About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015


One Of My Very Own...

Did you hear about this poor bastard?

Well-known BASE jumper Dean Potter and flight partner Graham Hunt died Saturday during a leap in Yosemite National Park.

After attempting a wingsuit flight from 7,500-foot Taft Point, their spotter heard "sounds that could have been impacts or could have been the noises made by parachutes snapping open," and was unable to contact them thereafter.
(all that just for our amusement)

I will predict Brady will get zero games suspended.

If the wife and I are arguing and she says, "You know what..." that argument is about to get awesome.

That guy almost fell face first into a chainsaw. Why didn't he just let go? 

That this little guy made it does not surprise me. I just think about how much guts it took him to try it the first time.

This could have ended so very, very badly...

Is there anything more capitalist than a peanut with a top hat, cane, and monocle selling you other peanuts to eat?

7 Course Irish Meal:

6 Pints & a Potato

I have a young friend who did exactly that less than a week ago. He told me that it wasn't his fault because his phone alarm didn't go off. I told him that there were 10s of thousands of people who managed to awaken on time and that no matter how you try to twist it, it was, in fact, his own fault. 

 When you are poor, you do what you gotta do...

If you think about it just the right way, breakfast in bed is just practice for when they put you in a home.

 He hasn't a clue...

Two guys in jet packs...
I know you've all seen that, it was all over the news. What I found interesting is that the power pack only lasts 15 or so minutes. But who in their right mind would want to be  low to the ground when it stopped? So low that the parachute didn't have time to open.
(now go back and read that news item at the beginning)

Oh, look, Japanese being Japanese...

I wonder how many Americans have any idea what this means...
 I would say less than 10%. I'm going to do some experimenting and will get back to you.

Movie diagrams that I found very clever...

Did you know that Joe Montana and his brother have more Super Bowl wins than the Manning Brothers?

Saw this waste...
 And thought of this...
Millions and millions of people spend hours each day doing this. I chose to live next to where I work. I just wish more people could do that. Anyway, Lee Iacocca once asked, "How much clean air do you really want?" The kicker is that there is a trade off for everything. With no automobiles, no electricity, etc, our air would be pristine, but who would want that?

These people are married to Jesus. Think about that.
And once a week they eat...EAT part of his body with no guarantee what part of his body it came from. Could be that little piece of skin between a toe. Could be a tear duct. Could be the very tip of the nose...with the zit. They have no idea. I have no idea. But one thing I do know is that every single one of you people thought I was going to squeeze in a dick job. Must I continue to prove my maturity over and over?

Feel guilty yet? How about this one...

Snoop Dogg thinks Game of Thrones is true history.

I want to meet this motherfucker...

I ran across these very confusing illustrations and thought I would share...

Cats always look at me like they’re waiting for an apology.

 My little problem solver...

How nice.

I don’t always give my wife an orgasm, but when I do she spits it out.

Good handjob tips:

1)   Put your mouth on it

If you are arguing with a woman and she says “Wow”…run.

Librarian is now Information Management Specialist.

Maturity is so subjective, don't you think?

Okay that makes it complete. There is NOTHING a woman won't do for a man with a camera...

Case Ma'Claim brings new pieces to the streets of Los Angeles

There was a whole article about placing these placebo buttons around to make people think they have control over their environment...
 I sincerely believe that is the exact same thing religion does for people...

If you can read but still watch the Kardashians please donate your unused literacy to someone who might use it.


And lastly and sadly...
This is sweet Katie, my bartender for enough years to get her degrees.
She is a delight and now she is moving on to bigger and better things. I will miss her very much.

1 comment:

Colin said...

"placebo buttons around to make people think they have control over their environment"

What about when things get serious...?


Blind faith.....
Who is kidding whom?

It's clear who pays!

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