About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015


One Of My Very Own…

You might want to watch this for a couple of minutes anyway...

I've added a new wrinkle to my Key Packets. Each dollar bill in always placed in its own small plastic bag to forestall water damage. The bags are an inch or so longer than the folded bill, so I used to just tuck it under. Now I tuck it under and secure it in place with one of my labels.
It does look kind of....official, don't it?

By the way, of all the comments sent to me from the dozens and dozens of people who have found a packet, the comment most often repeated is: "We weren't sure we were allowed to take it."
I find that very telling.


Today I heard someone ask another person how they were doing. The person answered, “Well, I’m above ground…” then he shrugged.
I thought, This man has extreme low expectations in life. And it made me sad.
True story.

Can you spell "Total Prick", boys and girls?

The gentleman did indeed smash the glass barrier at a school hockey game so that he could more easily yell at children.
As a retired school teacher of young children and an all around nice guy, I find behavior like that disgusting.


Taking a screenshot in 1983
My daughters were 8 years old when they had to do that.


I once taped a Packers’ game without the expressed written consent of the National Football League.


These are actual tiny child handcuffs used by the U.S. government to restrain captured Native American children and drag them away from their families to send them to the Indian boarding schools where their identities, cultures and their rights to speak their Native languages were forcefully stripped away from them.
(remember the admonishment about not trusting in things just because they are legal)

About 3,000 people died that awful day.
Hell, in our wars, 3,000 deaths is a rounding error.
And you think we are "teaching them a lesson?"
Well, we are creating more "terrorists" than we are killing.
I'm not saying we didn't have a right to be pissed. We SHOULD have kicked Afghanistan's ass, but now we are just fucking with people who take offense at being fucked with.
Now look at it backwards. What would you and I, and our sons and daughters do if a more powerful country kept blowing our shit up? Do you think Americans would become more or less aggressive in those circumstance?


This is the customary culmination of a wedding, then the one in a million shot...
I hope that loaded. If not, try this one.

When I came back from overseas to attend the university, I thought it would be a good idea to open my own bar.
One of the things I brought back with me was a very long handle bar mustache, and I waxed mine to stick straight out to the side so far you could see most of it from behind me. Once a young son came in with his father, took one look at me and said, "You look like a catfish."
The bar erupted in mirth and for twenty minutes everyone ordered with, "One more beer here, Catfish." I knew that if I were to yield I would forever be known as Catfish. So I ignored all of them until they needed a beer badly enough to call me by my name.


A Stockbridge damper is a tuned mass damper used to suppress wind-induced vibrations on slender structures such as overhead power lines and long cantilevered signs. The dumbbell-shaped device consists of two masses at the ends of a short length of cable or flexible rod, which is clamped at its middle to the main cable. The damper is designed to dissipate the energy of oscillations in the main cable to an acceptable level. Its distinctive shape gives it the nickname "dog-bone damper".

I think we can all give credit where credit is due.
A lot of people say I look like him.

No word on how this works...
I'm going to guess a micro-burst of CO2...?


Read this quote in USA Today:

"War, if you’ve ever been through one, is always with you, even after it has been over for a long time and everything around is quiet and still."


Enclaves appear when history contrives to put a piece of one country completely inside another. India and Bangladesh's border is a maze of them, but they've just fixed the craziest of them all: an enclave surrounded by an enclave surrounded by an enclave surrounded by another state.

More on this topic. 
As I understand it, the Indians were not wise enough to solve their ethnic tensions which went back to Adam and Eve or whichever bullshit they made up, but they were wise enough to decide to just separate the warring parties. So they more or less drew a map (very much like Americans gerrymander a state) and the warring parties separated.
It didn't solve all the problems, but at least the chances of you being killed in your sleep was greatly diminished. 
I know that I have viewers from India. Any of you fine folk want to explain it to me?


Somedays, it is better to be lucky than good.
But when you think about it just right, hundreds of times a day you miss certain death by mere feet...or seconds. And do any of you whisper, "Thanks" to the driver who was sober enough to stay in their own lane while you fly by a 80 miles an hour? 
Of course not. If we took the time to thank all the drivers who did exactly what was expected of them, then we wouldn't have time to curse the drivers who make a mistake.

And that is the man that black women activists chose to steal his microphone? Fools.


In 1949 geologist Vadim Kolpakov discovered a large mound of limestone in the north of the Irkutsk region in Siberia. The cone is curiously shaped with a crater at the top and a small mound in the center. Since the discovery of the crater, there have been many theories as to what could have created it. For a long time it was believed to be a meteorite impact structure. But the Patomskiy crater does not resemble any other known meteorite site. Later, some geologists suggested that it could be a nascent volcano, but no volcanic material has ever been found either.

If you see someone doing this, it's not about the birds.


I heard this on CNN: “…but first and format…”

(I swear)

Time for Little Known Fact #453: There was four stacks on the Titanic, but it only had three smoke stacks. The fourth was the air intake.
This cartoon fucked it all up.

 Those are bathroom doors.


Classical music sounds really fancy and proper for something composed by guys who threw a bucket of their turds out the window every morning.

Let's think about this. If everybody in your country has names like that, how much time is wasted in the simple act of calling roll, or reading out the list of workers, etc, etc. I know it's only a couple...TWELVE...more syllables, but in a country of a BILLION people that shit adds up! Can you imagine what an NFL huddle would be like?!


These from Hemingway's own photo album...

Ernest Hemingway fighting a Bull in Pamplona, Spain (pictured in front of the horns of the bull).  Hemingway was participating in “The Amateurs” in 1925, one year before the publication of “The Sun Also Rises.”

Telegram notifying Ernest Hemingway that he has been awarded the 1954 Nobel Prize for Literature.
 Notice that in the above they misspelled "prize".


Okay, we get it, poets; things are like other things.

Speaking of...
^ "Segregation", a mural by Case in Lutherstadt Wittenberg, Germany.
And another large scale work...

^ "X-Funk", a mural by Shok-1 in East London, UK 

Every time I look at this image I want a cigarette.
I have seen so many women post-coilotal in this exact same pose. I think it was disgust.


August 9th 1945, Nagasaki bombed “just for the hell of it.” (not my quote)
The smile is...odd, but understandable. She may have been buried for days and just now freed. Or she may have emerged to find she was not going to be burned to death like everybody she knew. Or, more likely, she's a little bit insane.


Police killings since Ferguson.
Wouldn't you love to see how many policemen were killed and where?

Speaking of police...

How can you face your problem if your problem is your face?

I think he's done this before.
And more likely than not, people with this type of technology are our enemy. Really.

As a life long corn dog lover, this looks like a great idea...
And you put a pet DOG in a baseball hat in a video about corn DOGS and I want to eat that motherfucker too!

Here's the link:

Sometimes I lie...
 Those are just words. You CAN NOT do all things no matter what voodoo you believe. Saying those words may empower you to get off your ass, but you KNOW the statement is bullshit.
But the bible says you can handle snakes, and drink poison and perform miracles....Do you even read the fucking book?!


Anonymous said...

I like my women the way I like my coffee...ground up and stored in the freezer.

Anonymous said...

Either you haven't done your research on 9/11 or you just can't accept the truth that our own government would do such a thing to start stripping away our rights, etc. A ton of etc. You were asking for movie recommendations, this is a good documentary on why we can't even take history at face value anymore. Our eyes are opened.

Ralph Henry said...

What about the phone calls from the plane that went down in Pennsylvania? Were all of those people in on the conspiracy?

Anonymous said...

The phone calls that included this?... "Mark Bingham phoned his mother and said, "Hi Mom, This is Mark Bingham" I don't care how stressed you are - you never phone your mother and give her your full name." Where was the wreckage from the plane? Where were the bodies? Same for the "plane" that supposedly hit the Pentagon. It's difficult to accept that our government could be so evil. Other countries shake their heads as proud Americans keep waving the flag and saying "God Bless America" without looking into what this government is all about. It's a tough pill to swallow, but it's time to take that nasty medicine and see things through cleared eyes.

Ralph Henry said...

Yeah, I watch the whole film. Very disturbing at the least. I agree that there were some real problems with all the phone calls, etc.
I did find it confusing that they spent the first half of the film explaining how we were warned over and over from countries all over the globe that the attack was coming, then the last half of the film demonstrating how the hijackers could not have flown the planes.
I lived through a real conspiracy; that of President Nixon and Watergate. The entire government was brought down for the simple fact that nobody can keep their fucking mouth's shut. If only part of what was in the film is true, then there must be thousands of people (drivers, secretaries, mechanics, etc, etc) who have to ALL keep their mouths shut.
I mentioned that to another guy once and he countered with the fact that nobody leaked the Manhattan Project. I re-countered that the Manhattan Project was not leaked because they moved all the participants out in the middle of the desert and read all their mail and didn't allow phone calls.
Anyway, I want to thank you for sharing that with me. I was, however, very surprised that there was no mention of Building 7, which is a real eye opener.

Anonymous said...

"What about the phone calls from the plane that went down in Pennsylvania? Were all of those people in on the conspiracy?"

What people? First responders and others at the scene reported seeing little or no evidence of human remains.There were 44 people on Flight 93 on September 11, who were calculated to have weighed about 7,000 pounds in total. One early arriver commented "The only thing we saw that was even remotely human was half a shoe that was probably 10 feet from the impact area." Another reported that all he saw that resembled human remains were three chunks of torn human tissue. "We didn't think there were people on the plane because we didn't see anybody." A Pennsylvania State Police officer told an interviewer "I was surprised to find that I saw no human remains... none whatsoever." The local county coroner concluded "It appeared as though there were no passengers or crew on this plane"

Were there any people on flight 93?

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