About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015


One Of My Very Own...

The US graduating college class of 2015 has more debt than any other class in history.
And that is a disgrace.

Some Russian soldiers are quitting the army because of the conflict in Ukraine, several soldiers and human rights activists have told Reuters. Their accounts call into question the Kremlin's continued assertions that no Russian soldiers have been sent to Ukraine, and that any Russians fighting alongside rebels there are volunteers.


The road to hell is paved with dick pics.

Students dressed as a person from a book. Brilliant.

Photo from space. In my opinion this is exactly like finding Jesus on a taco, etc.

The Badlands Guardian in Alberta was completely unknown before it was spotted on Google earth and a competition was launched to choose its name
(is it just me or does he look like he's wearing earbuds)

There are many people (teachers I taught with) that think autism is used just to mask an asshole kid who needs some discipline.
 And I don't mean ALL autism kids for Christ's sake.

Have you ever heard of a "light day" before?
I like the phrase "Modern Universe." But, remember, I'm a multi-universe guy.

This woman is forcibly shaved for fucking a German while he occupied Paris.
During war wouldn't you, or me, do whatever we had to do to survive? 

And they say white people can’t dance?

I’ll never forget the moment I realized I would never strike bubblin’ crude while shootin’ at some food.

Look at these magnificent bastards...
I gamble. There are people who would not bet on Mayweather because...get this...he's an asshole. Others won't bet on Barcelona because they don't like the guy who bites people. I hate to break it to you, but the 'Who Wins And Who Loses God' doesn't give a shit about who's an asshole or who manages not to bite people. Fools.
The numbers speak for themselves.

If I touch my phone in the right places pizza will show up at my front door.

He’s must be new at this.

Ouch. Placement. It's called Placement.

Here's a reminder of yesterday's puzzle.
The best way to visualize it is this...
 By cutting the tube you get this...
How simple. 
Yeah, I missed it too.


Surfers and their surfing boards – 1922
 Pablo Picasso and Françoise Gilot – 1948
She was also an artist.

If you can't remember what a confident woman looks like, take a long look at her face.
Claude Monet in Venice – 1908

The underground V1 Rocket site after Ally bombing. Didn't ever slow them down.
As a matter of fact, after the bombing started, Germany's war manufacturing output increased. Yeah, go figure. 
And on a related story, the Americans and Brits were amazed that bombing didn't cause the German people to panic or "break their morale." But the German bombing of London only hardened the Brit's resolve. So, why would the Brits think that Germans would fold under the pressure?

World's oldest complete deck of cards, circa 15th century
Question: Supposing the suits are hearts, clubs, etc, how do you tell the suits of the top face cards?

We can buy movie glass pretty damn cheap.
 12 special effects breakaway bottles is $150 from Amazon and includes such look-a-likes as Beerweiser and Snirmoff

Made of sugar and corn syrup, kind of like peanut brittle.

90 percent of Nepal heritage sites have been destroyed.
Do you think the guy in the wagon on the right lived? 

I have asked hundreds of young people if they have Netflix and have yet to find one who is not. I am on it and love it. Here are some facts I didn't know.

And this is supposed to be true! And I see no reason that it is not.
Now remember the guy I posted a few months ago who has two dicks...TRUE! 
Now let your imagination wonder about these to people having a chance meeting...say in a bar on "show off your genitals night".

Here's a photo from space of Meteor Crater. The arrow indicates the exact location on the road where I tagged a road marker several years ago.

Michelangelo seems like a genius until you realize he spent hours of his life carving a dude's pubes out of marble.

 "Art" (?) made by dipping snails in food coloring...

Irish farm stone walls. Did any of you non-Irish know you could see through them?

 Wow! Does this look staged to you?

Here's why I find this worth posting...
Statistically speaking, NOBODY in America goes the speed limit. When they set the speed limit at 70 they KNOW we will all drive 75 or more. I don't want to sound paranoid, but it could be that at any time, any person could have their travels interrupted and vehicle searched.

Animals who do things that will make you shit your pants.
Please, one of you smart people explain that devilment to me! 

If I’ve learned anything in my life it’s if on a first date a girl asked you if you have any fetish, DO NOT say the first thing that pops into your mind.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here is the info on that fascinating worm. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nemertea


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