About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015


One Of My Very Own...
 I Can Do Better Than That...

One of the the biggest debt collectors in the United States was ordered to pay Maria Guadalupe Mejia $83 million for "maliciously" suing her for a $1000 credit card debt that she didn't owe. The debt was actually owed by a man with a similar-sounding name.

Listen to me, listen to me, listen to me...


People behaving very, very badly...
Then there is this...
I mentioned this clip to a guy at the bar today and she was shocked...SHOCKED that it was a week old. For the record, folks, I don't wake up on put each post together every morning. Cut me some slack.

For the past 13 years, Jia Wenqi, who has no arms, and Jia Haixia, who is blind, have worked together to plant and water more than 12,000 trees.

Mohammad, a 13-year-old fighter from the “Free Syrian Army”, plays with a cat in Aleppo's Bustan al-Basha district, Syria October 28, 2013. Mohammad joined the Free Syrian Army after his father died during clashes with the Syrian regime. The gun he is using was his father's.

DIY Fire Piston - starting a fire with portable compressed air...
 You might want to look that up. Just like in a diesel motor, the combustion is caused purely by compression.

Look How Extremely Large Europe's Extremely Large Telescope Will Be.

This photo, taken from the International Space Station shows the lights of fishing boats out at sea.

 The telegraph operators of the early 20th century had a rich vocabulary of wrist-saving abbreviations they used among themselves: "Is tt exa tr et?" ("Is that extra there yet?")

The more things change.

Oh, my...
(for my nephew, Scott)

We the Builders just started their third crowdsourced 3D printing project -- anyone with access to a 3D printer can download their piece from the website, print it out, mail it to us in Baltimore, and then we'll glue it together to form a giant sculpture.
This is their last project...
I would like the next one to be much bigger than Ben.

Yeah, this is why I don't blow shit up...

My wife made fun of my (admittedly) ugly balls again. I shall now drop the charade that I am a "feminist."

Has anyone tried giving bees heroin? I feel like bees on heroin would produce better honey. It's probably not true, but it's just how I feel

The greatest plot twist of all time is in the Bible where, halfway through, God suddenly turns out to be nice.

The Chinese food place by my house is dangerously close to being added to my 'never again' list after finding a human tooth in my food.

For the love a god, fella, have you no pride?

I dare McDonald's to introduce a black Hamburglar. I McDouble dare them.

This is true.

A movie ticket for baby should cost at least $450.

If you pull a lizard's tail off, it will grow back. If you pull it off again, the lizard will be like "dude."

It's impossible to have an *ok* time on a trampoline. It's either the most fun you've ever had or you go to the hospital.

There weren’t any open tables at this sports bar so I yelled “Chad, you left your Jeep lights on!” and now I can sit wherever I want.

I don't like the cavalier manner in which Tony the Tiger strolls into the homes of these Frosted Flakes eaters.

It's a mantid fly and supposedly harmless.

The forbidden zone, Joan Myers

At night I leave my browser history open and visible in case anyone thinks of stealing my laptop. 

On a scale of 1 to Nature Valley granola bar how much is your life falling apart.

Making art...

Looking at art, not so much...

Not only did Carl's Jr create the ode to obesity, but they are test marketing the Flamin' Hot Cheetos Thickburger

Obsessive nose picking is called rhinotillexomania.

What’s for dinner, Lernert & Sander

You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks.

Congratulations on finally wearing a tassel on something other than your nipples.

"Competitive vaping"

Cloud chasers inhale on the devices, which convert e-cigarette “juice” into vapor. They then toast the competition by blowing the biggest, densest vapor cloud possible. In less than two years, the sport has adopted all the trappings of professional athletics. It not only has fans but teams, sponsors and cash prizes...

Good advice from a man with a lot of time to think...

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