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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015


One Of My Very Own...

There are those who claim that black people are just more lawless than other races. Pictures like this only strengthen their hand...

You know you're poor when you steal toilet paper...
This guy found the perfect way to get a stolen broom home undetected...

We say “hair” when referring to lots of it, but we say “hairs” when referring to a few.

Catching a rhino poacher.
It's hard for me to come up with an appropriate punishment.

Evolution will always be inevitable to the curious.

I think that's a camper trailer and the car is taken along to run around once it gets set up. The ramps under the car are used to get it down...I suppose.
But that looks like a mighty big truck for towing a trailer.

Another moon that can't look like that...
I first mentioned the stupidity of depicting the moon so wrongly as in the South Carolina flag.
I was given all sorts of advice about how it wasn't the moon at all, but a decorative military breastplate called a gorget.
But then someone has to explain South Carolina's flag of secession...
 I don't care what the apologists say, I say it's a botched moon. The authorities describe the state flag this way: White palmetto tree on an indigo field. The canton contains a white crescent.

Artist trying a little too hard...

Maybe…just maybe, Wilson was trapped on the island and Tom Hanks was his imaginary friend. And that, Gentle Reader, is why we take drugs.

This is the “i” in the middle of the word “hurricane.”

Did you know that this thing is exactly as wide as it is high?

I don’t know how to break this to you, but we can all smell that you own more than one cat without even opening the door.



Archeologists in Gdańsk, Poland were digging up a latrine recently when they discovered a well-preserved dildo in the shitter. It's made of bristle-filled leather and capped with a wooden tip. The dildo is also eight inches long, big enough to make most men say, "I never thought I'd be jealous of something found in an 18th century toilet."

One of the very few pictures of a cat I have ever posted...

Women could narrow the wage gap by changing majors from sociology, women’s studies and art history to, say, engineering.

Why oh why are there not more of these?

In what's being called a win-win for the environment and the production of renewable energy, researchers at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and the University of California, Berkeley, have achieved a major breakthrough in artificial photosynthesis.

The scientists have created a system that can capture carbon dioxide emissions before they're released into the atmosphere and convert them into fuels, pharmaceuticals, plastics, and other valuable products.

Heard about this?
It's a piece of Serbia that Serbia doesn't want, so some people claimed it and started their own country. You might want to look it up.

The game Fortune Catcher...it's kind of like a full contact video game...

These knives are so strong you'll only have to sharpen them once every 25 years. The surface is made from titanium-carbide making them 300 times stronger than normal knives. 

This miniature ecosystem has been thriving in an almost completely isolated state for more than forty years. It has been watered just once in that time. The original single spiderwort plant has grown and multiplied, putting out seedlings. As it has access to light, it continues to photosynthesize. The water builds up on the inside of the bottle and then rains back down on the plants in a miniature version of the water cycle. As leaves die, they fall off and rot at the bottom producing the carbon dioxide and nutrients required for more plants to grow.

This is magnificent. I mean that...the colors, the brush work...breathtakingly good...
Much to beautiful to be juxtaposed next to a garbage can.

I love human feet, especially women's feet. They are so beautiful...
They have evolved over millions of years to do exactly what we expect them to do...
It's a known fact that women are shorter than men...
I can understand using one of the foot's many design features to make yourself temporarily taller...
 But the foot was never designed to walk like that all day...
Enduring constant pain to fake greater height is just sick overcompensation. 
And high heels ARE very uncomfortable...
 And don't try to lie about it. I have been married to two women and upon occasion both have endured the torture only to return home and moan.
Seriously, do you think men would do that for any reason? No, we would not. Men take too much pride in their bodies to torture it day after day just because some magazine told them to.
And if that's not enough, the design of the shoes are destroying millions of women's feet...
Who would design something like that? A man, that's who. A man designed the awfulest of things to wear on one's foot and convinced women that they HAD to buy them under the penalty of being shunned by the fashionable, unthinking majority.
The human foot is not shaped like any of those shoes. The shoe forces the toes to mold to their shape, and most women think that's a great idea!
And what tragic consequences. Eventually the foot is permanently deformed to the shoe shape designed by some guy for the sole purpose of separating women from their hard earned money.
 Reminding me of the old foot binding in China...
And you don't have to take my word for it. Ask your doctor...
It should sicken any rational being...man or woman.
The next time you see a woman in high heels, look carefully at her foot, and ask yourself why she does it. Why would a human being voluntarily do something that not only causes pain, but harms her body...permanently!?
They do it because they are just too fucking...desperate. They are so malleable. There seems to be nothing they won't do if they think other women expect them to. And that costs money, time and respect.
Consider this. I think it's a safe bet to say that women are attacked by men more often than men are attacked by women.
But women by the million wear shoes that prohibit them from ever outrunning an assailant. Why? Because a man told them to. 
Hell, even I could outrun a woman who is stupid enough to wear these...
And think of all the broken bones and sprained joints caused by drains and soft lawns and such. A man would never wear anything so dangerous.
But the design of the shoe itself is dangerous just by putting it on the foot and attempting to walk normally.

Women all have done that; most many more times than once. And to avoid falling they resort to baby-like bullshit that prove to men that they deserve less money.
Now just for a moment I want you to imagine that you own a company and a woman and a man walk into your office and both ask for a raise. After BOTH men notice your feet hanging over your shoe and finally stop laughing, the man gets the raise. See how that works?
And please, ladies, don't tell me that what you wear on your feet has nothing to do with how well you do your job. If you waste your own money on dozens and dozens of shoes - shoes that ruin your feet - then any boss will be leery trusting you with his company's money.

I think women might just give such insane objects a try if...IF they enhanced another part of her body.
So now the truth comes out. Women have been persuaded that they have to wear such impossible footwear because otherwise their ass may not look attractive to men. 
And you want to pay people with decision making skills like that the same as a man?
May I offer an alternative...
Absolutely beautiful...and non-deforming or pain inducing.
 I'll leave you with this...
You might want to look at this more than once.
I look at every woman in high heels the way you are looking at that poor child.

This is rather appropriate.

 Woice of Visdom...

Eternity. That's infinity. Those people think they are going to live forever...an infinite number of years...long after the last star burns out and the last black hole does what black holes do.


Daniel Frank said...

The truck with the car on the catwalk is more than likely a retiree who is taking used or repossessed vehicles to an auction house,then drives the car back home

Rich Clarke said...

"Why would a human being voluntarily do something that not only causes pain, but harms her body...permanently!?...and that costs money, time and respect." Not much different than smoking, wouldn't you agree?

Ralph Henry said...

Rich, And that is why I made less money than most men so I went to work for myself. Foolishness can't be rewarded.

Ninja Grrrl said...

And all the foolishness that you have described women acquiescing to, is also rewarded, and not just financially. In this world, being sexually attractive is the power to be visible, even if for the wrong reasons. It buys you more chances than you are likely to have otherwise.

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