About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, July 9, 2015


One Of My Very Own...
I can do better than that.


My daughter came home from school one day and told me she got into trouble for saying "crap". I said, "Crap?! That's not even a fucking cuss word!"


Old Soldiers: 1913 - Attending 50th Reunion of Battle of Gettysburg
Speaking of...


My doctor and I often disagree on what is best for my health.

What a very strange cartoon...


Without me it would just be aweso.


I hang out with so many young people and they mostly all are all inked up.
They also just don't understand some things that my generation took very seriously. They (to a person) have no idea why anyone would give a shit who marries whom...black, white, gay, etc. They have no idea why anyone would cling to an old flag of a corrupt rebellion. 
I like young people. Oh, and none of them go to church.



There is no point being grown up if you can’t act childish sometimes.


I read that 1 pound of quarters and 1 pound of dimes are both equal to $20.
 Is that true? Probably.

I feel it my duty to remind you just how stupid you look to me when you wear those shoes.
Your poor feet. I recently read an article about just that.
But there were other serious problems:

Even sitting in heels is bad for you: 
- They can alter the resting length of the muscles and tendons around the ankle.
- The rate of high-heel related injuries has doubled between 2002 and 2012.
- Women who frequently wear heels have shortened calf muscles and a thicker Achilles tendon.

And humans who voluntarily do these things to their bodies expect male humans to treat them as equals?


Crown Princess Marie of Romania all gussied up, 1896.


I will never stay in the same place for longer than I should just to please other people.

An image I regret ever seeing...

This reminds me of the peak along the route to the top of Mt. Everest where they tell you if you are going to fall, fall off the north side since the drop is an extra 100' therefore you will live longer.


I will never jump off the roof onto a trampoline.

This is a peacock feather up close.
This is a peacock feather up really close.
 I would like to meet the sick fuck who first called such a beautiful bird a peacock.

They just found two Monet sketches behind two other sketches in a frame.
 You would think everyone who owned a rare, very old, expensive piece of artwork would know everything there was to know about it, the frame, the wire, the tape and whatever else you bought.

How...ah...hot was it?


I will never, ever trust a gas station sandwich again.


The beheading of Leonard Siffleet by a Japanese officer in 1943.
 And that officer returned home and became someone's beloved grandfather.


Photographer fell down while taking a wedding picture, here's the picture he ended up taking.

Another one of those murals that are made by chipping away at the wall...


Did you ever notice that life starts to suck right around the time people stop physically carrying you around?


 I didn't know that. Did you know that?

What a wonderful way to teach a child...


If a bird shits on a Venus Flytrap does the Venus Flytrap eat the shit?


For as long as I can remember I have thought about my grandchildren calling me Big Diddy. My daughter said she would cooperate and now we just wait. Then I started seeing the name everywhere. I didn't even know that their was a rap guy with that name. I run across it on image sights.
My daughter tells me that the upside is that by the time my grandson starts talking, the rap guy will be old memories.
We shall see.


If I had a dollar for every time I had no idea what was going on, I’d be asking people why they were giving me money.

For "Camping"


She ain't got time for that pretending shit.
Speaking of... 


Watching my young daughters climb up and slide down a water slide, a young mother asked which one was mine. I just smiled and said, “I haven’t decided yet.”



Skills that most people don't need.
This guy could turn off a light switch across the room the same way. 

This is a little more extreme than I usually post.
But it reminded me of a guy I knew in the Air Force who fucked himself up with a mounted tire on a jet fighter. There were two air compressors on the flightline; one maxed out at 300 PSI and the other 3000 PSI. The 300 was supposed to be used to top off the tires, but it took a long time. The 3000 was very, very fast, but if you left it in too long the whole wheel explodes and that is how my friend lost his complete genitalia package plus most of his intestines. 

What a wonderful photo.


Disney’s corporate strategy chart


Tapestry, Erin M. Riley
I know a local woman artist who uses stitching and such BECAUSE it's a "woman's skill", but she takes it to a whole new level.



For someone, somewhere in America, today is the last day they will wake up with 10 fingers.


One of the few appropriate uses for a selfie stick.


Some days there comes a time when no matter what the question is, the answer is beer…lots and lots of beer.

I watched the whole clip on this...
They must train those people in how to use their 'command voice' cause that guy was loud. Take away...don't touch them. 

Says I...
 "Christ Pratt"

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