About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015


One Of My Very Own...
My mother-in-law, who can't remember who her own children are, sang this song the other day. I found that remarkable.

I wonder if anyone on the international space station has joined the 249 mile high club.

I bet money on my dream team, Barcelona, to beat Bayern Munich and got beat, 3-2 today. That's why it's called gambling, boys and girls. 
I haven't broken anything yet, but I'm still looking for something precious....Preferably alive...and belonging to a neighbor.

A bike rack in London...

He might not know this, but I think he's actually the new King of England.

From England: I voted for the Green Party. It’s exactly the same as not voting except everyone call you a fag.

Speaking of... 

Another English thing:  Ironic that voting Green probably amounts to wasting paper.

Medal of Honor recipient Kyle Carpenter... 
 ...standing in front of a 9/11 mural I managed.

Kind of ironic isn't it? But what with the emotions of that week, I went along with the flow.

And, yes; we are that arrogant.

Artist who really likes messing with bananas...

In the South there is no such thing as an over-powered boat...

We eat real good in the South…
 Most people don't know it, but the trick to cooking outside is drinking...
 Who else but a drunk guy would continue cooking outside when it starts raining?
Or snowing! (notice keg)
 And of course someone ALWAYS passes out...
And then we invent games involving the comatose body.
 And a good time was had by all.

Travis Louie's "Archive of Lost Species" paintings:

We’re missing out on the world around us because we’re all so focused on what’s happening in the world inside our phones. 

A typical red-painted Soviet-era wall board with red fire buckets and shovel. 
Question: Why are the buckets are pointed? There is a very good answer. I'll tell you later. 

Well, what have we here?
My guess is that this was created the day after they invented beer. 

The indigenous people of East Greenland made this sort of underwear, known as naatsit, by sewing strips of seal pelt together using a thread of reindeer or whale sinew. 


The buckets were pointed so that nobody would steal them, since they could not be used for anything else.

13 billion light-years from Earth in the constellation Bootes has set a record as the most distant galaxy ever observed. Seen only 670 million years after the Big Bang


One of the saddest things I've ever seen...
 Speaking of wild animals, can you find each animal in the picture's below...
 Giraffe on right, leopard on bottom right.
This one's rather straight up...

 We all have friends like this...

1/4 of cars cause 9/10 of pollution...
 It has to do with tuning. So the poor cause global warming.


 The clip then moved the one on the far left to the far right.

In the shopping district where my wife and I spend so much time, there is a crazy man named Frank. He stands outside this apartment building and talks to himself all day every day.
 Well, the other day the fire department had to be called to get a young man out of an elevator. He had been trapped in there for five (5) hours....WITH FRANK!
I would have gone completely insane.

See anything odd about this?

When bald people wash their face, how far up do they go?

Every woman’s fitness goal should be to weigh what she told the DMV she weighed.

 STuff to wRite doWn...

But think about it. What kind of a genius does it take to figure out that a god who fucks a 6 year old girl is a bad idea.
"Oh, but he had a flying horse!" Sorry, still coming up short.
Unlike the Christian and Jewish god who drowned every six year old girl on the planet because their parents pissed him off.

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