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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, May 8, 2015

FRIDAY #2337

One Of My Very Own...

Music to scroll by:

Beavers started construction on a 2,790-foot-long dam in Canada in 1975, but it was only discovered by researchers using Google Earth in October 2007.


Flakka - increasingly popular synthetic designer drug. Also known as gravel and readily available for $5 or less a vial, sold in a crystal form and is often smoked using electronic cigarettes. Mostly makes you go insane and run around naked.


Speed cameras are owned and operated by Gatso USA on city’s behalf. The firm gets $25 from every $75 fine.



 Notice doorways more or less surviving.
The earthquake knocked over trees. Can't say I've ever seen that before.

Why you have to be carefully with aid distribution. Desperate people do desperate things.

The parents never gave up...
 How very, very sad...

A humanoid robot named “Yangyang”
She's supposed to have dozens of facial expressions.

Back in 1961, the U.S. Navy built a bowling alley at McMurdo Station, a United States research center in Antarctica. The two-lane alley featured a Brunswick manual pinset system, which required pinsetters to clear fallen pins and place new pins by hand. The world’s southernmost bowling alley served the station’s scientists and staff for nearly 50 years. It was dismantled in 2009 due to decades of wear on the alley and the alley building.
 So you come home and brag about your months in Antarctica and someone asks what you did there...
Question: Do you think some scientist did that just to be a nice guy, or is it a cook or some other menial worker? And do you think just maybe that was his only job? But on the plus side, he does look well fed.

Mini Bike Powered by a Cordless Drill.
You can see the brown drill in the middle. 

I found this very funny.


 This is cool and all, but I can't imagine transporting that device into the woods...
Further, if I'm hauling meat into the wild, I'll be damned if  I'm taking ribs with 80% waste.

 Why fat people don't handle the bull transport...
And why in the name of sanity does is the door designed so that him opening it is even possible. Wouldn't you think that Bull Can Not Open Door would be design specification number one?

Speaking of foreigners, Enzo Ferrari was a simple man with simple wishes...
Crude, but simple wishes.

Lightning Traveling Down A Water Spout

Oh look, I found a big bolt...
 Did you catch the kid's face at the last second?

Superfast quadcopter - clocked at 85mph...

Imagine a future in which these things are weaponized

 Here's the full clip with sound. The speed is very impressive.
Now imagine a thousand of those sweeping in to a city, each with a half pound of C4. Or worse, a half pound of accellerant to cause a thousand fires, probably resulting in a fire storm that consumes a whole city.

Earplugs that clip together so they don't tangle...

HemoLink, New Medical Device That Uses Vacuum Pressure Instead of Needles For Blood Sample Gathering at Home

There aren't enough rap songs about touring wine country.

That face.
Welcome to the real world, kid.

If you don't think this happens all the time...
Then you are sorely mistaken.

This view of two zebras...
 ...kind of reminded me of this...
But maybe that's just me.

You can tell a lot about a person by the way they wipe their ass when they think no one is looking.

Get it? It's a.....................................CELL WALL!

I don't like to brag, but I thought that last little comment about wiping your ass very, very funny.

Armageddon happened yesterday. Today things got serious.

 Anything less than immortality is a complete waste of time.

Researchers at Greece's University of Patras built an algorithm that can determine with 90 percent accuracy whether a person is drunk or not based on an infrared image of his or her face. The neural network's biggest clue is the temperature of the subject's forehead, and it doesn't need to see you sober to make the call. 
The image above right is the subject when drunk. 
Being from the South, I immediately thought that it was due to crushing the beer can on your forehead.

 You don't walk out of a Rolling Stone concert thinking how old they look. Quite the reverse...

Concerning the damage inflicted on women by advertising, a viewer sent me this: "90% of men think their dicks are smaller than average."

Counting down the days until our roadtrip...

[Shipwreck Diary] Day 2: it’s been almost a week— David Hughes (@david8hughes) April 27, 2015

If by yes...

The other day the cashier at Trader Joe's forgot to say 'I love these!' to one of my items.

Imagine walking around like this...with a smile on your face...
All so her butt looks better.

Doctor hammers out an intramedullary nail...
 This is what he's removing...
I would have thought there would be a low pay scale "hammer guy" to do that.


You shouldn’t make fun of fat people. They have too much on their plate already.

Here are some facts for you to mull:

- 40 per cent of people in Boston have no religion at all

- 17 per cent Mass attendance

- Nineteen percent of Saudis think of themselves as “not a religious person.”

1 comment:

william said...

The Antarctica bowling lanes look strikingly like the one filmed in "There Will Be Blood". Also, I love ribs..... but paying 20 bucks to NOT be full has always made me abstain from purchasing them, I don't care how tasty they are made

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