About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, June 25, 2015


One Of My Very Own...
I'm thinking of having this guy take the place of me holding the sign in the last part of the posts.
 What are your thoughts on the change?



As a son of the South I thought I was immune to the heat, but this shit has gotten out of hand. There isn't a hint of a breeze. The humidity is about 2000%. It's 105 fucking degrees! Birds are falling to the ground....COOKED! Dogs are committing suicide. Various reptiles are sneaking into stores and other cool(ish) places. The governor called up the National Guard and to a man they said, "No." The water streaming out the back of my AC unit has caused a huge gully running all the way down the block...so deep you can't drive over it. Pray for me.

This is perfect roadtrip music...
Cause even a retard can sing along with it.


Eat like no one is watching. Or dance. Whatever.



More than likely there is an employee named Jake who works at State Farm who is fed up with all the jokes.

New sniper suit...
 Notice all the elastic cords in which to place local foliage.

This was advertised as new. But, no, this design came out many years ago but was pulled.

The discarded sharp edged tops became a litter and safety problem, especially at beaches.

My guess is that these were used as a sign of great wealth.

Leo was the first guy to put various emotions in the faces of the subject in his portraits. Her facial expression tells a story.


Our neighborhood put in speed bumps and they are a joke. If anything they slow you down!

This is a pretty good question.

Alpha dogs (wolves, etc) do this to reinforce their dominance. People can do the exact same thing by holding a puppy down by its muzzle.
You guys might want to write this shit down.


He was running our country for 8 years


Consuming both alcohol and marijuana together leads to higher levels of THC (the psychoactive compound in marijuana) in the blood, above levels from consuming marijuana by itself.

How could you resist using this...

Oh, look, their first fight...
I am going to predict that this couple was far happier than any couple on their block.

I read somewhere that there were more ducks eaten than chickens...poundage wise...
If true I would credit it to asians who eat much more duck than westerners. Also there are a whole bunch of wild ducks that once a year just fly down within range of kitchens.
I've given a lot of thought to what animals we do and do not eat. Of course it's just arbitrary as to where you happen to be born, but, to me, that makes it even more problematic.
You see, the government (YOUR government) can take your liberty away...lock you up, for eating the "wrong" animal.
That is like saying, Yes, many nations eat dog, but if you try that shit around here we think that dog's life is more important than your freedom and we will lock your ass up in a box. Think about that.
I would feel better if they locked up everybody who ate ANY animal. At least that would be based on principal and not just custom.


Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu discussing the German Shepherd they just dined upon...
Sautéed in olive oil with a little curry. Ummmmmm.


New Milky Way Galaxy Map Is The Most Accurate Ever Created.


It bothers me that whatever I’m looking for isn’t looking for me.

This took me waaaay longer than it should have.


World's Smallest Light Bulb Is One Atom Thick And Made Of Graphene.

Graphene has the unique ability to become a poorer conductor of heat as it is heated up, which allows the light to become concentrated on a single spot.
Well, of course it does.


Beside national inertia, the main reason the penny is still with us is that business interests want it that way. President Obama, when he was campaigning in 2008, said he would like to rid the nation of this unnecessary burden. “I need to find out who is lobbying to keep the penny,” he said. 

The Center for Responsive Politics, which tracks lobbyists, has the answer: it’s Big Zinc sidekicked by the vending industry. Together, they form a powerful penny lobby. And why would the vending industry give a shit? Because they make a fortune when people run all their loose change through the machine that turns it into cash. I'm not sure, but I think they charge 16% for that and it adds up to big money.


All palaces are temporary palaces.
Now let's go back and take a closer look at the second one.
Look what kind of piecing together they had to do to make the stones "work". I'm surprised when that doesn't happen more often.

Would you walk out of a public bathroom and admit that to a total stranger? 
Speaking of, want to know why most public toilets have a U shaped seat?

This is largely a matter of hygiene. No matter what kind of junk you’re packing, u-shaped seats give you a little breathing room to avoid touching the seat with your genitals, and provide one less place for urine to splash. Open-front toilet seats are largely designed to make it easier for women to wipe. And U-shaped seats are also cheaper, since they use less material.


A young Dalit girl was beaten up by higher caste women in Ganeshpura village in Madhya Pradesh, India, after the victim's shadow fell on a man belonging to their family.
That's right. It is legal to beat a person of lower caste if their shadow falls on you. 
Absolutely fucking amazing. 
And the chances are good that that guy who owns the motel I stay in while on my roadtrips has exactly the same views. I really, really need an Indian viewer to write and explain such behavior to me. You don't have to use the comment section if you don't want to; here is my email address:

I knew a teacher who taught at a very rough inner-city school and when things got a little rowdy she would take one of these out of her desk drawer and lean it in the duct tray of the blackboard.
She never threatened anyone or said a word about it, but things calmed down pretty quickly. 

Lovamahapaya was an ancient building located between Ruvanveliseya and Sri Mahabodiya in the ancient city of Anuradhapura in Sri Lanka. It was built by King DevanampiyaThissa, the first Buddhist king of the country, in the 3rd century BCE. The building was supported by 40 rows of stone pillars each containing 40 pillars, totaling 1600 pillars in all. Each level of the building was rumored to have 1,000 rooms.
 But that's not the point. The point is that they are building a shopping center near my home and this is how they started.
Dozens of telephone poles have been driven into the ground and I don't know why. Do you know why? Then why don't you tell me?
(PS: Lovamahapaya is a great name for a racehorse...or a young man's penis...or both)

Take a look at these old pictures and tell me what you don't see.
 Fat people. There are no fat people, not even among black people.


Most of my friends don’t see the benefits of living with a plus sized women, but when she asks “does this dress make me look fat?” a high pitched laugh and a snorted ‘Hell yeah!’ is an acceptable answer.

Who wouldn't want one of these?


I love making people who already hate me hate me even more.

 I wish I knew how they define "Major Road"...
There always seems to be something odd you can find if you study maps like that.  Now notice the distinctive difference between Illinois and Indiana...right at the border that picks up just south of Lake Superior. Why would Indiana be so much denser? Do all those roads just stop at the state line?


David Walker creates a giant mural in Nancy, France


I wonder if life smokes after it fucks us.


On online auction site eBay, a 100 trillion Zimbabwean dollar note is a collector's item fetching up to $35, a small fortune compared with the 40 U.S. cents on offer from the central bank as it seeks to officially bury the worthless currency.
Capitalism at its best...and worst....simultaneously.


Screw you recommended serving size. You don’t know me.

 Time to revisit this. How to remove a ring that is too tight...
If I'm not mistaken, that is the bed of an old pickup truck. Anybody confirm?


How do you people even have enough money to have a drug addiction? I could barely afford beer and cigarettes at the same time.

Good Advice...


Shawn (carrscove) said...

I wouldn't replace your photo at the end of the blog Ralph. It gives your blog more of a personal factor. Besides, I think most of your loyal followers can actually picture you saying most of what you put on your sign. I never miss a day.


Ninja Grrrl said...

I'll throw my two cents in and say, please keep the picture of you. You are why I read this blog. Also, I often wonder how the hell I ever managed to afford being an addict. The answer is, of course, by illegal means. I'm too old to go to that much trouble now. Frankly I find it hard to imagine that I ever did the things I did while in the grip of my addiction. I tried so hard to find help for so long, and it's not as available as one might think if you aren't well off, even up here in the liberal northeast. I eventually got free of addictions to both crack and heroin. The only thing I did right was I never quit trying to get clean. And one day I tried the right thing, I guess. I don't really know why that day was different than every other day.

Robin said...

The holed stone is 'Men an Tol', which is one of my favorite places. It has an association with fertility, and women would crawl through it naked several times to ensure that they conceived. I visited it very late one night. It's in Cornwall in the South West of England.

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