About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, August 20, 2015


One Of My Very Own...
Interesting fact: Mother Theresa admitted to masturbating, saying, "Nuns are not freaks you know."

A little traveling music for my dear, dear wife.


Well, I'm out.
I know this won't mean much to most of you, but it does to me and it's my fucking blog.
I was right on the verge of breaking my 43 minute record time for completing a New York Times Sunday Crossword Puzzle. I mean I was at 30 minutes and all I had was the upper right hand corner. Then 23 across asked for an eleven letter Triple Crown winner that started with SE. I put Secretariat and was off and running...to nowhere. Nothing matched. I was at wits end until I did something I loathe doing...I cheated.
Seattle Slew is also an eleven word Triple Crown winner that starts with SE. Go fucking figure.


I learned something today. My bar got a counterfeit $20 bill and they caught it by the lack of texture on Jackson's coat, which is a little rough, compared to the smoothness of the rest of the bill. How come I never knew that?


1933 to 2100 USA Age Distribution


 I wonder what song The Little Mermaid was singing when she viciously ripped a clam in half to make that cute bikini top.


This is the kind of landscape my wife and I were used to seeing on our extended road trips. The northeast offered nothing like that.


A cat is the animal equivalent of the girl who hated you for no reason in high school.



"I'll be a dentist. Then they'll love me."

"We're terrified of dentists."

"I'll kill a lion!"

"It was a beloved lion with a name."



 [waving hands and chasing down ice cream truck] Hey!

"What'll it be?"

[out of breath] Nothing. Just wanted to tell you I'm vegan.


*Attempts to give a Homeless guy change* Him: Thanks. You never know, one day my situation might be you. Me: Really? *holds on to change*



The reason Latin is a dead language is because they kept accidentally summoning demons during regular conversations.

I will state unequivically that a child did not draw that last one. The perspective on the bed is far too advanced for a small child, but the lamp treatment is damn near perfect. 


A recent study shows 50% of people think that people who can't spell are idiots .. The other 50% said "that's ridiclious!"



We all know that person playing Pictionary who draws something terribly and just keeps circling it.



Nothing says you married into the wrong damn family like your mother in-law crashing your honeymoon.

You might want to go back and look more carefully at that.



Buzz Aldrin's Moon Checklist


I'm gonna start giving bad news to people in that cute, high pitched voice I use to talk to kids and dogs.



GMO is getting out of hand.
I, of course, am all for it.


How fiber optics work.
As I understand it, those tiny thin fibers are coated with something that creates a mirror from the inside, so light put in one end comes out the other with very, very little loss of power. 


Ain’t physics great!
A lesson he ain't soon to forget.



You think any of the astronauts who walked on the moon lose their cars in the parking lot?



 3 days ago I put a sign on my door that said "I'll be back in 20 minutes". Nobody has bothered me since and I'm never taking it down.



When people stay in a horrific relationship instead of breaking up, I assume they killed someone together.


Did you notice?


A couple of headlines you may have missed:




One problem early banana marketers faced was the fruit's suggestive shape.

No proper Victorian lady wanted to be seen holding a banana, To change this, the banana companies released thousands of postcards, showing such ladies happily holding bananas. The strategy worked.

Holy Fucking Shit!
Notice the guy in the bottom right corner.


Okay, pubery, I'm 69, jokes over.



I bought my friend an elephant for their room.

They said, “Thank you.”

I said, “Don’t mention it.”


If you are a Johnny Cash fan, you might want to watch this. I found it very interesting.


World trade center…religion, everyone exploits others if they have the power. Luckily, the writers of our constitution took the power away from religious maniacs. But for how long?

I have talked to people who actually believe that the future of mankind hinges on what happens in Israel. And these people are not Jews...they are Christians. They read their bibles and actually think the eight headed dragon and the four horsemen will soon descend on the "Holy Land" and the "Chosen People" must prevail. Go fucking figure.

I got a comment left by an anon and it gave me this link to a film about all the unanswered questions about 9/11. I watched it all...all two hours of it. It is not your usual conspiracy theory crap and had some very interesting facts...like back in 2001 cell phones didn't work above 10,000 or so feet. Plus the fact that those airplanes would have broken apart at 600 mph, which they were clocked at flying. 
Anyway, you may want to watch it...or not.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thought you might find this interesting. Google "sub tropolis"
B Baggins

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