About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015


One Of My Very Own…
I stole that.

Because my newsy section today contains several gifs, I'm putting it at the end so they have time to load. Or something.

Gentle Reader, Ode an die Freude...arguably the most beautiful music ever composed.

By the way, I lost 40 points in last week's football pool. That is embarrassing. The best score was minus 12.

Very short, but oh, so interesting.


Do you remember me telling you about Putin scoring 7 goals in a hockey game? Well, what exactly do you think happens when Obama plays basketball with his Secret Service detail?

I don't think so.
"But it's so natural," they say.
Well, so is taking a shit or getting a cyst lanced and I don't need to see it.



RULE #1: When the muse comes to your bedside, don’t tell her you’ll fuck her later.


Some say I’m past my prime. I say I’ve survived my prime.


Just another pretty girl showing her ass.


So hard to hurt a vampire's feelings because you can't say "how do you sleep at night?" or "how do you look at yourself in the mirror?"



Here’s a fun little thing that you think shouldn’t be able to happen but totally understand why it happens after you see it happen. If you stick a candle in a bowl of water and let it burn, the flame will actually be able to be under the water level for a good amount of time. It’s underwater fire!
 You should show your kids that.

Absolutely no explanation for this other than it was an amazing discovery.
 Does anybody have any ideas about what it might be?

For you classy lushes.


I bought "extra whitening" toothpaste and now my teeth are spending a year in Korea teaching English.

For my daughter.

I have not posted any of the other dozens of these type photos...
...but somebody stole that stapler and took it all over the country photographing and posting the thing's adventure.
Well, I had a pair of paint pants stolen off the line and it was likewise photographed all over the country and sent to me in an envelope without a return address.
BTW, paint pants are pants I paint in and have paint smeared all over the thigh.


A glacier placed this here..
And now we are lucky enough to stand in awe before it.

Remember the story about the Greeks getting a hard-on during battle due to the adrenaline?



What’s to say that future generations will not classify our age as the Dark Ages. Atom bombs, mustard gas, endless wars. Making laws based on superstition. Cutting the end of little boys' dicks?

This is true:
What say you,  Brit viewers?

Just another reason these shoes suck.


is there a sadder metaphor of ur adulthood destroying ur childhood than the fact that to get to work evryday u hav to burn up dead dinosaurs



The insanity has spread worldwide!

 James Green, NASA: “When I went back to NASA headquarters on Monday and said, ‘The Martian is a great book and we ought to help them do what I think they want to do, which is paint a picture of Mars that’s realistic.’ I was all in.”

I have heard that Martian is to following reality what Gravity was to flaunting it.

Oh, look, another pretty girl showing her ass.
Seriously, that is a very pretty woman. Any by now, of course, she was somebody's grandmother and is probably dead.


This was done with spray cans of paint...
I find such control admirable.

PHOTO ESSAY: Back to school, Julian Germain

I find it telling that in every instance, the children followed the instruction of the photographer to a person.

There is no way to express how important this was to learn.

The only key board I need here at Folio Olio...

 So a guy called AAA because his car key battery died and they showed him this little trick. Why would they hide this, VW?


when someone near me yawns i can't help but match the yawn with a visually similar scream


Just drop me off anywhere.

What Kind of Sorcery is this?

This reminds me of a story.
I was flagged down by a six young German men who had their BMW's back wheel in a three foot deep ditch. They wanted a ride to town to get a tow truck. Within five minutes I had them placed and organized and the seven of us pushed it back on the highway. And that, Gentle Reader, is why we won the war.

Sports; you have to love sports.

Who in their right mind would teach a snake to do such a diabolical thing?

Brazilian protester accidentally knocks a policeman's cap off, then things escalate very, very quickly.
He fired on them.

You know what spoiled this movie for me?
The peas soup scene. I kept waiting for her to do it again for the rest of the movie.

This won't be near as funny if your wife hasn't been through menopause yet...


I feel like if there ever was a zombie apocalypse I'm so numb to them at this point I wouldn't even bat an eye.



In case you missed this viral...

The Miami Dolphins In A Nutshell


1 comment:

JimReed said...

VW Key. I recently bought a VW diesal as a 40+ MPG commuter with this same set up. I sprang for the push button ignition option. This also comes with proximity door unlocks. So my key just stays in my pocket (folded into the key fob). When my pocket is near the door and I place my thumb finder on that cover, the door unlocks. Same with rear trunk.

However, on a road trip, it stopped working (later found out that my key fob battery was dead). I just popped that cover off, unfolded the real key, used it old school, and got in. Then you place the fob right at the push button start and push. If the car battery was dead, I would open the door the same way, but once the battery was on a jump, I wouldn't have to place the fob at the button. I'd just push as normal. Cleaver that.

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