About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015


One Of My Very Own...

Question: Do you think a Jewish photographer should be forced under the penalty of law to take pictures at a Neo-Nazi wedding?

A Folio Olio'er from Europe and I have been in a discussion to get all international dates standardized. The most logical being YY/MM/DD, for various reason that I don't feel like sharing right now. What I do feel like sharing right now is the first paragraph of his last email. To wit:

"Thanks for reading my email. I am flattered that you, now a highly regarded world famous figure, is still willing to talk to one of the little people."

Seriously, this guy needs to talk to my wife.

Hearing the words “I missed you” from the right person is an amazing feeling.

Beauty doesn’t have a weight limit.

British soldiers liberated from a Japanese POW camp

You saw it first here, folks...

Guy has a lot of fun making these...

There is no excuse ladies...
Don't learn how to do it for your husband; do it for yourself. 

Notice how the furniture and rug match the mural. Nice. 

Have you guys forgiven the Catholic officials for letting known pedophiles off the hook? Well, I haven't. 

 Silent movies...
I watch old silent movies from time to time. The facial expressions are priceless. 

 And the same goes for size of family. Dense urbanites have far fewer babies.

Someone else who can do his job better than you can do yours...

Sarah McLachlan should do a commercial but instead of homeless pets in cages, people in cubicles.

George Mason University engineering students Seth Robertson and Viet Tran developed a way to extinguish fire with sound waves.

WASHINGTON (AP) — NASA is aiming to launch a rocket to an asteroid in five years and grab a boulder off of it — a stepping stone and training mission for an eventual trip sending humans to Mars.
The space agency Wednesday unveiled details of the $1.25 billion plan to launch a solar-powered unmanned spaceship to an asteroid in December 2020. The ship would spend about a year circling the large space rock and pluck a 13-foot boulder off its surface using robotic arms. It would have three to five opportunities to grab the rock, said Robert Lightfoot, NASA's associate administrator.
The smaller rock would be hauled near the moon and parked in orbit around the moon. Using a giant rocket ship and the Orion crew capsule that are still being developed, two astronauts would fly to the smaller rock in 2025 and start exploring. Astronauts aboard Orion would dock with the robotic ship, make spacewalks, climbing around the mini-asteroid to inspect and document, and even grab a piece to return to Earth.

 Bravery or Stupidity?

The onset of trust issues starts very young for some tots...

This is what almost always happens when a sober bouncer and a drunk patron get in a row...
Rolls him on his side so he doesn't drown in his own soon to be coming vomit. 

It is always a bad idea to watch porn in the same room as your parrot.

I forgot where this is, but it's an art gallery that takes prints of famous paintings and gives them elaborate relief so that blind people can understand their beauty...

Remember when we all thought quicksand would be a much bigger problem in life than it is? Well, I nominate sinkholes as a too long overlooked hazard...

An easy alternative to meditation is to just let yourself not care for a few hours…or days…or years.

Cumbrians are demanding the return of a crucial piece of England’s highest mountain, which an artist has admitted taking. Tourism bosses said they want Ecuadorian artist Oscar Santillan to give back the small stone taken from Scafell Pike. The rock features in an exhibition at the London gallery Copperfields, and is described by the exhibition organizers as the uppermost inch of the highest mountain in England.

Interesting graphic...

Look at the air bubbles...
Remember in Titanic Jack said that the sinking ship would "pull you under with it"? Well, that has to do with the air bubbles in the water. With enough bubbles the body, even with a flotation device, has zero buoyancy and sinks like a rock.

Here's a longer clip of that guy entering that cave...

Many times my greatest accomplishment is just keeping my mouth shut.


When the rich wage war, it’s the poor who die.

A writer does NOT have to tell the truth.

On this day in 1997, Heaven’s Gate

Clever girl...

Just legalize everything and let Darwin do the rest.


How some people deal with birth marks...
That is just great! 

I don't do crossfit, I cross "fit" off my list of goals. Way easier.

I've played this game!
Only our rules were slightly different.

Words Of Widsom...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Religious laws: What a load of crap. I don’t care what you believe. I only care that I’m not forced to believe like you do. If someone like Dan Cathy or the Atlanta fire chief shares his personal views, they are demonized and fired (in the case of the Fire Chief) for being intolerant. No one was every intolerant. Quite the opposite, when a “Christian” is asked and shares his/her personal views, they generally love all but will not condone all behavior. We need more people like this that have opposing views. “I don’t agree with your lifestyle, but I still love you.”

As opposed to those offended that they get to say and live like they want; but no one has their own right to a different view. Else they are labeled “intolerant.” These are the hypocrites. These are the intolerant. I heard it said that a religious person doesn’t want to stifle your freedoms of choice and thought, as it allows them the same freedom of choice and thought. In the USA today, this is not the case.

No one gives a damn which way you swing, as long as everyone has the right to their own opinion. So mind your own business America and get on with your own life. If someone disagrees with you, you may state your own opinion in this great country: but stop yelling personal insults at the other (they are not doing this).

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