About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015


One Of My Very Own...

Americans now spend more years of their adult life unmarried than married. 


From time to time when I was teaching school, it would come time for me to walk the little babies back to their classroom, and if it had been an exceptionally good day, I would march out singing this and the children would all join in. When I got upstairs around other classrooms we would switch to whisper singing and it was a sight to behold.
I, of course, was referring to me as the he in the song.

First, the good news. My wife and I had an over/under bet on the birthday of my grandson and it was Monday. I had over and he was born on Tuesday which means I won $10.

My flippishness about my grandson was all bullshit. I'm agog with excitement.


This guy know what he does and does not like!


Find a woman with a brain. They all have vaginas.


While on our roadtrip I saw a semi truck with one huge tire instead of two regular tires.
And article said it saved almost 3% in fuel. 3% is A LOT of fucking diesel. 
I think I know where they got the idea.

This is one of the most unusual photos I have ever seen.
 Look at the girl on the far right. It's like she's waiting her turn.

Had I written the caption I would have added the word "badly" after guitar. 


 My nephew's young neighbor's child:
 This next one is for my son-in-law.

You need to see this again...

Thinking fast I would have surrounded myself with a protective cloud of urine.

An old OOMVO...

Pretty self-explanatory. Those two dark blobs in Florida are the Everglades and Okefenokee Swamps.
 And notice the population density more or less outlines the state of North Dakota. 

This is my daughter...the PhD...and mother.
 And now she has a baby of her very own.

This is my buddy, Shawn with his young son fixing a motorcycle.

I would love to see this guy get the Republican nomination.
Wouldn't you love for him to be asked if he eats shrimp and shit like that? 
"So, Mike, how old were Lot's daughters that he gave to the townsmen to rape and then they got him drunk and fucked the shit out of him? And further, did they have an orgasm while they were humping their dad?"
"Question Number Two: I see by your combover that you are bald. If some kids tease you about it, do you think god will send bears to rip them apart like he did for Elisha?"
"Do you believe in talking snakes?"

What’s With the Word Order in ‘Believe You Me’?


 Have you ever had such an intense dump that you briefly questioned your sexuality?

 My, oh, my. Then there's this asshole.
But keep in mind that six people (probably younger) DIDN'T get those hearts.

 I've survived 69 years by pretending to be smarter than I am. I tell people I excel in Academia but I can't even point Academia out on a map.


The whole meaning of life is dinner: You eat it or you are it.

 I have no idea what this means.

Check out poor Poland.

12-year-old Nick and J take it to a whole new level of heat, eating Mad Dog 357 Plutonium, which clocks in at 9 Million Scoville heat units!! This extract sauce is 9 times hotter than Ghost Peppers and about 4 1/2 times hotter than the Carolina Reaper (Guinness Book Record holder for World's Hottest Pepper).
You can't image their extreme discomfort. 

 Tight fit. Let some air out of the tires?
That's what she said. 

Forever known as The June Fourth Incident. 
 And don't worry, I won't let you forget.


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