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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, May 1, 2015

FRIDAY #2332

One Of My Very Own…

From Nepal...
That's their idea of traction.

I’m still waiting on that Chuckie/Toy Story crossover.

3-year-old without feet given puppy with no paw...

35,000 walruses, Point Lay, Alaska.

‘Kinetoscope’, A 360-Degree Mural Inside an Abandoned Water Tank in Slab City, CA

 The kiddies' video game that actually has a pay off...
 I admit I love packing with the optimal unwasted space...
And some people even make art with the skill...

I was asked the secret to a happy marriage. I said, “Clean your balls regularly.”

 Water canon versus flame thrower...
 I wonder why there is so much water pooled around.

When I read that the burglars at the Hatton Garden vault robbery had gone through a concrete wall, I imagined men with sledgehammers. 
 Not if you have one of these...
 20" of concrete...
Probably an inside job cause they knew which boxes to rifle...

Last week my wife forgot to meet me for lunch because she was taking an online personality quiz to find out what fruit she was.

 Oh, look, somebody went to engineering school...

 This is why there was water everywhere on the first clip...
Their first takes were disasters.

This is why white kids shoot up schools…

From a site I visit regularly:

"The Whackyweedia reports that after the Tibetan diaspora, skull hand-drums began to be manufactured in India and Nepal, with a continued degradation of quality. Mass-tourism merchandise spoils everything."

Once I told my wife I wanted to try anal and she said “if you want to have sex with an asshole, go fuck yourself.”


Reading the bible has been proven to be the leading cause of atheism. 


At first I thought these were buttons...
 Then I thought it was computer generated...
 Then I saw a close up...
All by Gavin Rain...a very talented, and patient young man.

Is it just me or is he going much, much too fast for such a daring move...

Sorry we keep getting into fights about things you are always wrong about. – My wife


Being attracted to your own flaccid penis would be the worst fetish ever.

Okay, look carefully...
I will admit that I think women with proper make-up are more attractive. However, that doesn't mean that it's rational. For the time and the money spent on the chemical enhancement, your improvement is only slight.

But looking good or not looking good is no basis for determining how much a person can be trusted or the amount of money one deserves. But being easily manipulated is.
Women have been brainwashed into thinking that not only must they paint their faces...
...but that the face must be painted in the exact correct, approved method.
The latest trend I've noticed are things called "Wings", or a pointy turn-up on the outside of the eye drawn with a special pencil. 
I have departed a bar on one night when none of the female staff had wings only to return twenty-four hours later when every single one of them had wings. Trends travel fast.
 Some people were better at it than others.
Then there are the eye brows, and I don't know about you but as an eyebrow watcher for a long time, I find them a source of great amusement...even when it's done "right"...
 The brow is made of hair...by definition...
 But showing the hair is now old fashion...
 Now women think it looks better if it looks like it was applied in some sort of screen printing technique. Think about that.
Now it's not enough to shape or darken, now it must look like something that is not even remotely natural.
But that won't last. As soon as the men who own the magazines tell you to, you will change direction like a herd of gnus frightened by a clap of thunder.
Maybe next year it will be feathers...
What's sad is that millions of women would not utter a single protest. They would run, not walk, to the store to buy whatever feather that the man told them to buy.
Before we move on to women's' lips, let's consider this...
I know some men wear make-up, but you know and I know you know, we are not discussing those men. We are discussing the average working girl who is so easily manipulated that she would do the eye treatment below if it were declared the new "in" thing.
And I'm serious. Women would most surely do this if every woman in the magazines and all the people with a voice told her to.
You think women wouldn't do that? If Cosmo and all those other magazines came out and told them to, then they would surely do it. When was the last fashion shift that women collectively said no? Never, that's when.
 So how did this become unattractive...
And this became more attractive...

Well, it starts early...
Now look at that last child's eyelashes.
Who decided this was a good idea?

And there are plenty of things that can and do go hilariously wrong... 

The mask is not in question, it's just a matter of what it's made of...paint or rubber.
Being very easily manipulated says a lot about a person. It says that they think life is one big beauty contest with ever shifting rules that must be mastered at each turn. Women are on a constant quest to keep up with fads instead of initiating them herself. While her male counterpart is at his desk boning up on the Johnson account, she is in front of a mirror perfecting her face to the newest "look". That saddens me.

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