About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, April 30, 2015


One Of My Very Own...

"Porn watchers everywhere are being tracked, and if software engineer Brett Thomas is right, it would be easy to out them, along with an extensive list of every clip they’ve viewed."


The natural color image, acquired on April 25 by the Advanced Land Imager on NASA’s Earth Observing-1 satellite, shows Calbuco’s plume rising above the cloud deck over Chile.


Images from Baltimore that spoke to me...

This is the face of a man who thinks he might die. How much money do you think he deserves?

Get your medical marijuana card online. Yes, a quick web consultation and $95 will get you a doctor's letter of recommendation for medical marijuana in California.


This is called an offset cutter 

 I'm still not sure why its necessary.

 The United States Is Only 4 Presidents Old

When President Barack Obama was born in 1961, President Herbert Hoover was still alive. When President Hoover was born in 1874, President Andrew Johnson was still alive. When President Johnson was born in 1808, President John Adams—the second President and one of the original revolutionaries—was still alive.

Ran across this image on line...
 The first thing I noticed were they three holy molies toward the bottom right.
Then I remembered that someone left a comment a long long time ago asking about my "curtain" of shells. Well, here it is...

 Each of those shells have a hole...

What’s the difference between a lentil and a chickpea?

You wouldn’t pay $200 to have a lentil do it on your face.

Thomas Jefferson argued that because no generation has a right to bind subsequent generations, the Constitution should expire every 19 years.

This one time I punished all of humanity forever because this one woman ate an apple. – God

Remember that time I gave humans free will? WTF was I thinking? - God

Kids being kids...
My daughter suggested that the last one looks like a difficult shit that suddenly turns liquid. 
I've looked at that last one 50 times. Seriously. Look at those eyes!

My wife always laughs during sex no matter what she’s reading.

I need your help with something...
I found these completely illogical photos of homes built in the middle of a fucking desert...
Then I remembered watching a TV show of another city built in the desert whose city council forbid any plants that were not indigenous to that area...
 All the plants were cacti and such, but they didn't waste water...
Anybody know what US city that was?
Speaking of aerial photos of landscape, Egmont National Park in New Zealand with Mt. Taranaki at its center is seen in a Landsat 8 satellite image.

I wonder why the color shift.
And speaking of lawns, this guy grabbed the wrong sprayer...

At first I thought this was photoshopped...
But it's not...

A relatively cheap device that you put in your luggage and allows you to locate it even to the point of letting you know when it will drop down on the luggage carousel...

I want the Google self-driving car to have an “I’m Feeling Lucky” button that drives you to a random location.

What a wonderful sentence...

So, apparently some whine time is legit...

And in other sports news... 

And they keep posting images of art like this...
 And remember, it is oh so easy if you have a slide of what you want it to look like. Then you just wait for dark, project and trace. The trick is to work from front to back and refocus every time you move the ladders.

Sex is like an open book to me. I’ve replaced both with my computer.


The definition of insanity is repeating the definition of insanity over and over again.

 Word on the street...

I have no idea who this is, but it is a rather strange image...
 She looks like she (or someone) shoved something up her ass and she couldn't get it out. Like a bowling pin.


One of the best things in life is seeing a smile on a person’s face and knowing that you put it there. I mean that.

Women seem to really like showing the world their breasts. Well, to be precise, "part" of their breasts...
 Some show a little more than others, but as a rule they expose between 10 and 25%...
 50% seems to be the maximum range...

They think this is a wonderful thing and agree with this nice lady...
If we put such things up for a vote, I would vote for something like this...
Or this... 

But the reason women are considered irrationally sensitive, thus less deserving of greater wealth, is that once they have hung the girls out there to be admired, they get angry...ANGRY when they catch a man looking at them. That is not only illogical, it is just plain fucking mean.
Now imagine a man standing around with, say, magnificent six pack abs and then chastising any woman who dared glance down at them.

But women aren't satisfied to show their natural breasts. They want to show breast that are forever being modified in hopes of making them more...appealing. The device of choice, of course, is the bra, in all its limitless manifestations.
 There are bras to solve any real or imaginary problem a breast may have...
Take a look at these next two young ladies and tell me they deserve to make as much money as a man...
There are bras that push-up, lengthen, fatten, shorten, etc any kind of breast there is. And no woman has ever been born who is completely satisfied with the breasts her genes dealt her.
And, just like high heels, bras are uncomfortable...
When asked the favorite part of their days, many women confess that removing their bra is at the top of the list... 

Now think about working with a person whose shoes are not only deforming their feet (and which any normal person would deduce put them in a bit of a snit), but also who wore a special tight garment strapped around their body...a garment they can't wait to take off because it too is uncomfortable! Now I will bet that in that scenario none of you thought of a man. A man is too smart to put up with such non-sense. We ONLY spend money for an article of clothing that is MORE comfortable than the one that just wore out and had to be replaced.
And I don't even want to address the breast augmentation surgery boondaggle. That is just too insane for intelligent discourse, but it's just another example how easy it is to separate a woman from her money.
And that is just another reason men make more money.

NOTE: I predict comments. But we need to get some rules set concerning the expected whining. First, any example of a man you know at work who, say, wore cowboy boots with elevated heels, or a man who dressed like Batman or any of the other weird ass shit some men do does not apply to this discussion. We are talking about the vast majority of workers and trying to balance the scales of insanity between ALL women on one side and A guy or two on the other just doesn't balance.

But trust me when I say I am confused. I look at my hyper-intelligent, beautiful dermatologist walking around in her high-heels and I sigh. I just don't get it. Is it impossible for a woman to think: I am this tall; my butt looks like this; my breasts look like this; and I am okay with that? It's almost like an epidemic of self-loathing that requires body deforming gadgets to rectify...gadgets designed mostly by men. Jeez.


Spider Borland said...

Well, I think you're complaining about women doing these things because they believe men find it desirable, and we have created a society that for a woman to be taken seriously, they must be desirable.

I think the best example of this is tipping. Attractive women get tipped more. Flirty women get tipped more. Well... by men, at least. You might say that you don't tip attractive/flirty waitresses more than others, but you're not the norm.

I don't disagree with you that bras and makeup and heels are ridiculous, but saying that's why they deserve less pay is pretty offensive.

Men don't have the attractiveness standards as women. In our society, women have to be hot. Men don't have to. Heck, just the other day, I read an article about why women prefer "Dad Bod." Suddenly being a moderately overweight male is desirable.

The country is controlled by men. It just is. Sexism is a thing, and it's so much more than "women are inferior." Since men are in charge, women have to live up to standards to even be seen as valid.

Oddly enough, the lady on the gurney is Amy Schumer who's been making a name for herself recently as a female comic.

Ralph Henry said...

Everything you said is, of course, true, but it's not funny. Women ALLOW themselves to be manipulated to the point of ridiculousness and for this they are suspect.

Robin said...

Could the city you were hearing about have been Scottsdale, Arizona?


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