About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015


One Of My Very Own...

Gentle Readers, I give you Ode To Joy...

Crank it up to share with the whole office along about 7:20. Shit brought tears to my eyes. 

Week's news summarized in one photo...

But no matter how bad it looks, one should look with clarity.

And there are those that would accuse me of this...

Just because I point out some data. I just don't want people trying to change a whole system just because of one or two events that are statistically insignificant.

> Well, well, well...
All indications are that the flag is coming down.
My wife is a happy camper.



Boobs are to men what laser pointers are to cats.

Check this out...

I hope clicking that doesn't mess up Ode To Joy. We shall see.

 Meanwhile in New Nope City...
Did you notice that none of them are wearing a safety belt?

That was a repost that can't work. The I in AIR would have been shown.

This could be your backyard...
 Just sayin'.


I haven’t paid for news or porn in like 10 years, but I bought a bottle of water today.



I feel that a guy who would Mess With Texas wouldn’t be deterred by a bumper sticker.


When Americans hear that their government is 18 or so trillion dollars in debt, I don't think they have any idea just how much money that is.



I don't know why this depresses me, but it does.
I understand distractions. I understand fun. But it seems that there are ways to achieve both and make money, or create something, or teach people something you know. Think about using spare time knitting, or working on your car. Or taking a youngster camping or coaching Little League. Or reading or making art or learning to play a musical instrument.


Would you call a male lunch lady a lunch lord?


This is a very funny man.

A young man mentioned, and I agreed, that the other half of the Apalchean Mountains are in Scotland. I have heard just that on more than one TV science show. 
But when you look at Pangaea, Scotland and the east coast of the US don't line up.
Anybody explain that?

I find it rather interesting that the man does not have a beard, which is the way we are created.
I understand leaving off the pubic hair because that would get confusing in such a small space. But if the aliens took that literally and landed in, say, Oman, they wouldn't recognize the men.
And for my newer viewers I will remind you that this plaque went out on the only object that we have sent out beyond our solar system and it is naked pictures and a map to our house.
Also I could see them dusting this off and laughing; saying, "That ninth one ain't even a planet." And all the other aliens would laugh and not even show the plaque to their supervisor because it is stupid. Instead they took it down to their favorite pub and nailed it to the wall in the shitter.


Speaking of the shitter...

Just trying to make all you guys feel less stupid with a little Schadenfreude.
If I did that I would instantly fake a broke hip and wait for EMT so I wouldn't have to make eye contact with anyone.

The glass is full yet they keep pouring. Why? Because they know only one person in a thousand will even notice...


“Half a dozen” is a very inefficient way of saying “Six”.
Doesn't this look like a great brunch idea!
Imagine sitting out on the deck of a beach house with two or three couples and munching on all those goodies while sipping Bloody Marys.

I wonder how difficult this is to pedal.
 I'm assuming those are real tires, thus every heavy. Plus he doesn't seem to be sitting in a very efficient posture for pedaling. If anyone finds out anything about it, please let me know.

 I like looking at this. When one thinks of one's grandparents, one does not immediately think of silly.
I think that we assume our ancestors were all serious because they had to stay so still for the long exposure photos.

As I understand it, the study suggests that after all your survival needs are met, you start worrying about the excess and that worry reduces your happiness.

I had a simple question that no one in either of my bars could answer.
I read that what we call Canadian Bacon Canadians call ham. My question is, do Canadians have bacon as the image above. Forget about who calls what what, simply: Do Canadians Eat Bacon?

As much as I love these super efficient structures...
You would think I would have thought up a way to make art out of it.


If you could literally be bored to death, I bet the world would be a lot more interesting.


This is the mark of a true rockstar.


Whenever you see me wearing pants, know that the decision to put them on was not easy.



The last time I danced I vomited.


Father’s Day Brunch?


You can accidentally make a baby, but you can’t accidentally make a pizza.


I wondered about this for a while, now I have an answer.
First he glues each piece to the floor.
Then he grouts the space in between. Grout is a concrete type material that fills in every single space that is not wood.
Then he polyurethanes everything — probably more than one coat.
Questions still remain. He probably sealed the wood before applying grout since the grout will get down in any crack no matter how small.
On a related subject, check out the word CRISIS applied to this wall.
They didn't like it, so they scraped it off...or maybe the coins were up for grabs so to speak...I don't know...
But look what it was made of.
Here's my take. They made it just like I taught children to make mosaic murals. The coins were laid out to spell desired word, then a clear plastic shelf paper was attached to hold everything together. Then the shelf paper was cut into manageable sizes, coded for placement, and trucked to the site. The glue was applied to the wall, then the pieces were stuck to the glue like a jigsaw puzzle. Lastly the clear plastic is pealed off.





Anonymous said...


Ralph Henry said...

Bless you, Anonymous, but that really didn't answer my question. Forget about anything Canadian and just think about an American eating a BLT. What I want to know is, do Canadians eat the kind of bacon in a BLT. I'm talking about fried, crispy, grease splattering mouthfuls of delicious. I KNOW they have ham. I KNOW we fucked up naming Canadian bacon. I want to know if Canadians eat AMERICAN bacon. And if not, why not.

J.R. said...

Dearest Bacon,
I've traveled to several countries throughout the world (but by no means a world traveler). My hotels offered an "American" breakfast option. When in continential Europe, this included deli type ham. When in Asia, it included a great thick bacon type product. When in England, a "Canadian Bacon [Americanized]" meat was served that wasn't bad (with the kippers of course). However, it makes you proud of the good old USA for the crispy thin bacon goodness that our nearly 100 million pigs so graciously give us. It's served with a tomato sandwich, bowl of grits, or rolled around another big ball of other bacon. It seasons our food and brings campers from miles around when cooked in the cast iron skillet over the fire; life if good. ...and my Cardiologist is a rich man.

Once I was at my small neighborhood store, he had generic bacon on sale for $1 per pound. Wife calls and tells me proudly that she bought 5 packs (5lbs)! I told her to go back and fill the cart up! We bought 100+lbs and I wish there was more. Placed it in my freezer right next to the 2 deers, many doves, bass filets, and home garden veggie packs.

Ralph Henry said...

Thank you. May the farce be with you.

Anonymous said...

Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee (ode to joy) with Lyrics, United Methodist Hymnal 89, Words: Henry Van Dyke, 1907; Music: Ludwig van Beethoven, 1824 / First United Methodist Church....I love the music....Great music.

Ralph Henry said...

Thank you Mr. or Mrs. Answer Person. I know we were all wondering what old Henry Van Dyke was up to. So, exactly, why is it that my readers needed to know that?

Anonymous said...


No grout needed. I know someone who does this. Will Try To Get A Few pictures. He does pennies on surfaces as well.

carrscove said...

Hey Ralph...Yes we have bacon just like yours. And lots of it.
Canadian bacon is what we call pea meal bacon, as it has a coating around it of crushed dried peas and is often cooked in a slow cooker full of split pea soup. My wife makes an awesome pot of it.She doesn't slice it up, but drops the whole "roast" of it in the crock pot to slow cook all day.
My love of bacon has earned me a triple by-pass and a 800 watt defibrillator. I only eat it twice a month now. I do however, prefer regular bacon over pea meal bacon.


Anonymous said...

I am a close friend....think... "I would pay a quarter to see 2 monkeys fuck" (poker buddy). My original point, in a drunken stupor last night, was that you were asking your viewers to listen to a "gospel" song. I thought that ironic.

After minimal research, I found that "Ode to Joy" was re-written to be a song that is part of many hymnals, "Joyful Joyful We Adore Thee" .

Ralph, I miss your company.

Your friend,
Past Post 6 Commander,
Anonymous (trying to type after 7 beers is hard)

Ralph Henry said...

Nobody in their right mind would believe that religion hasn't created some beautiful things. Some of it's music is very beautiful, as is cathedrals and painting.
I've missed you also. I'm afraid I may have forgotten how to play poker.

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