About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015


One Of My Very Own...

Hope you are in a place in your life where you can crank this up. I like this song.


I couldn't resist...


Turkish soldiers look on as ISIS fighters force refugees back into Syria only yards from the border with Turkey.
That's an outrage.

I have several of my paintings in my home. I was just wondering if graffiti artists who do stuff like this have their work in their homes; and if not, why not.
 I'm very interested in an answer to that. And while you are at it, do you have any of that kind of artwork in your parents' or grandparents' homes?


That is my kind of humor, so much so that I am going to retell you my favorite joke.
Did you hear about the masochist who married the sadist and on their honeymoon she said, "Hurt me, hurt me." And her husband said, "No."

I don't make this stuff up, folks...


When applying for a job tell them you’re not an applicant, you’re an appliCAN, then lick you finger, hold it against your ass and make a sizzling noise.


Street Art in London by Conor Harrington


Know anything about design? No? Then listen up.
The simplicity of that, the cleanliness makes my dick get hard. That is all. 
Unless you have small children or you drink a lot.

When female servers draw a happy face on the bill, their tips increase...that's a fact...
Also bandages if only a fake ace bandage. A limp and they set records. An eyepatch and you get to fill in the tip line yourself.

I saw on my map that I have a viewer from St. John's, Newfoundland. I spent some time in Newfoundland and just wanted to say Hi.


This bitch's sole skill was marrying a rich, famous man...who got tired of her shit and let her go.
Recognize  Rowan Atkinson

A little Dutch boy helps to refuel a Sherman tank near Sittard, 20 December 1944.

The master approached his slave-to-be at a spiritualist church and told him he’d been conversing with angels, who had told him that he had to collect 10,000 socks, so the promise of socks lured the sock gimp into subservience.
(I just ran across that and thought I would share)



I’ve had religious people knock on my door encouraging me to be religious, but never have I had a homosexual knock on my door to encourage me to be homosexual.

Knock, knock.

“Who’s there?”

“It’s me. Queer up.”

All finished with my latest Cash Carrier.
It just needs more dollars.
It started off as just a way to press wrinkled dollars using one of those slide things found in the bottom of the drawers in old library card catalogues.
 I like it because of the way they aren't straight...haphazard even. The world needs more haphazard. Don't you think?

I once told you about something I read about concerning the little slivers of soap we all find ourselves with from time to time. 
You let the old sliver and a new bar get good and wet, then mash them together and they become one bar...like magic. If I do this for years, I'm thinking that there will be a little tiny amount of that first bar in the last.  

Here's the Found Round Thing collection outside my office.
Once more a guy saw this and asked "Why". 
Please, don't ever ask an artist why. It's just fucking rude.
I have a stamp pad dater and numberer, but they don't always work all that well. So I bought a label machine and my wife warned me not to waste the labels since they are rather expensive. I assured her I would be responsible.

Like she didn't see that coming.

A brief (but incisive) comment on the latest revelations re Dennis Hastert: "If I understand the history correctly, in the late 1990s, the President was impeached for lying about a sexual affair by a House of Representatives led by a man who was also then hiding a sexual affair, who was supposed to be replaced by another Congressman who stepped down when forced to reveal that he too was having a sexual affair, which led to the election of a new Speaker of the House who now has been indicted for lying about payments covering up his sexual contact with a boy.


The people on the PedalPub were cops. I say they overreacted big time. 

Carsten Höller's latest installation features two motorized beds that slowly travel through London's Hayward Gallery over the course of the night.
So, anybody want to ask this guy why he did that? Of course not.



Doctors warn that text neck can cause serious damage to teenagers.
 I would say ANYTHING can be harmful if it is done in excess.


What if Jane Fonda had found the Hammer of Thor?


There is always a trailing edge.
 They know they are going to lose, but they just try to delay it as long as possible. Think every bullshit battle the far right has lost, now it finds itself fighting battles it can't possibly win.

Beer has given me unrealistic expectations of the funniness of my friends.


Quality humor found here, folks...

 Most people are upset about this.
But the Supreme Court has rightly declared that dollars are speech and Americans' freedom of speech is unfuckwithable. And we all know that the money donated buys ads and the ads are speech pure and simple. 
(Unfuckwithable is a delightful new word I learned. You're welcome)

No word on whether these are real shells. Reminds me of that cave from a while back.

Double-decker container train. What will they think of next?
Can we assume that these are cross-country trains that don't have many city bridges to traverse? And I'm thinking Canada. Anybody?

Do you have any idea how much trouble this could cause?
 I have been known to fantasize about a woman on the bus touching my dick.

How do blind guy clean up his seeing-eye dog's shit? 

I'm going to guess these are subdivisions that went bust with the housing collapse.
Kind of looks like circuit boards, don't they?

An op-ed piece in the Washington Post is entitled "The double-standard of making the poor prove they’re worthy of government benefits," written in response to exposés of alleged food-stamp misuse.


Mother tongues


Let's revisit the food stamp thing from above. Why is it easier for most people to believe that 150,000,000 Americans are lazy bastards than to believe that the 400 top 1% are greedy bastards?



Danny Frank said...

Double container trains are everywhere,including Chicago..but they low ride the train car..looks really cool... have you ever seen the semi trains that go thru Australia?

Ralph Henry said...

I've seen pictures of truck trains in Australia..
But how do double container trains get under bridges in Chicago? I mean the cars look much taller than the engine.

Anonymous said...

Double Decker container trains are all over Wyoming and Montana also. I believe the bridge heights for trains are much higher....TH

Colin said...

"This bitch's sole skill was marrying a rich, famous man...who got tired of her shit and let her go"
Not so - by any measure.
A young women who stood up for herself. And in so doing, she moved a nation - more than any Politician, Royal or Celebrity has managed in recent times. Rowen Atkinson and Stephen Fry said so!

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