About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, May 21, 2015


One Of My Very Own...

A wonderful tune for a wonderful Thursday...

This is my nephew's first jar of honey and he is very proud of it, as he should be...
One of the things I learned is that he let's the bees clean up his mess. He just put it all on his porch and the bees come and "lick it clean".
The black dots are the bees...

If you don't understand absurdity, you might want to bone up...

I would like begins today's observations with one of the funniest animal clips I have ever seen...
Apparently he is used to playing the game, but then the human cheated and he just can't believe it. And clips like that is why I have this blog. I watched it dozens of times.
Other noteworthy animal tidbits...

With Colombia's president Juan Manuel Santos banning use of controversial herbicides to eradicate coca crops, the president of the Quindio Botanical Garden proposed that an army of Cocaine Tussock Moths (Eloria noyesi) could be enlisted to destroy the coca by eating it.
What could possibly go wrong?

Vantablack is a new material that absorbs 99.965% of visible light, the blackest material known. It is so dark that the eye has difficulty understanding what it is seeing.
Notice that the black paint is on a crinkled surface and we can see not a wit.

You know, when I see an image like this...
The first question I ask is how many Subways are there in America?
With Subway...
Without Subway...
I think the reason there are so many Subways is that one or two people can run the place and the stores are relatively small.
Speaking of...

The district attorney has notified a McDonalds that it is “legally on the hook” for the drug dealing, fisticuffs, car break-ins, and other illegal activity at its Haight-Ashbury location.

Should I take something for my kleptomania?

Other food matters...

"Whoth youth gonna call ?"

Bacon wrapped pineapple stuffed with boneless ribs (AKA Swineapple)
Boneless ribs? Isn't that like...pork?


Here's some stats I ran across...
Nothing too surprising there.
Now read these...
First of all, can we agree that "more than half" and "52%" is basically the same thing? The stat about vibrators is misleading, since most of the world doesn't have access to them. But am I to believe that only half of women touch themselves? Preposterous.  
 That ain't funny.

 I've known several women who fucked 
their professors for a good grade.
 Men can't do that. Maybe that's another 
reason they deserve more money.

Moving on....

I can remember when you could go to jail for being a queer. Now I personally know dozens.

I have no idea what that means. 

I was going to the gym but this beer just said, “No, no, you look great.”

 Cop sprays handcuffed youth...
Sadistic bastard.

Ironically I’m watching an exercise infomercial because I am too lazy to get up and get the remote.

When I was a teenager my friends would pressure me into doing things like drinking and smoking. Now my friends pressure me into doing stuff like hiking.

America's deadliest jobs
1. Fishers
2. Loggers
3. Aircraft pilots
4. Misc. extraction workers
5. Iron and steel workers
6. Roofers
7. Garbage collectors
8. Farmers and ranchers
9. Driver/sales workers and truck drivers
10. Power-line installers and repairers

This is not a bread knife, it's a sandwich knife...

This sure tightened up my ass hole...

 Tree burning from a lightning strike.

 Is nothing safe anymore?
 Chloe McClendon worked for a State Department contractor, and conspired with two others to steal the identities of passport applicants by photographing their applications while processing them.

 My guess is that the states with the most have the better drug policy on insurances.

This robot is sewing a patch of skin back on a grape without tearing the skin...
 And each stitched is knotted like a pro...
 And when all done it snips off the excessive string.

 Two scavengers eyeing each other...

That yellow dot toward the bottom right is a tent...

Kid sees pay phone for first time: WTF?

Observations from afar...
You know, it occurred to me that Protestant Christians have it way too easy.

They don't have to follow any of the dietary laws in the bible. They get to ignore all the rules about women covering their head and stuff. They don't have to wear any weird clothes...like magic underwear or beanies. They don't have to pray ten times a day, or wash their feet, or light candles, or..........oh, hell, they don't have to DO ANYTHING! It is the lazy man's religion.

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