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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015


One Of My Very Own...

 This is a pretty heavy duty shopping bag like women get from department stores.
 I took a sheet of plastic and cut a stencil message in it, then cut a window in the bottom of the bag. I taped the stencil inside the hole so I can put a can of spray paint in the bag, walk around anywhere I want to go, set down the bag, reach in and spray the message on the sidewalk or curb and no one is the wiser.
The stencil reads DO EPIC SHIT.
Will keep you informed.

Watched a magnificent film - Magdalene Sisters.
It's about what used to happen to unwed mothers in Ireland. The only thing that surprised me was that there weren't any suicides. 

Wife's been out of two for what seems like a year. She got home Monday and I couldn't be happier about it.


Donald Trump piñatas for sale in Mexico - 


Today researchers will add a sliver of time - a leap second - to the world's clocks. Just as leap years keep our calendars lined up with Earth's revolution around the sun, leap seconds adjust for Earth's rotation.


My wife gives me the speaking treatment.


Check this out...
Yeah, but can you spray paint messages on a sidewalk with it?

I painted something very similar to this on my daughters' ceiling...
Of course, on the one above I noticed that it could never land because the prop is too big and would hit the ground first. 

I don't know enough about this man to hate him...
But let's just say I hate everything I do know about him.

For whatever reason, one of the image sites I visit often asks a question from time to time. This one is so out of character that I wanted to share it...

How embarrassing...and caught on camera...
The look on her face.

I'm assuming she's talking about fracking. I've heard some weird-ass shit about fracking involving earthquakes and aquifer damage.

You think he did this on purpose?


Polish artist Pawel Kuczynski:


Last week my wife caught me cross-dressing, so I parked her things and left.

Wow! I wish I knew his name.
I predict that this kid is going to become very, very rich and I can't even explain to you why I think so. I can just see a huge wall in a corporate atrium done in his style.


Flight Simulator:
How fascinating. He is born with full knowledge of how to do that.

One of the very first internet sight gags...


A local library has dozens of different cake pans to check out

Ouch and Ouch, Ouch and Ouch..


You can tell a lot about a woman by the way she handles a loaded handgun.
I've only watched Antique Roadshow a couple of times, but I was floored when something like the above happened. Seriously, in today's economy, $1500 is tip money for a trip to Hawaii.


These two groups of letters can be unscrambled to reveal a very famous thing or person. The trick is that each group has one extra letter, which makes it much, much harder.


Teenage girls, please don’t worry about being super popular in high school, or being the best actress in high school, or the best athlete. Not only do people not care about any of that the second you graduate, but when you get older, if you reference your successes in high school too much, it actually makes you look kind of pitiful, like some babbling old Tennessee Williams character with nothing else going on in her current life. What I’ve noticed is that almost no one who was a big star in high school is also big star later in life. For us overlooked kids, it’s so wonderfully fair.

- Mindy Kaling

Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me?
I think that's good advice for boys also.

"But here are the reasons given for our demise: overcrowding, denuded resources and climate change."

- That's what the article said, but it has been proven that the population will soon level off and even start reducing. European countries are paying people to have children because they are not even replacing themselves.


Said to be Mulgrave, Australia.
I wonder if that's true.


One of only two living people born in the 1800s, Susannah Mushatt Jones just became the oldest person in the world at age 115.

Over the last four years, her hair changed from gray to brown and softened. When she was 96, she grew a tooth — not a wisdom tooth, not an impacted tooth, but a new tooth — in her lower jaw. She's a medical marvel.

Tried but couldn't read this chart...

In that letter thing above, the first group is presidents and the second is states.


"The man who fell to Earth", Scott Listfield

Strippers always embarrassed me...
I just can't imagine finding pleasure in someone else's debasement.

This guy has come up with something new...
Your car battery is dead and you would like a boost to jump start? Maybe you can use AA batteries to crank the engine.
You would do well to look the guy up on YouTube.

And finally, this was sent to me under the Religion heading. I, however, think it belongs under the N-word insanity.

Say what?

It's all just so silly. If he causes everything, then he has some explaining to do.


Senph42 said...

Have fun with the shopping bag, and do epic shit!

Also, not to argue with your observations, (it's just a ceiling decoration after all) but those old planes had really big propellers: https://41.media.tumblr.com/ada39bf0cd987dbd1943c2019de7816e/tumblr_my7t2cC9Z71t5u083o1_500.jpg

And the kid painting the red hieroglyphs: http://www.fngmagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/RETNA-for-Gallery-Brown-Mural-00.jpg
He's either a graffiti-vandalal-turned-contemporary-artist and is already rich (http://www.artnet.com/artists/retna/) or just someone copying his stuff.

Ralph Henry said...

Red Wall - at least I'm pretty good at spotting quality.

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