About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, July 10, 2015

FRIDAY #2397

One Of My Very Own...


As most of you know, child abuse is one of my trip wires. The internet has been having a lot of fun with this guy.

But as I understand it, the raid on his house was to get evidence of crimes committed by an employee.


From The Onion

A reminder to all my visitors that starting Monday I will be on the road. Please understand that post may vary in quality. I hope to make up for it in documenting my little art installation, and I plan on flooding the landscape with them.

Silly pose with WWII bunker, but posted to ask you to notice the stepped slope of the opening...top and bottom...
That's so a near miss won't ricochet into the hole. 
Speaking of...
Because of cyclist, do you think that's a scene out of a movie?

If nobody got rich from it there would be no such thing as war.


Snapchat?! Sonny, I show my dick to people the old fashioned way…on the subway!

I have heard much criticism about this fact...voting yourself money. But the rich have been buying politicians for just that very reason for a long, long time. The present situation we find ourselves is a direct result of them being much better at it than we are.



Maybe you should have lots of sex tonight. Not the regular kind, the good kind. The kind your remember.


Word that goes with drop and roll but not stop.




 A Japanese sidewalk with a chicane to slow down cyclists (or fast walkers).


Saw an ad for a TV show on Auchwitz and a survivor’s words “We knew our days were numbered” were heard right when an image came on of children showing the tattoos on their arms. Very powerful.

Funny guy.
 Speaking of...

Am I the only one who finds drawn on eyebrows unattractive? They just make you look like you should be stealing Dalmatians.


Live in Frank Sinatra's mountain hideout, now for sale at $4M.

Because the 4,300 foot elevation offers year-round temperatures that are at least twenty degrees cooler than the desert floor below.

I ran across some old OOMVOs and thought I would run them by you again.


Titanic the boat cost $174 million, Titanic the film cost $200 million. Why didn't James Cameron just rebuild the ship and sink it for real?



Before I took that Geology class I took a lot of rocks for granite.

How to get me not to do any work.


It's used for cutting a perfect flat-top


That moment when you realize why people don't break into abandoned hospitals.


The thought of getting sunburn is pretty sunburn is pretty crazy. Something 93 million miles away is burning you.


If you insult someone in public, they can ignore you, insult you back, or react with violence. If the person you are insulting is a cop, they can also arrest you, even though the charges are almost always thrown out of court.


It is thought that over time humans began taking wolf pups as pets, likely choosing the more docile pups, eventually resulting in the dogs we know and love today.
 But to me, it looks like the dog is biting his leg.

 When you're high as shit and trying to be cool in public.


Harrison  Ford looks just like someone who opens his Ebay purchase he made while drunk.

 American artist Carson David Brown invites himself in supermarkets to create on-site, and without authorization, some colorful installations using the products available and sold on site.

Without permission...the best part.


Kind of hard to predict this outcome...


As a child I didn’t have imaginary friends, I had imaginary enemies.


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