About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, June 5, 2015

FRIDAY #2365

One Of My Very Own...

This two minute clip sure makes me want to go to Ireland.

"Who is their interior decorator, Ilse Koch?"
That was the question my friend, Kent, asked me once. Kent is the only man in my home town who I will readily admit is smarter than I am.
I had never heard of her...or so I thought. She was the Witch (Bitch) of Buchenwald and made lampshades out of the tattooed flesh of murdered victims.
And by the way, he told me that after I posted the OOMVO.

No one hates jumpsuits more than bladders.


Dear got caught in a tree during a forest fire.

I post this once a year or so, just so we can marvel at it one more time...

The unbroken seal on Tutankhamun’s tomb, 1922 (3,245 years untouched)

A foreskin away from death: a Pakistani soldier during Bangladesh’s 1971 war of independence examines whether the man is circumcised or not (i.e. Hindus are not)

Kind of like the Nazis and the Germans. The bad few spoils the whole bunch.
 Kind of like the way the Westboro Baptist Church makes us hate all Christians.

The SkinBook: A Sketchbook of Synthetic Skin for Tattoo Artists to Practice on

The Forbidden Zone: 65 Square Miles of France Still Uninhabitable since World War I

The Battle of Verdun consumed most of 1916. Over 10 months, 300,000 Frenchmen and Germans died. Another 750,000 were wounded. There was a constant monsoon of artillery shells. It permanently changed the landforms of the area. After the war, it was dangerous to live there because of the vast amounts of unexploded ordinance, including poison gas shells. Stepping on the wrong spot or plowing a furrow in the wrong field meant death.

What a wonderful thing to do for a child's room...

This looks like it isn't stable. Look at some of the stones on the edge of the circle. It looks like they could just fall down...even the keystone.

Do you know how hard it is to overcome millions of years of evolution...

I’m not kidding when I tell you I’ve never tried sand art in a bottle.

Water. Go figure.

I’ve seen a bird give a message to another bird.

And what a beautiful smile she has...

Apparently, he was not paying attention...

In paintball, you should be allowed to use a paintbrush as a knife.

I once vowed not to pick on the fat people cause it was just too easy, however, you must fully understand what you are doing to your children.

This is why I don't trust polls...People lie.
I know I do. Some times right before elections I answer the phone for the expressed purpose of lying to the pollsters. 

F-35B operational test trial.

Removing rust from metal using aluminum foil and water. It really works.

Living on the edge

People are aways posing themselves in silly positions next to sculptures.
 This is one of the best.
 And it occurs to me that he has done this before.

I guess it was just a stage they were going through.

Million Dollar Idea: A smoke detector that shuts off when you yell, “I’m just cooking.”

Now let's go to the video tape...

Looks like something I would do...

This Indian guy teaches physics lesson with a dose of humor...

Someone who is a liar is going to be more likely to assume that other people are lying.

The day Fabio got hit by a goose on a roller coaster.

The painting that shows everything...

The best part of being castrated must be all the free time you have.


These two books contain all the knowledge in the world

I have never been called ugly.

That is so not funny it's funny. 

About half of people I showed it to knew what this is in reference to. Much less than that knew the sign was painted by Picasso.

The Internet: The place where you loose an argument if you spell something wrong.

They don't make quality humor like this any more.

Self-defecating Humor...

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