About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015


One Of My Very Own...
I like that OOMVO, but be forewarned, there are some groaners on the horizon. 



When you think about it just the right way, this is my daughter's and her husband's first use of their 3D printer.

This is the title of an article about the South:
But the flag is coming down, but before it does consider this. The governor has declared that all flags fly at half mast for nine days - one for each Charleston church victim. But that Confederate flag flies high still, immune to the suffering.


If your neighbor has wind chimes, you have wind chimes.



If we had no eyes then we would be unaware of the existence of the visual world. What if we are missing entire aspects of the universe simply because we have not developed organs to detect them?




Men will treat a woman like a princess until she starts acting like one.



The one who snores will always fall asleep first.


Can you imagine being a night watchman at the Louvre?
I wonder if it would be an asset or liability to be an art enthusiast?


Company 3D prints a steel pedestrian bridge in mid-air.
I predict that 3D printing will rank right up there with fire and the wheel in humankind's accomplishments. I predict that we will know we are doomed when a 3D printer is made by another 3D printer.


Normally I wouldn't believe this, but it has been everywhere and each site says it is true...


It’s called kerning...or lack thereof...


Wife and I are seriously thinking of revisiting places like this and bypassing New England...
Anybody want to try to convince us that driving to Maine would be worth the effort?


Crossword clue: Didn’t go fast. 


These Vietnamese chickens are grown especially for their feet...

 Which is a delicacy and the animals sell for hundreds of dollars each.


This guy laughs a lot...
Kim Jong-Un laughing at vegetables
And then there's this guy. Don't you think he's the official Laugh Out Loud Guy.
...who writes down every joke.
That reminds me; while researching Scientology for a story I wrote, I found out that L. Ron Hubbard had someone follow him around and write down every word he said. There was (is?) a warehouse full of his musings.


Police responding to a report of a man abusing a guinea pig in Brookyln's Prospect Park were met by a friendly man from Ecuador who was roasting the animal for breakfast on a 4-foot skewer in a designated public barbecue grill. Roasted guinea pig is a popular dish in parts of Central and South America.
I think a lot about what people do and do not eat. I'm going to expound on the topic later in the week.


Yelling random numbers when someone’s counting.


 Physicists at MIT have created what may be world's coldest chemically stable molecules, chilling sodium potassium gas to half of one millionth of a degree above absolute zero (defined as minus 273 degrees Celsius or minus 460 degrees Fahrenheit, or 0 on the Kelvin scale used by many scientists).

You might want to look that up.


First penis transplant recipient's girlfriend is pregnant


This truck has a screen of view ahead.


"Crisis", a new installation by SpY in Bilbao, Spain


There’s an app that encourages you to buy random junk at 2am.


If that man doesn't have a raging hard-on, he ought to.

This is why they will end up governing us...


Guys, if you want a girl to know how much you like her, just follow her out to her car without her knowing.


 Go get a pair of gloves that fit your hands. Now try to put them on with your palm flat and your fingers splayed. As soon as I saw him struggling with those gloves in the courtroom I ran to my studio and grabbed a pair of work gloves that I knew fit me. Then I proved to myself that no glove will fit if you don't want it to. Try it.

 I heard a scientist say, "If you work with your hands, in ten years a robot will be doing your job."
A human being used to make chain...


The batteries were given out free of charge.               


Nice costume...




Sometimes all you need is a few hundred thousand dollars.

BEZT creates a large new mural in Providence, USA
Nice lighting effect don't you think? And they left the wall more or less the original color, something I very seldom did.
I like that very much.


Newly born Chameleon remains egg shaped


If the universe didn’t need us, we wouldn’t be here.

Not sure I believe that, but it does sound really deep and shit.

The Mask Of Sorrow in Magadan, Russia.


He had a photographic memory which was never developed.


That would be me.


My wife is the Amelia Marcos of coffee makers.

I wonder how many people remember that woman. Ask me and I will explain about her shoes.

You know, it's a miracle any of us survived until adulthood. Seriously.


Thinkabouts -

Ending with this very funny fellow...again...


Colin said...

I heard a scientist say, "If you work with your hands, in ten years a robot will be doing your job."

Which means - Cheaper products, efficiency, less waste and fewer miserable bastards with repetative strain injuries.
Education might just become the priority it NEEDS to be!
Folks doing something they enjoy doing,... like...well....pontificating!

Ninja Grrrl said...

You mentioned wondering of entire ways of perception exist that we lack the organs to perceive. I knew a hearing woman once, born to two deaf parents. Her mother once asked her, WHT sound does the sun make when it hits the ground? I found that idea enchanting. What sounds would it make when it hit dry summer grass, water, my hand?

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