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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, June 15, 2015

MONDAY #2375

One Of My Very Own...

Another trip down memory lane, my fine friends. Come join me...back when I was young and full of promise...


Syria is holding elections right in the middle of a civil war. While Mr. Assad's opponents have branded the election a farce, election observers were on hand Tuesday, from, among other places, North Korea.

In 2013 the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada proudly declared North Frontenac to be Canada's first "dark sky preserve." Now in 2015, NextEra Energy, a US based energy company, is about to turn this nature preserve into a wind farm.


The second attack is being blamed on Chinese state actors, and it netted the archives of Standard Form 86, which records applicants' mental illnesses, drug and alcohol use, past arrests and bankruptcies and lists of contacts and relatives.


I posted this image of a strange wall the other day and commented that it didn't look stable.
Since that time I have been sent articles on everything I could ever want to know about dry stone walls.
Here are people building such a wall and notice that they use no mortar...thus the wall is dry.
These dry walls date back to like many billions of years ago and are really, really great things. I mean that.
Here is a section of the wall and although sloppy, it might stand on it's own without the wire frame.

This is the bottom of the wall, and I will bet the farm and all the out buildings that if you remove that wire frame you would end up with a pile of rubbish.

Notice the horizontal nature of the first pictures, then reassess this last one. Sorry, but that is as far from dry stone wall building as....well, a long way. And remember, boys and girls, I have a master's degree.
When I hear people talking about how great our founding fathers were, I can't help but think about the slavery and sufferage issues. Yeah, it was great if you were a landed white male.


I’m afraid black people will start breeding with gay people and we’ll create a master race of amazing dancers.


California sucks so much water out of the aquifers that the state is actually sinking. It's been sinking for decades, but the problem is getting worse. Last summer, scientists recorded the worst sinking in at least 50 years. This summer, all-time records are expected across the state as thousands of miles of land in the Central Valley and elsewhere sink. As a result, the sinking is starting to destroy bridges, crack irrigation canals and twist highways across the state.
I didn't know that.
Want to know what the 70s looked like?
Now go back and look at those last three guys again. Take a good long look.

"Mister Bacon says, Oh, please, Mr. TSA guy, don't touch my......genitalia."
Everyone needs a hook...
But I admire the guy for taking the limited skills that he does have and trying to make some money with them. 
Don't you know this would have been a luxury penthouse for a cave man...
Anybody remember him being in a western?
But look at the pistols. Both are pretty much dead on to the lens of the camera. 
Nowadays you don't hear much about the billions of cash dollars shipped to Iraq and Afghanistan to bribe local war lords...
And huge chunks of it just disappeared with no hint as to where it went, but if I were an 18 years of private making $13K a year...just sayin'.  
See anything odd about this?
There are four people on the scooter. 
Shit we all want to see more of on local news casts...


A piece of beef with a tumor.
Oh, so you think that's the only cancerous meat in the meat department?
Bon appetit.




The birthplaces of Neymar, Suárez and Messi form a straight line.
Proof that some people have way too much time on their hands.


 Actually, it should be impossible for him to do that with a chipper.
Moving on...
 So, why would you need to drop bombs with parachutes?
On a low level attack a regular bomb would his the ground so quickly that it would damage the attacking aircraft. The parachute slows it down just enough to allow the attacker to fly clear. 


Can a person think themselves to death, and if so, have they. I want names.


In high school, I was voted "Least Likely To Do Anything Important."


Can we assume that these are children?


Have you ever opened a tube of biscuits? Well, my wife tried on her bathing suit today.


> This could be your backyard.
Just sayin'.
Shit I can't explain...

What the heck is this thing?! No one knows. A video shot on a dock in Pengu, Taiwan shows a long bright green worm shooting its pink proboscis appendage over the ground, presumably in search of human flesh. The origin and intention of this worm are unclear, but I can only suggest that we remain panicked while authorities come up with a lie convincing enough to get us all to go back to work.

1 comment:

Colin said...

Walls/Ceilings etc.
Another example of cheap metal components replacing the skill of a craftsman..
Tin Ceilings.
An affordable alternative to fancy plasterwork.
Basic materials, simple tools, no skill (or degrees) required!


Note the tyres on the scooter - Those guys are lightweights!

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