About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, June 4, 2015


One Of My Very Own...

Ever wonder what was the most painful?

 Is there something racist about this?

Public artist Ernest Pignon-Ernest (born 1942)
 Amazing stuff.

Sir Cecil Herbert Edward Chubb, one time owner of Stonehenge. Bought for $777 thousand in today's money.
Bought for wife who didn't like it. So he gave it to the crown.

Spending a few days in Britain last week, I was struck by just how parochial it has become. After an extraordinary 300-year run, Great Britain has essentially resigned as a global power.
- Fareed Zakaria


Survival pods you can put anywhere.
 Notice solar panels. Also collects rain water.

Yesterday my wife cleaned the house, which was dumb because we still live here.

Place a rock on top of another rock, go to jail: Boulder cops

 Famous guy accused of ‘destruction of public property’.

 The Boob Washer - Here we have a strange gizmo for women, who for some reason incomprehensible for the rest of us, wanted to wash their breasts without the inconvenience of washing the rest of the body.

The word “Okay” is so universal in both its meaning and sound that linguists say it’s the most recognized word on the planet.

 ????. Anybody?

By all indications this is true...if you need it.

There’s wise (me) and there’s otherwise (you).

 Valery Spiridonov is a 30 year old Russian computer scientist who was born with a rare genetic defect causing degenerative muscles. His condition worsens every year. He has already exceeded his life expectancy of 20 years. In 2017 he is going to be the first man to receive a full body transplant.

What a nice man.

You have got to love children.

So people think it's awful that Indians were removed from their people and taken to "white man's school."

But the Indians did the exact same thing to white captives.
It was stated that this little white boy was terrified of the other white people; apparently not realizing he was white.
And as I've stated many times, the land the we white people took were fought over for thousands of years and we were just the last conquerers to end up with it.
Speaking of chosen people...
Without getting all defensive, do you know how offensive it is for the other 90% of the people on Earth to be told over and over again that the Jews are the chosen people of the only god that matters?

Mexican space program

I had a city councilman ask me if I could do something like this in my home city....like greenery grows over white walls all over town...

A compliment with “for your age” tacked on the end of it is not a compliment.

Scientists have uncovered what may be the world's oldest murder case. The victim was bashed in the head -- twice -- and then tossed into a pit deep inside a cave system in Spain. And it happened 430,000 years ago, during the Middle Pleistocene era.

Oh, my. 

In China...road art...
I never did figure out how the road functioned.

Does it look like there aren't enough fingers to do this?

There are people who can come up with some obscure test done by other gamers that will tell you that doing this all day is good for you. 
Come on, guys, there's a whole world out there. There are people who need a smile from you. 

I see where Joe Biden learned his tricks.

Sometimes I pretend someone I hate is in my mouth and I chew really hard.

The word on the street...

In the future, everyone will be famous for $15.00.

Listen up.

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