About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, May 7, 2015


One Of My Very Own...

I won every bet taking Barcelona over Bayern-Munich.
 Messi, arguably the best player to ever play the game, scored two goals late to insure the win.
I don't know if anybody can beat them.

Designer Mark Sturkenboom's "21 Grams" is a glass dildo containing the ashes of a dead person.
How to tell if you have more money than you deserve.


Most psychologists treat the mind as disembodied, a phenomenon with little or no connection to the physical body. Conversely physicians treat the body with no regard to the mind or the emotions. But the body and mind are not separate, and we cannot treat one without the other.


This is why they suggest you get in a door frame during an earthquake...

Bizarre KFC commercial.

There is a computer program that will do this for you...

 I'll let this speak for itself.
He must not be from around here.

It's hard to explain, but I now have another human being to think about every single day...a human being that did not exist a few months ago.

Military researchers at DARPA have been developing ammunition which can change its path in mid-air to ensure it always hits its target. Now, it can even correct itself mid-flight to hit a moving target.

Buckminster Fuller’s Dymaxion Car
It really is a fascinating story. Here's the link that explains:
Did you notice it only has three wheels?

The Original Axe Body Spray

Pennsylvania high school student Collin Burns broke the Rubik's Cube world record when he solved the puzzle in 5.25 seconds. Beat 2013 record by .3 seconds.

A professor at some university asked dozens of men to draw "the perfect vagina," and come to find out, they had no idea what it looks like....None.
I told that to my bartender and she countered with, "Hell, I don't even know what mine looks like!" 

Night Photos of Los Angeles as Seen From a Helicopter
 It never explained why the streets were different colors...

180-pound NASA telephoto camera lens on eBay

This 2540mm f/8 Jonel 100 lens is your for $33,500 plus shipping. The owner says the original cost of the lens was "a family home."

I watched a foreign film and the subtitles drove me nuts...

How many millionaires do you know who have become wealthy by investing in savings accounts? I rest my case.

 People were offered money if they could ride that bike for 10 feet. Notice that the handle bars are weird. When you turn the bars to the right, the wheel turns to the left and the brain simply can't deal with that. You can find it on this delightful website.

My favoritest thing to do is sleep.

Ever wondered what cancer looks like?

Killer T cells engaging a cancer cell
You go boy.

I don’t need fun to have drugs.

(Note: I have said that many times in the last few days and only half the people even get it. I think they think I fucked it up because I'm old.)

I’ve noticed that when all is said and done, somebody is always still talking.

Opera houses...

See anything odd?

"Cry if you want to", by Tomoyoshi Sakamoto
You might want to look up some more of this artist's stuff. Very strange.

If a girl tells you that she has a nipple ring, the correct response is: I don’t believe you.

I’m not old. I’ve just been young for a very long time.

High winds blew train cars and shipping containers off an Elmwood, Louisiana bridge

No one was hurt. Amazing.


The first rule of mime club…

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