About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, June 29, 2015

MONDAY #2389

One Of My Very Own...



There is a video "game" where you boo the Confederate Flag - our loud - until it burns to ashes. 

 Think he's kidding? Well, no...
And this from a Google search: Read the second line...

My man calling for equal rights for gays.....in 1972.


The Bear Cam is up and running again along a salmon river in Alaska.



Just read that using saliva as a lubricant while masturbating can disturb the ph balance in the vagina causing yeast infections. You ladies might want to research that.


Guy makes these out of coconut shells...

Whoa big boy....

I wonder how many people would know what this is.

Oh, my...

I'm not a big left winger or right winger, I just don't like useless wars...
And giving tax breaks to the really rich people. 

There are people who actually believe this.
It's not so much the act itself, but that all the miracles just stopped. Nowadays we look back at a bunch of goat sacrificers and marvel that they got to witness all the good stuff. Please, people. You are smarter than that.


I am biting at the bit to hit the road again...
But it looks like Maine and New England are going to win out this year.

I really like pen work like this...


Never ever trim your beard after you’ve been drinking. It’s like a big boy rule.



25' tall opening, 185 mph...


It's much easier to have a To Don't list instead of a To Do list.


The human tragedy of land mines.
You would think that getting rid of landmines would be the #1 job of any government.
In Africa they use specially trained rats to smell out the mines and they are highly effective.
 They don't weigh enough to set them off.
And will work for hours for a little food.


In "Leaves 3D", British artist Susanna Bauer combines the definitive lines of crocheted thread with the delicate texture of found leaves.


Apparently animals make different sounds according to different languages. For example, in Vietnam a dog makes a sizzling noise.



How to be a grown up at work: Replace “fuck you” with “OK, great.”


Don't laugh. Men solve problems like this all the time...

 What's next?! JFK's picture on an ad for convertibles?

Just another reason I hate public transportation...


Kangaroos are left-handed.

Do not try this at home...


My wife finally had enough. She said to me, “I’m fed up with you being so lazy. Pack your bags and leave!” I said, “You pack them.”


This fine Velociraptor Claw could really level up your wunderkammer. It's just $12,500.

Found this online...
Is there anyone alive that would fall for that? 

Please, somebody explain this to me...

How much do you hate your kids?


In 1966, only five years after the first human went to space, aviation lawyer William A. Hyman published the Magna Carta of Space, a serious text proposing a new kind of Space Law. Here are just some of the concerns:

Don't know who, don't know where...


I don't want to sound like a smartass, but I really wonder how many people understand what that means. 

We all do shit like that, but seeing it caught on camera...well, it just makes it worse...

And it's so much funnier when it happens to an asshole...

Lies I Tell...


Colin said...

What what means?
Overblown bollocks. Not even funny.
What is more to the point, who gives a shit anyway?
Now "veni, vidi, vici", that is worth a comment!

Ralph Henry said...

I have no idea what that means or even what it is in reference to. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

People with diabetes will get their test strips by way of the insurance companies, discounted or free of charge, then sell them for a profit. The resellers will sell them at reduced rates to under/uninsured folks. Big market for quite some time. Example: Person with Diabetes buys strips for $10, sells them for $20, reseller sells them for $40, which is less than the $50 price tag.

Ralph Henry said...

But if the devices are good for more than one use, why do the first people not use them more than once?

Anonymous said...

They don't sell the strip reader, they only sell the test strips that go into the device. The strips are one use only.


Robin said...

I know a Golden Ratio when I see it.

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