About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, August 6, 2015


One Of My Very Own...

NFL she-coach.



A thirty-second earthquake generally has a magnitude in the mid-sevens. A minute-long quake is in the high sevens, a two-minute quake has entered the eights, and a three-minute quake is in the high eights. By four minutes, an earthquake has hit magnitude 9.0.

"An anti-gay political party in Kenya plans to protest against U.S. President Barack Obama by greeting him with 5,000 "totally naked" protesters for his "open and aggressive support for homosexuality."  The Republican Liberty Party's "main objective is for him to see and understand the difference between a man and woman," according to a party statement."



Carnival in Germany

This movement is getting a lot of play.
At least in other parts of the world.

Just look at those foot-polished street pavers.


"Let's do lunch."
Kind of looked like the fix was on, don't it?


I flipped off a latino guy who cut me off in traffic and now I'm polling at 8% in the Republican primary.


Molting spider...
Holy shit!


Among professional comedians, joke theft is no joke. Now Twitter is allowing members to use DMCA notices to take down tweets posted by accounts that copy and paste them without attribution.

Fuck the joke police. If I had the time, I could go back in history and find every joke that modern comedians are claiming as their own. Arrogant bastards.
Then there's the matter of telling your bartender a joke you heard on TV and being slapped with a lawsuit. It is just so silly. And is there a real difference between telling a joke to your bartender and writing a remembered joke to your friends in a blog?



It's not as exciting when you realize his name is actually Harold Potter.


Do we keep funding Voyager? That is a question I was asked by a bright young fellow. It's only $5 million of NASA's budget, but there is a lot to consider. At it's distance, just about everything it sends back is new knowledge, unlike say, a Mars rover that sends something like, "Yep, I analyzed this sample and it was exactly what we expected."
There are several major problems with the Voyager programs, but suffice to say I asked what does Voyager's board of director's say about these problems, and the young man said, "I am on the board of directors."

She could have broken her neck.


All these idiots at the gym obviously don't know that it takes more muscles to frown.


This is my wife when the young yard guy is mowing with his shirt off...


My doctor asked if anything was bothering me, and I said, "When people say different color bell peppers taste different."

How fat was your gerbil?


Not sure is that's factual, but it came from a respected site.
Further, what constitutes a mass shooting...2?...3?




If you roll your booger between your fingers long enough, it loses its stickiness and you can flick it.



Masturbation and a bag of Cheezits should have a hand washing in between them. No matter what order you do them in.



This painting can only be properly viewed through this mirrored pole.


Rather neat idea.

I painted a huge mural that looked just like this.

Here, ladies, let me help you with that.


Would you seriously consider marrying someone who put water on their cereal instead of milk?

 Scoring Caber Tossing. The score is given in times closest to 12 o'clock. It doesn't matter how far the pole goes, only if it lands directly in front of him, or exactly 12 o'clock.

 Use your mind to make the train go the other way.


Kids today don’t know how easy they have it. When I was young I had to walk 9 feet through shag carpet to change the TV channel.


From The Desk Of Rev. Knowitall

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