Of My Very Own…
This about says it all.
Foods that mothers eat regularly while breastfeeding are
later more accepted by their infants.
- Pediatrics
This is a pic of how I mounted one of my key packets during our roadtrip. I figured it would be snapped up the first day.
Got an email that some guy just found it yesterday. It was on a pull off (widening of the road, really) not ten feet from the road in plain sight. The guy was refilling the paint machine for striping roads.
Guy carbon dated new human
site in SC to 50,000 years ago. That’s before the last ice age and predate
Clovis people by 40K.
You are not going to believe this. Called an "electrician" who was a friend of my wife from back when she used to rock and roll, but he could not repair our light and ceiling fan in our kitchen. We called a real electrician who found the light switch that we didn't know was on the wall behind the coffee maker.
But in all fairness, we have a lot of art hanging in our kitchen so it is rather....visually busy.
Good Golly, Miss Molly, Sure Like To Ball...
Best if you turn it up so that everyone in the office can enjoy it.
I’ve discovered that I am transfinancial. I financially
identify as a person who is rich but was born in a poor person’s body.
Girls just want to have fun-un...
Purity Balls where young
girls pledge their virginity to their fathers until their wedding day are very
creepy. It is odd that they do it for young girls, but not young boys.
I bet we haven't seen the last of that ploy. I wonder how long the terrorists will take before they fly one laden with C4 right down the aisle of congress.
I must admit I don't like most people touching me. Well, not all people, just non-family. I don't like to be patted on the back. I do enjoy a pretty young woman squeezing my arm after a particularly clever bon mot.
LEGO Is Releasing a
‘Ghostbusters’ Firehouse Headquarters Set
I can't even remember why I moved that into the file, but it was there and I'm posting it, by god.
I can still remember when my weight started with a 1.
What lucid clarity.
Can you get a theoretical degree in theoretical physics?
You all think Trump is funny now but just wait for the
wave of white-trash kids named "Donald" entering kindergarten around
Fast learner...
If only learning how to take a shit in the toilet was that easy for humans.
Need to save time in the morning? Take your shit in the
shower, then waffle stomp those turds down the drain.
Brand New iPhone 6 Screen
Shattered by Falling Acorn
Use boobs to sell everything from cars to cheeseburgers and nobody cares. Use boobs to feed a baby in public and some people lose their minds.
The moment of discovery of
Antinous at Delphi 1894.
I talked to my zookeeper friend about that discovery of 50,000 year old evidence of human habitation in South Carolina. We talked about how great it would be to have a job looking for stuff like that. We both deduced that for every newsworthy discoveries there were 5,000 people who didn't find shit.
Speaking of old things...
10,000-Year-Old Frozen Cave
Lion Cubs Found in Siberia
After Storm, the Ocean is
Coughing Up Giant Prehistoric Shark Teeth in North Carolina
Speaking of Shark Teeth...
Sarah Hardy's megaladon
teeth are full size, convincing, and made from chocolates.
Hand Hewn Faux Wood Beam
I hate shit like that. It's made of styrofoam and I cringe every time I see it used. I mean, you are not fooling anyone. You are shouting to the world that you have no taste. Stop that shit! Fake stuff is...well...fake! Who in their right mind can live day in and day out with fake?
It reminds me of this crap, which also drives me up the wall.
It reminds me of this crap, which also drives me up the wall.
This demonstrates that dogs are indeed....
Pack animals.
This illustrates that T-Rexs are indeed...
Small arms experts.
(before you condemn me, remember that I taught elementary school for 20 years and old habits are hard to break)
Imagine if last
names were invented now, so instead of “Smith” and “Baker,” we had
“Frontenddeveloper” and “Socialmediaconsultant.”
Jeanette Winterson, in 'Why Be
Happy When You Could Be Normal?', writes, "The past is another country, but
one that we can visit, and once there we can bring back the things we need.”
What a wonderful way to think about that.
What a wonderful way to think about that.
This is cool as shit...
The film is, of course, shown backwards.
Antibacterial soap containing triclosan is no better at
killing germs during hand-washing than regular soap.
- Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy
It is estimated that in the USA, 30.2% of new HIV
infections are transmitted by people who do not know they have the virus.
Getting tested is the only way to know for sure if you have HIV.
- JAMA Internal Medicine
Mooooooom, dad is home!
Lynyrd Skynyrd wrote a song about how great Alabama is,
and the only thing he could come up with is that the sky is really blue.
Computing pioneer Paul
Niquette's memoir begins with the tale of how he came to coin the term
"software" in 1953, to the ridicule of his colleague, and how the
idea of a computer whose code was separate from its machinery took hold and
changed the way we think about computation forever.
Thanks, Paul.
Thanks, Paul.
Oh, the irony...
This is how to scare the hell out of college students...
Check out the "Frequently Bought Together" section...
Just trying to be helpful.
Why do women do shit like that and this?
Men wouldn't put up with that for an hour, much less a lifetime.
On a scale of
1 - 10 where 10 is being up on technology and 1 is washing clothes by beating
them on a rock, I'm about a 3.
A Star Trek inspired 'tractor
beam' which can levitate and move objects using sound waves has been invented
by scientists. The world's first sonic beam can only move a tiny particle of
less than one millimeter currently, but the team are now working on a machine
that can lift a football.
Note: A football? Maybe that will help get the Packers back on track.
Khmer Rouge
When the inmates took over the asylum.
That screws up the whole concept of doggie style invented so you won't see that grotesque, tortured face we make when we cum.
The exact moment he realized that
he was gay.
Egypt job center]
- Name?
- How do you spell that?
"Reed comb water Ankh, bendy straw water shitting
This illustrates how fast our national debt is growing.
I do not consider myself a survivalist or an alarmist or an anarchist, but how long do you, personally, think this can last?
Do the math and try to figure out how much each man, woman and child in your household owes? Oh, but you think the big boys with the big bucks will pay it off. Well, they NEVER have before and they are only getting more and more politically powerful. Who, exactly, do you think is going to protect you? Most of you already pay about 50% of your income in federal, state, and local taxes. What percentage would cause you to rebel? 60%....80%?
I will remind you that never in human history has there been such a wealth disparity WITHOUT a revolution.
But there are two fundamental questions: 1) Would Americans EVER open fire on our own army if they were rounding us up? 2) Would our sons, daughters, uncles and brothers in the army open fire on us?
I do not consider myself a survivalist or an alarmist or an anarchist, but how long do you, personally, think this can last?
Do the math and try to figure out how much each man, woman and child in your household owes? Oh, but you think the big boys with the big bucks will pay it off. Well, they NEVER have before and they are only getting more and more politically powerful. Who, exactly, do you think is going to protect you? Most of you already pay about 50% of your income in federal, state, and local taxes. What percentage would cause you to rebel? 60%....80%?
I will remind you that never in human history has there been such a wealth disparity WITHOUT a revolution.
But there are two fundamental questions: 1) Would Americans EVER open fire on our own army if they were rounding us up? 2) Would our sons, daughters, uncles and brothers in the army open fire on us?
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