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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, May 22, 2015

FRIDAY #2351

One Of My Very Own...

After Gulf War One and Two, why are we surprised that the Iraqi army can’t fight? Remember them surrendering by the tens of thousands?

VARNISH: adj. Like a varn, but not quite.

I think this is absolutely true.

JoS A. Banks: Buy one suit, get three more free.

Think about that a moment.

This is pretty cool...

 "Crisco Candle for emergency situations. Simply put a piece of string in a tub of shortening, and it will burn for up to 45 days."

I'm just guessing but I think "string" is too loose a term. I think it has to be cotton and of a rather thick mil. Also, I would melt the Crisco and pour it in a clear glass vase for obvious reasons.

Did you use your own fingers to make some of those letters from that unique font alphabet above? I did. The G was a little weird.

 Rothko masterpiece sold for $46.5 million

Just sayin'.

A human being did this with a paintbrush...

There are hundreds of these lookalike images like this on line...

Want to guess who this is...
A young Queen Elizabeth...right after she gave her first hand job to a human man. 

An Alaskan bush pilot participating in a short take off short landing competition. The entire air strip could be shorter than a semi truck trailer.

Am I the only one who in a pinch has taken the bag out of a box of wine and used it as a pillow?

 Aussie girl's tea party...

Meanwhile in America...

Florida is the Australia of America.

Then there are people who actually OWN snakes...

And with ownership they have to PAY to have things removed after the stupid bastards swallow stuff we all just leave laying around...
Then there are the people who allow these crazy bastards into their homes...

I've shown this poor woman's picture before, but the gif makes her look demonically possessed...
The first time I was on TV I almost froze. I didn't hear a word of my host's introduction and when I realized he had asked me a question, I just winged it.

Kurdish fighters gather weapons they captured from Islamic State fighters.
My daughter spend some time with the Kurds in Northern Iraq when she was in the military. Those somebitches don't fuck around.
I'm not sure if being trained as a warrior from birth decreases the chances of PTSD or Shell Shock, but probably it does, since you see death and suffering all your life...
But I never lose sleep over soldiers who suffer. They did volunteer after all.
I do lose sleep over the innocent civilians, especially children.

I try not to treat people like idiots just because they are stupid.

I couldn't agree more and would gladly help fund such a venture.

You know what pisses me off? Cyclist who want to be treated like automobiles...

…but refuse to make "vroom, vroom" noises.

Does it count as saving someone’s life if you refrain from killing them?

"Honey, Harold walked 6 thousand miles yesterday."

Vietnam's soccer team...

I find it hilarious that Nguyen isn't the captain

I came upon this image and immediately discerned that the rollers are useless. But they are, in fact, very necessary.
Want to try to figure that out without scrolling to the next image?
The seat gives and to do so, the legs must move smoothly on the rollers...

Zooming out of the most recent image of the Andromeda galaxy, more than 60,000 light years across, shows more than 100 million stars.
Okay, here's the way I have it figured. We humans are so arrogant that we once "knew" that the Earth was the center of the universe. Then when proven wrong we "knew" the sun was the center. This went on and on until there are some people who think this universe is the only one...because, by god, we happen to live here so it MUST be special. Poppycock.

 A year of earthquakes.

Amazing. But there was no explanation of what the green areas indicated. And did you notice the dot in Iceland just staying lit half the time. What's up with that?
Anybody want to opine what the greenish color could be?

Just look at the expression on his face as he tries to explain why she must wear that outfit...

I invented a new perfume – chloroform. My wife said it smells like a sore asshole.

Speaking of...
Now, ladies, can you at least GUESS why you make less money than men?

Don’t underestimate the seductive power of a decent vocabulary.

Another god bites the dust...
So, let's suppose you sit with an all-knowing being from, say, another universe, and he asks you: "So, as a typical representative of humans, do you believe in the first god?" he pauses to leaf through a manual, "The harvest god of Blahblah?"
You say, "Of course not."
He then continues through, the second god, third and all the way to the 44,476th name: Jesus.
"Yes, YES, that's the one I believe in," you chirp gleefully.
"Well, how about god number 44,477?" "Nope"
"How about 44,478th?" "Nope."
And for such absurdity people are beheaded.

An Antarctic ice shelf that has existed for at least 10,000 years is quickly weakening and likely to disintegrate completely before the end of the decade. Ice shelves are the gatekeepers for glaciers flowing from Antarctica toward the ocean. Without them, glacial ice enters the ocean faster and accelerates the pace of global sea level rise.

This looks exactly like my wife when her snack got hung up in the vending machine after she finally badgered me into stopping at a rest area.

Building additional roads does not reduce traffic congestion, due to the fact that access to more roads tends to increase the number of drivers.

I love how everyone loves democracy until their party loses, then it's the worst thing ever and somehow the other guys cheated to win.


The next time you get in a discussion with a true believer, get them to tell you everything they know about the Devil. You will find it amusing, I assure you. Don't forget to ask them why an all powerful god lets him exist.


Colin said...

Crisco Candle....
Any fat will do, the big problem is finding something to use as a wick. It's amazing how plastics have replaced organic fibres...and finding out the hard way leaves a really nasty stink.

What I really wanted to do was congratulate you on finding that chair on rollers.
Fucking Wonderfull.
Can you spot the BIG problem with it?

Ralph Henry said...

Yeah, I'm thinking it will pinch the crap out of your ass.

Steve said...

The map appears to highlight global population density.

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