About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015


One Of My Very Own...
 Let's try this again...


The year was 1961 and life was good and that goodness was celebrated.
Within a blink of an eye, young men would be drafted into the military and ordered to go to the other side of the world and kill people they didn't know. It was a very scary time for male children right out of high school. 50 thousand of them died for absolutely nothing....except maybe showing the world how inept the United States was in picking which side to back.
George Bush depicted with faces of some of the soldiers who died in his worthless war.

Jeb Bush's campaign slogan: "My family, if given another chance, will get every single man, woman, and child on this planet killed."



I have a weakness, Fellow Travelers. My weakness is my terror that I will say something wrong when things get serious. Things I can't take back. Things that will stick in the minds of those concerned and no matter what I do, I cannot put the words back in my mouth. I've done this a couple of times in the past...decided to say something that I - at the time - deemed necessary, only to regret the shit out of it later. Now it just seems...safer to keep my mouth shut when things turn very, very serious. For those people who have put up with this weakness...I sincerely apologize.

The other day I was sitting at a bar watching a soccer game when a player took the ball out of bounds and the camera was on her back for a long time. Her name was Miranda, so I said to the woman next to me, "I need to warn you about her." She asked, "Why?" and I said, "Her name is Miranda. I want to give you a warning." She still didn't get it.



I might wake up early and go for a run. I might also win the lottery. The odds are about the same.



I wonder which unlucky bastard is going to be the first person to be murdered with a selfie stick.


Thiago Messi.

One of the oldest sight gags on the interweb....
Gag...no pun intended. 

I've made dozens of these. We would slice up bicycle inner tubes for the rubber and for the pouch we would use tongues of old shoes.


When my wife says, “I was just thinking…” it scares the shit out of me.




Did you know that many high-end race horses fly on their own jet called, “Air Horse One?"

And goddamnit if they don’t call it that they ought to!

Holy Shit!


Does anyone on the planet wonder what this kid's high score is on his video game?


Closing your eyes really does help you remember things.


A couple of purdy good ideas...

You know what's even worse than scaring the crap out of your child?
Believing that this treatment you just spent money on will improve your life in any way. 


Ladies and gentlemen, the bravest man in the world...

Moving on...

 Hubble revisits the iconic "Pillars of Creation"

Galaxies...galaxies all! >
Rabbit skips over an avalanche...watch very carefully...
"Hold my carrot and watch this." 

Did you read the caption?
Putin looks and acts like the smaller kid that used to get butt fucked by the older kids in reform school and never forgot it...like that's something that just escapes your mind.

There is a stove that sends you updates on your phone, including photos of your food.


If you ever feel useless, just remember that somebody’s job is to install turn signal systems on BMWs.


Burning Candle Seesaw
Candle, toothpick, two glasses...pretty straight forward, but I bet it would wow a child. 

For my dear friend, Abby
 Moist a commonly-despised word, and Oberlin College psychologists recently ran a study to understand what about the word is so off-putting:

People found “moist” most aversive when it follows an unrelated, pleasant word, such as “paradise.” There seems to be a contrast effect going on here. “Moist” seems bad when following “paradise” but not when following a really negative word, like a racial slur. “Moist” also didn’t seem so unpleasant when it followed words related to food, such as “cake.” In contrast, it provoked the most negative reactions when preceded by overtly sexual words (use your imagination). These results show that reminding people of certain meanings of “moist” can affect one’s disgust reaction to it.

Further analysis showed that “moist”-averse people also tend to dislike related words, such as “damp” and “wet,” showing further support for the idea that it’s the meaning, not the sound, of the word that’s setting people off. “Moist”-averse people also tended to have more general disgust reactions to bodily functions, suggesting that it’s the connotations with bodily functions and sex that sets people off.


“Lover’s Lane” trail and Wood Line in the Presidio in San Francisco. What a great installation.

Window seat, Jim Darling - painting mounted in airplane window look-a-likes...

After I posted those I ran into some rather abstract looking images that could have been seen out a plane's window.

 And my all time favorite...
"Found Round Things" indeed.

Two World Trade Center
What a beautiful building. That's what you get when you don't give grieving laymen (family of people killed on 9/11) a say-so on design.

Butt touching is nice...
My wife as the nicest butt I've ever seen.


I’d want my remains scattered at the beach if I didn’t have to be cremated first.


Look at these carefully. Slow down on the first one so when you scroll back to it you will wonder how you missed it.
 My favorite.
It helps if you squint. And you can even discern the breed. 



The bible is so perfect we can use it for a dictionary. Today, boys and girls, we will look up "light".

And then there's the feel good moments...
And sometimes the reason is that he just hates you and that's why he put you in fucking Africa. 
Because god knows best. And what's more, since it was his plan, then we don't have to worry about it.


Anonymous said...

Ralph, I was not able to complete reading your post after reading your apology. Please, please, please NEVER apologize again for what you find appealing or funny. Except maybe flipping your loyal viewers the bird...

Colin said...

For the moment at least, we have the easy option of ignoring you.
Gov't which kills and exports misery, now that is hard to ignore.

So, having an opinion - any opinion, is better than NO opinion.
Think of it as a learning opportunity. It works both ways!

Remember - the opposite of love is ......... Indifference.
We can watch the TV for endless bland meaningless crap!

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