About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015


One Of My Very Own...

Music to scroll by.

For the record...

I find paying women less for the same work as men disgraceful. But for all you people who think all that stupid shit women do is not their fault, it is society's fault, maybe the men paying men more that women is not their fault, it is society's fault.

The Burgess Folding Shotgun was designed by a prolific but otherwise underrated gun designer by the name of Andrew Burgess. Burgess founded a company to build these folding shotguns in 1892 and was in business until 1899.
 The Burgess is unique in several ways, most notably the fact that it can be carried fully loaded folded in a leather holster and that its pump is located on the grip rather than the handguard, as Winchester already had a handguard pump patented.

 Damnest thing I've ever seen.
By the way, the guy in the first clip looks just like Nate, a friend of my wife and I.

This is odd on so many levels…

This may not be true, but I still like it...

A Bowl Made of Melted Little Plastic Army Men

 Dance - A vertical expression of a horizontal desire.

That tiniest of head shake when I tell my wife how much money I bet on a football game.
 Her look when I tell her I lost the bet...

This is not logic...
This is some self-proving bullshit. Christians use this kind of poppycock all the time. 

Relocating an elephant...

A group of Ants in water can't be submerged

Some people think they have made it when they learn all the rules, without ever asking who, exactly, made those rules.

translation: Sex is allowed in the park. but show consideration. many children's institutions use the park. please do not: have sex on playgrounds or other visible places between 09-16 and do not have loud sex between 9-16. please remember to remove seemen and more from the benches after the act. remember to leave condoms and serviettes in the rubbish bins. Copenhagen municipality recommends safe sex. have a good time! 

You know, this is a bigger problem than quicksand...

When I was in the military it was only 20 years after WWII. Signs of the Siegfried Line were everywhere...
 I was stationed in Bitburg, which was right on the line...
We actually went down into one that looked like this. We went down four stories and saw the kitchen, showers, etc.
Dragon Teeth along the Siegfried line stretched for miles. They were a anti-tank barrier and in the late 60s they were all along the border.

Oldie but goodie...
 Speaking of...

The galaxies don’t give advice.

The International Space Station just got a new projector screen. They're using it to watch Gravity.

When the vanity license was not well thought out...

What if all religions are just based on some space aliens who didn’t follow the prime directive?


A Swedish amputee who became the first person to ever receive a brain controlled prosthetic arm is able to manipulate and handle delicate objects with an unprecedented level of dexterity. The device is connected directly to his bone, nerves and muscles, giving him the ability to control it with his thoughts.

Providing a delicious alternative to fossil fuels. Just think about, electric power and feeding the hungry all in one fell swoop.

Have you ever shoplifted sushi from Walgreens?

Every TEDTalk seems like a fake laugh convention.

There are two kinds of people in this world and I don’t like them.

 How clever...

 I sure do like this...

Just another Henry family reunion...

Mankind, molding the environment to fit his needs for 93,000 years...

It was stated that this is how they plant potatoes...
 I had no idea...


Those people think that man can send them to hell if he so desired.
And that's why he can abuse at will and nobody rats him out.

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