indiana's gay hatred law (AKA the Religious Freedom Restoration Act), could have the side effect of making cannabis a legal sacrament there.

The whole affair has me conflicted. I don't want anyone pressured into doing something they don't want to do by the government. But that includes gays and religious people. 

What say you, Aaron?


Watched a Netflix documentary “Charlie Victor Romeo” that featured actors re-enacting the voice recordings of doomed airline flights set in authentic cockpits. Watch with caution. Some good. Some...not so good.


 Diceware can generate a passphrase that can survive the NSA's trillion-guess-per-second cracking attempts -- but which can still be easily memorized. By randomly selecting seven English words from a list 7,776 words, your pass phrase can survive for 27 million years' worth of trillion-guess-per-second attacks. Lee strongly recommends using actual six-sided dice to choose your words in order to get real randomness in the selection and has hints for memorizing the seven words.


Question: Since this boat is in a canal moving over a highway, would the weight of the ship stress the bridge supports?
Consider that if you place your finger into a glass of water on a scale, it will not affect the weight.

I told my wife that I needed a new chair...
 The one I have now is only comfortable for the first 6 hours I'm on the internet.

We can put a man on the moon, but it seems that god has prohibited the BP’s Serve Yourself Taco Machine from accepting a slightly wrinkled fiver.

Two bits of humor for you...
So not only can mass murder be the means of a joke, it can be used to sell cars. Interesting.

Not this big, of course, but the closest I've come to drowning was being rolled along the bottom by a giant wave. I didn't know which way was up and it scared the shit out of me. 

What a wonderful poster to place in a child's room...

This man has found peace in meditation. He does it all the time...
I'm glad he's at peace, but it has occurred to me that sitting on your ass won't develop the Salk vaccine or land a man on the moon. 

The word ‘nun’ is just the letter n doing a cartwheel.

This is a real live poacher hunter...

 There is a woman hidden in this picture...

Never begin hostage negotiations with a knock-knock joke.

It's called soccer pool.

"Here, take the wheel..."
 And he calmly tries to fit the steering wheel back on the whole time.

Guy's good...

The catastrophic effects of the deforestation caused by the current gold rush in the tropical forests of South America...

 Speaking of...
Nazi Lair From World War II Found Hidden In Argentina Jungle...

 They also found some of these there...
I will remind you that there were millions of those coins still in circulation in German when I was there in 1966. It's not so amazing when you realize it was only twenty years after WWII. 

This is one funny fellow...

whenever u hear a creak at night, dont wory its nothimg scary! its just a reminder that somthing u think is solid like a house actualy moves

Notice the practice spits...
 I guess he could have used a hollow reed to spray the paint, but I think not. I think he just held some in his mouth and spit it out. And you can trust me because I have a master's degree.

How wonderful...
They say that that is the most copied painting in western art. I see no reason to doubt that.

I watched a clip on this huge rabbit and come to find out there is a whole species of them...

I like posting images of people screwing things up...
 I hope that it makes you feel less stupid about your mistakes.

After snapping a portrait of a volunteer subject, Brazilian artist Angélica Dass extracts a sample of 11x11 pixels of his or her face and matches it to the corresponding Pantone color. Humanæ is an ongoing art project that's attempting to chart the full spectrum of human skin tones.

 How fucking awesome was that?
Now look into these eyes...
 That man has stories, I will guarantee it.
I make fun of a lot of people...
I don't deal with rules very well as a rule...(?)...but if I do accept a rule's power over me I insist that it is universally applied.
These are two black people being very funny, dressing up like white girls.
If you change the formula you move the needle from very funny to very insulting...so insulting that you would get kicked out of school, fired from your job and/or receive death threats.
 I had a young white girl caution me about "talking black", as it would be insulting to black people. I had said "where he be at". I will not bore you with my counter-argument, but here is part of it.
The counter argument is that for a couple of hundred years white people did in fact hold a banner that said white power and that banner was the American flag.

The wear on the door — the missing paint — confuses me...
 More photography...

All these women want a 50 Shades of Grey lifestyle but can’t even take a finger in the butt.

Dont Google horses wearing jeans unless you have a good 12hrs to spare

The Gods must be crazy, paintings by F. Scott Hess

Wouldn't you like to know the ideas he came up with that he considered too weird to paint? Think about that. 

I have decided to move any mention of religion to below this section. That way if you wish you can ignore it. I don't want to force anyone to read what they don't want to read.

Words of Advice...

And in the "Things You Wouldn't Know If We Didn't Blog Intermittently" department, I offer you this one hour film. I know, I know, nobody has an hour to watch...I didn't watch it all. But you can skip forward and still get the effect. Here's the accompanying blurb:
In our terrestrial view of things, the speed of light seems incredibly fast. But as soon as you view it against the vast distances of the universe, it's unfortunately very slow. This animation illustrates, in realtime, the journey of a photon of light emitted from the surface of the sun and traveling across a portion of the solar system, from a human perspective.

I've taken liberties with certain things like the alignment of planets and asteroids, as well as ignoring the laws of relativity concerning what a photon actually "sees" or how time is experienced at the speed of light, but overall I've kept the size and distances of all the objects as accurate as possible. I also decided to end the animation just past Jupiter as I wanted to keep the running length below an hour.


1 comment:

Aaron said...

Good Morning, Ralph. Way I see it, people ought not behave badly. And authoritarianism is very bad behavior.

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