About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015


One Of My Very Own…

I would have looked up at this and said, "Oh, look, a rocket test."

But, no. Most people just KNEW it was a UFO. 


There is some sort of anniversary of the sinking of this ship.
So, listen to this in their honor.


Spartanburg, SC (WLTX) - A Spartanburg a couple is facing charges after deputies say they called 9-1-1 five times because they saw possums and people jumping out of their refrigerator and microwave.

Brandon Dwayne Terry and Casey Dawn Fowler have been charged with unlawful use of 911.
When the deputy arrived, he says the couple also told him that they had pictures of worms coming out of the floor of their vehicle and pictures of other people camouflaged. The deputy says he looked at several of the pictures which he says just showed a basketball goal and a tree.
Deputies believe the two were under in the influence of bath salts.

I know a person who works for the FAA and he opined several years ago that if a terrorist really wanted to bring down airliners they would just get a job at an airport. And that looks exactly like what happened to the Russian plane.
He (and I) predict that drones will soon be their weapon of choice.

Here's the slate for this NFL week. Last week the winner only lost 23 points. I lost 41.
My Packers lost its second game in a row for the first time since the Truman administration, and I've bet the barn on them this week.

If you opened a box of Quaker Oats in 1955, you'd find a deed to one square inch of land in northwestern Canada.




I would like to be poor just for one day. This being poor every day sucks.



Always carry around a chicken, so if you're murdered your chalk outline won't just be the same old boring shit.



Has anyone mastered the art of nonchalantly walking past a policeman?


If I had one of these, I would get nothing done.
Oh, yeah, I already get nothing done.


Do you ever think about the endless sea of futures that run dry every time you make a choice?



For Halloween I put an empty bowl outside my door with a sign that says "please take one." That way it looks like I actually had candy once.

 If I found a place like that, I would have my mail delivered there so I would only have to go home to sleep.

"Hey, my boobs are down here!"


After finally accepting that it is indeed an art form, I enjoy photography. I tend to apply the same rules to the photographic image as I would to a painting; I mean good design is good design.
But, as you know, I also like to imagine what the photographer tells a model. Like this one...
"You want me to shove this up my what?"

And there seems to be no end to their silliness...
That child wallowed in the snow for a long, long time...
I hope there was no permanent damage.

I have posted images similar to this. I thought them intriguing the way the shadows curved around the form.
But after the one-millionth "naked woman with blind shadows" it is long past its prime.

Then there are the beautiful, yes, shots of exotic places with neat atmospheric conditions.
They both look like they need inspirational quotes written across them.

This has some interesting design elements...
The pyramid created by her straps, chin line and lips...I like that. Then the opposing vee of the spit water. But then my mind wonders into areas like..."I wonder what that water tasted like."

Staged photos are not necessarily bad. I just don't like getting the impression that this guy wants me to think he just happened upon this scene and managed to take a perfectly framed, lit and focused picture.

When I took my first photography class, one of the lessons was to use the focal range to create drama. This person must have taken the same class.

And then there is just...cute.
Oh, look, another one...

Finally, a posed shot that has drama without being sappy.
And notice how the barbs align with the angle of the foot, as does the platform support. Shit like that doesn't happen by accident.
But there is more. What I see is a visual representation of an innocent, naive young woman setting out on the very dangerous voyage to adulthood.


What happens when your daddy builds the gates...

I would give the little fella extra points for ingenuity.

Guy took this when he went to pick up his dog at the vet's.
 I think the dog is pissed.

Why you should clean your ears regularly.

Just another reason not to destroy the rain forest...

Want to live under the illusion that your government is competent? Then forget that every nickel we mint cost over 11 cents. Pennies also cost over twice their face value. That is insane.



I hate when waiter says 'brave choice sir' when I order at a Thai restaurant.


"I'm not a serial killer," means something entirely different if you put the emphasis on "serial."


I hate that statement. I've had smart people tell me that they are "forced" to do or not do this or that by society. I will tell you as a fact that society can't make you do anything unless you voluntarily give them the power.
Unless, of course, you live in a place like this...
Then you are more or less fucked.

Meanwhile in Finland...

It must be hard being the only black thief in this Finnish village. "Can you describe the suspect?" "Yes... it was Tyrone."

Those Finns don't take no shit.


That that is probably a movie doesn't make it any less unsettling. People in a mob mentality can do great evil, but the loners freak me out.

Rule: If you are not artistically inclined and/or you can't afford to hire a tattoo artist that is, don't get a tattoo. Wait until you can afford to get something you will be proud of.


Is there a hand sanitizer out there that can kill that other 0.01% of germs?


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