About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015


One Of My Very Own...

This is a link to a great photo essay of 

The Mystery of the Margate Shell Grotto. I suggest you take a look.


I hope these load properly.
The first is a man who asked to shoot my friend's 50 caliber pistol...yes, pistol.
He looks totally unprepared for such a massive weapon.
Now lets see how my friend's wife handles the same weapon.
She's the one who almost made it on the USA's team in the Olympics and holds a world's record in the highland games.



Bonnie and Clyde after ambush. Their bodies are still in car.

I friend sent me this next one...
He said he visited his neighbor and found this nailed to the wall. Never even asked the guy about it. 
And this is the only preserved photograph of Lincoln dead.

Looks just like Daniel Day-Lewis. 
An old OOMVO...

Moving on.

I have a friend who works at the zoo. The other day she was giving a tour to a high school science class whose teacher brought her students every year. When they approached the koala the teach said, Blah, blah, blah, "...and few people know this, but the koala is nocturnal."
My friend said, "No, they are only active a couple of hours a day, but some of those hours are in the day time."
The teacher was livid and barked back, "Last year you told me they were nocturnal."
"No, I said they were not nocturnal."
And after that it was more or less  Abbott and Costello's who's on first.

 Poverty....they probably don't even know they are poor...

Crossword: Point in the right direction.
_ _ _ _ 


Hand sanitizer is a gateway drug to OCD.

9/11 aftermath.

I find this extraordinarily moving.

Crossword Clue: Grace period.


Why is everything so much funnier when you’re laying on the floor?

Viagra now comes in a nasal spray for dickheads.

"Zee Zee Top" in 1971

Every year we pass the anniversary of our death without knowing.

Question: You stand in front of stuff and have people paint you into the background. How many times is too many times?

The innocent had everything to fear, mostly from the guilty but in the longer term even more from those who say things like 'The innocent have nothing to fear'.

How to uncapsize a canoe...

University of Tokyo researchers demonstrated how a robot could do “whole-body pushing manipulation with contact posture planning.” In less technical terms, shoving.

Welcome to White Privilege 101, if you have no idea why you're here that's exactly why you're here.

Stunt doubles for "Game of Thrones"

This octopus is walking while carrying two coconut shells.

If I've learned anything from online dating sites it's that all the single women are on top of mountains.

See anything odd about this?
How about this?
 They are called Book Club, by Guy Laramée

I hate it when my wife asks if I've been drinking and I accidentally respond with a 9-minute air guitar solo.

This is a great library.

"If you're flying with 3 kids, pick the 1 with the highest earning potential & then work your way down with oxygen masks." 
- Flight attendant


Almost every religion fucks with women. Why is that?
No, You Shut Up.
We inconvenience ourselves to accommodate others. We go to their country and get arrested for a tattoo of Jesus.

Starting a sentence with “And just for your information” is no way to make friends or influence people.

Let's end on a laugh and a thought about your asshole...

If heaven is real the only question will I have for god is how many times my Chinese food was

 a cat


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