About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, June 18, 2015


One Of My Very Own...
Oh, let's just wear this bitch out... 

I know it fails to be precise, but this song is kind of how I feel about dying. Be thankful for all the good times.

And I really, really mean that.

We all kind of knew the interweb would have fun with this fool.


I’m going to use what little energy I have today to breathe and maybe blink. That’s about it.


(I found that extraordinarily funny)


Blessed are the children for they shall inherit the national debt.

Quality Humor...our motto...

"E-L-E-C-T-R-I-C-I-T-Y Find out what it means to me."


I never thought I’d be the type of person who would get up early in the morning to exercise. 
I was right.



There are only a few problems that an orgasm won’t solve.

I didn't get this at first and asked for help.
She thinks "save yourself" means "don't die". When told the truth she's incensed.
That's not even funny. And thanks for all you folks who helped figure it out.


Said the article - Exposure to bacteria and other microbes is an essential element in the development of a healthy human immune system.
A very smart man once told me that a child gets enough germs on his/her hands just taking off their shoes after walking in a Walmart. Think about it...spit from god know who, dog shit, bird shit, snot, urine, not to mention the crap on the tires spread everywhere.


Hope, a four-year-old female rhino who survived a poaching attack, recovers at Shamwari Game Reserve in South Africa’s Eastern Cape province.
I'm the guy who chastised the poachers for killing the animals instead of just cutting off the horn, allowing it to grow another to be "harvested" later. But those guy cut off half her face. And no one addressed how they managed to do that without killing it. 


A Palestinian boy holds up a red card in the face of an armed Israeli soldier.
I'm assuming that is a gesture of defiance.
There was something I didn't understand about getting Israel kicked out of international competition.

Strange, yes, but not when you are making an art installation...
 And this?
 Movie orca.


I used to use sick days to avoid faculty parties at the school where I worked.

 Whatever he said to the ref, he won't say it again...
Can't we all just get along?


Camping tips I can use. There were many more, but like I ain't going to bake fucking bread in the woods.
Keeps toilet paper dry.


The residents of an entire village in Tamil Nadu, south India, left their homes for a day to get rid of the evil spirits they believe are haunting their village. 
And then there's this:

Responding to a deadly outbreak of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) in South Korea, the World Health Organization (WHO) is asking people to resist the temptation to drink camel urine.

 Wow! Imagine standing on the inside and looking over at a bird's eye view of another country.


A Giant Typewriter Is Coming To Burning Man


1896 US money...back when beauty mattered.

 Nifty. Reminds me of Starry Night.


Every single choice you have ever made in your life has brought you to this exact moment, reading this exact sentence. Embarrassed yet?


And the system is not broken. It has all been designed exactly the way it is. When very few people can find good jobs then people work cheap. Corporations like people working cheap.

Note: I searched high and low and could not find a picture of the chair. Can anyone help me out with that?

 Let's take another look at centipedes in her vagina girl...


So it turns out that being an adult is mostly just Googling how to do stuff.


 Weather photography.

You think Jesus ever got hit in the balls accidentally or otherwise? If so, what do you think he yelled? 

Never underestimate the power of random compliments.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think the priest suggested an "alternative route" that would allow her to keep her virginity intact.

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