About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015


One Of My Very Own...
 I can do better...

And, of course, I have a new desktop image...
Kid's got that look of mischief, don't he?

Well, we've left the little fellow behind and headed for Maine. Today we made it across Illinois and Indiana and are at the border with Ohio as I type.
The trip has been uneventful, and by uneventful I mean despite 60 pounds of maps I hauled out of AAA on a handtruck; a road atlas; two cell phones; and a new TomTom GPS device, we still get lost about once an hour. I have been urging my wife to read the instructions on the new TomTom, but she likes to wing it. It's just another thing I like about her. Oh, and I handed her my camera to take a picture out her window and she lost it....in the car...never got out of her seat....lost. I will buy two new ones tomorrow just in case another goes down the rabbit hole.

Seriously, my daughter and her husband are great parents. That is the happiest baby I have ever seen, and at not yet six weeks old it can hold his head up and half way roll over. He is getting so big so fast I waited all weekend for him to ask me for a swallow of beer.

Managed to mount a half dozen or so key installations. I've got it down to a science now and twice managed to pull off the road and drive right up beside a utility pole and mount the thing right out of my window without even having to get out. I was going to try and teach my wife how to use the electric screw driver but I'm afraid she would lose it.


Exercising for just 10 minutes a day raises your risk of posting inspirational quotes by 60%.


 Yeah, I could see me trying to talk my wife into doing that!
This is an example of the emotion Da Vinci captured in his paintings. Very, very subtle indeed.
 I would love to know if this next guy on the log was asked to do that, or just decided to do it on his own and another guy just happened to have a camera.
And IF he were asked to crawl out on a log over the falls naked, WHY would you want to see such a thing?

What's the good of being stoical if nobody notices?


I think that some women (and men) hate pornography and prostitution because it shows just how bad they are at sex.

I'm looking for an electrical extension cord with a pull out female end that looks kind of like this crank rope.
I am having difficulty getting the extension cord out of my cart without yanking on the wires, which causes it separate from the plug. Anybody know where I can order one?

This is the best idea I've seen solving this problem.
Now the way I got it figured, the wire gate is down when the mouse approaches, then it touches the cheese and BAM; the wire snaps up sending the little bastard bouncing off the back of the can. I would like to see that at least once in my life and have the bug-eyed little prick looking at me like, What the fuck just happened? And I wouldn't tell it because they shit on my silverware, which is just mean.

Then there's the guy who knows how to make this.
Shit like that just makes me feel stupid. It looks rather straight forward. Scott, I expect a full report when you show your children.


My wife said that the hardest part of trying on bathing suits in the dressing room is making sure no one hears her crying.

 This is great!
Imagine stumbling upon that in the wild. And you and your mates were like "Why would anybody do that?" That's what people are going to do when they find my key installation and it was planned for just that.


The first rule of cliff hanger club is

 Haven't posted a cat lately.

 From The Small Penis Documentary...which exists.


Australia, until the 1960s, Aborigines came under the Flora And Fauna Act...
Now think back to yesterday's post about Australia and America receiving all of England's criminals. Then think about us treating the native people the same way. Of course, the Spanish did it in Mexico and the Crusade's white knights slaughtered the shit out of the jews. But when you think about it just right, the bible said the jews killed ever man, woman and child of their enemies. Maybe that's just the way it's done.

This just about gave me a hard-on. The contrast is...breathtaking.
I don't care what it's used for, it's a work of art just sitting there.


During sex my wife screams out “MAYBE! MAYBE! MAYBE!” just to keep me on my toes.


How islands come to be...
Nice looping.

I don't see him extracting the rectum.
 When you ask him how long he has worked there, he holds up this hand and says, "Two years."

I taught many of my students to do flip cards, but not like this...


Blind film critic Tommy Edison, who has been blind since birth, explains how blind people tell time.
That's true, but I don't get how.

You know how I feel about clever clocks.


When people tell you that life will get better, what they usually mean is you will get used to it.


Invisible methanol fire in the pit.
Scary stuff.

Another great idea!


I feel like when life gives me lemons I just give them back because I hate holding stuff.

You can expect these from time to time.
I really like the guy.
I like this guy, too.
His name is Robert Motherwell and I met him back when I was in graduate school. He's a nice guy; not a pretentious bone in his body. He painted big. This painting is 7x10 feet.
I painted many paintings that large and also I used to walk on my canvases just like he did. 

I have no idea if this is true, but it sounds cool as crap.

 What does it say about a country if their citizens have to be reminded not to do those things?



Inside this rotten tree nearly eaten up by insects you can still see where the limbs grew out.
But why is the center core missing. I would think it was made out of the same stuff as the remaining part of the limbs.


Never try to save money on fingernail clippers.



I want to live the kind of life that when St. Peter looks over my list of sins he gives me a high-five before he sends me to hell.


"Leaning Tower of Penis"?


Using population density, unemployment rates, median income, housing vacancy rate, education, commute times, crime rates, and bad weather, they deduce this. 



Unknown said...

fyi: the trap won't work.....you can't set the trigger

Ralph Henry said...

You, sir, are absolutely correct. And that pisses me off.
It pisses me off that the jerkoff posted something that he probably knew would not work, and it pisses me off I didn't catch it.
In a couple of weeks I have a mouse trap that fires a 12 gauge shotgun shell. Let me know if you find anything awry with that.

Unknown said...

maybe a little messy but should work

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