About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, June 22, 2015

MONDAY #2382

One Of My Very Own...
An interesting case has been brought by a white guy who was fired for using the word nigger. He is suing because black employees use the same word without repercussion.  
I, of course, completely agree with him; not because I like the word...I hate the word, but fair is fucking fair. 
Further, I think no word should be denied usage because it might hurt someone's feelings. If we allowed racists to use the word freely they would be more easily identified. Forcing everyone to play nice with language only makes it easy to conceal your hate.
And interestingly, I posted that long before the shit hit the fan in Charleston. 
Speaking of...

For what it's worth:


I had Australia and Canada and won. Nobody, including me would touch the France game...and for good reason.


Time zones are amazing. It's a different time everywhere on earth. For example, in some parts of the American South it's still the 1860s.
Saturday my wife went to a giant protest against the flying of that very flag at the State House. I wished her the best.
I can't imagine another country allowing the display of the flag of the losing side of a civil war. It just makes no sense. 
 And there was as many white people as black people at the protest.

China and Russia probably did get all of the Snowden leaks -- by hacking the NSA.


President Obama's approval rating has dropped to 41 percent, a majority of Americans disapprove of his handling of foreign policy issues, he has lost support from the Hispanic community and Americans actually think his administration is less competent than the Bush White House post-Hurricane Katrina.

Ever ridden an elephant and wondered how they trained them to be so nice?
 Well, they completely break them...
Like that gimp on Game of Thrones...completely broken. 
Have fun on your little "exotic" tour Mr. and Mrs. Rich American. 
Elephant Item #2:
This is Baby.

A 65-year-old man has been killed by an escaped circus elephant in Germany. The 34-year-old female elephant, named ‘Baby’, has been captured and returned to the circus.
Police are investigating how the elephant was let out of its enclosure, and why it acted so aggressively towards the man.
Why, in-fucking-deed.
(By the way, that pick to the skull video made me sick to my stomach)

What if their was a war and nobody came?
Seriously, what if all the young men just said no? 


I’ve been reading some disturbing facts about asymmetrical faces. My wife has one now and is growing another up under her chin.


This could be your backyard...
Just do nothing and wait. 


The Priscilla nuclear test detonation during Operation Plumbbob.
Who names such things? You think the guy in charge of that just called his teenage son and asked him? 

All this effort and danger and what do they decide to share with the world?
The exact same puffy letters that they have painted a thousand times. Boy, that's creative. 
Seriously, their boredom threshold must be a whole lot higher than mine.

Can we assume that's a footpath?
 It came with no explanation.

I talked to a computer engineer who told me that very long term storage of information on a thumb drive was not a good idea because cosmic particles will cause errors on a molecular level. And the human DNA is very similar, resulting in this.


Of all places, hospitals need a bar.


1920 Bombing of Wall Street


I do a thing called what I want.




I find it interesting that cologne rhymes with alone.


Air guitar champion of Australia...


Seriously, on one of her good eyebrow days my wife is very attractive.


Are those things alive?

Brilliant cover design.




For anyone planning a trip to the moon, MIT has just designed a pill-shaped inflatable moon tent that fills with oxygen and comfortably sleeps two. The portable habitat also protects moon explorers from the sun's rays, contains food and water, and has a system that keeps potentially harmful moon dust out of the sleeping quarters. This futuristic tent, in its early stages, would allow astronauts to stray from the lunar lander and spend more time on the actual surface of the moon.


In 2002 a 25-year-old NASA intern named Thad Roberts stole 17 pounds of moon rocks so he could have sex with his girlfriend atop them. After he was caught selling the used rocks on the Internet, he spent 100 months in prison.
I would love to meet that guy! 

It must be nice to enjoy your job this much.
Who could resist loving that woman? 
I liked that so much that I am going to include the youtube address just in case it doesn't load properly.


Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Graham Bell.


I’m thinking senility is going to be a rather smooth transition for me.


Bedroom of Marie Antoinette...
The head of her bed. Head. Marie Antoinette.



“I can’t wait to meet that guy who sent me a dick pic,” she said in a universe you will never find.


This new scam is a hoot...

 Lost the internet the other day, wife had the chance to catch up on some chores...

I've posted a couple of articles about the benefits of squatting to shit, now you can buy something to help you...
And, had you been paying attention, you will notice that the stool allows you to take a shit without dropping your pants — which is a pretty nifty trick. 




A man can have a lot of money or a lot of friends. He cannot have both.


This had to be on purpose, don't you think?

Damn near straight up...


Women only think pay inequality is a thing because they’re bad at math.



With a billion people, in China one-in-a-million things happen a thousand times a day.


This poor bastard. His buddy thinks it's hilarious.
It's great training for future staff meetings. 

Sez Me...


When your argument is weak, just go ahead and make shit up.

And, of course, virgin birth.


Anonymous said...

The "footpath" leads down ito the main caves of Carlsbad Caverns National Park

Highly recommended for your western trip

Jim C, Mesa AZ

Anonymous said...

I'd love to see an article on the episode where Podrick returns with unused
gold from the brothel! :P

Game of Thrones s07e05 1080p

Ralph Henry said...

Well, who wouldn't?

Unknown said...

I'm reading this post Feb, 2019 from China, pure master

Ralph Henry said...

Spread the word, my friend. I need all the help I can get.

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