About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015


One Of My Very Own…

Thanks Edward

 As of today,  the government can't save all phone records.  The guy responsible remains a fugitive.



Lake Powell on the Colorado River provides water for Nevada, Arizona and California. A severe drought in recent years, combined with withdrawals that many believe are not sustainable, has reduced its levels to only about 42 percent of its capacity.
 We need to keep reminding ourselves of this disaster.


On a barren, sun-baked plateau in southern Spain, row upon row of gleaming mirrors form one of the world’s biggest solar power plants and harness the sun’s power even after dark. The Andasol solar power station near Guadix, southern Spain, Aug. 8. (Marcelo del Pozo/Reuters)
 I included the source (Reuters) to let you know it's not bullshit, so what do we make of "even after dark" clause?



Deforestation of the rainforest in Rondonia in recent decades has gone ahead largely unimpeded, with about 16 percent of the state has been cleared. An area bigger than Germany.


The coastline of Cancun in Mexico is seen in a combination of NASA satellite images taken in 1988
Due to mass tourism, Mexico has already lost 65 percent of its mangroves
 And as I understand it, mangroves are very important in the ecosystem.
If you go back to the aerial shot you can see the 5x1 mile island where my wife and I spent several Christmases. See the inland coves where pirates hid?


Plant trees. Now. Trust me. If you are lucky it will long outlive you.


 Nature is neither kind nor unkind. She is neither against suffering nor for it . . . The total amount of suffering per year in the natural world is beyond all decent contemplation. During the minute that it takes me to compose this sentence, thousands of animals are being eaten alive, many others are running for their lives, whimpering with fear, others are being slowly devoured from within by rasping parasites, thousands of all kinds are dying of starvation, thirst and disease . . . The universe that we observe has precisely the properties we should expect if there is, at bottom, no design, no purpose, no evil and no good, nothing but pitiless indifference.
 - Richard Dawkins



I’m not always hooked on a feeling, but when I am, I’m high on believing.



One of the more sobering realizations I’ve had as an adult is that there are two sides to the saying, “Practice makes perfect.” You get better at everything you do, whether you like it or not. Playing piano? Sure. Rollerblading? Yup. But also lying, stealing, smoking, cheating on your partner, drinking, and all that crap that people do and regret. The more you do it, the more ingrained it becomes. The older you get, the harder it is to change.


A study deduced that if your house cat was bigger, it would kill you. Let that sink in.


I watched a great documentary on war dogs…the real dogs that have saved hundreds of our troops in the last few years.
Some of them suffer the same PTSD as humans. Some just stop…just lay there and quit. Dogs get shell-shocked also.

Then there are dogs like this...

From a real thief...


Want to sit alone on public transportation? Wear a face mask on top of your head.

These women are doing the most important job in the world.
 My first wife was a concert pianist and I think music is important to a child's development.

The most expensive part of having kids is all the wine you have to drink.

I would love to have sat across the table from this woman...


I watch “Friends” just to see what it would be like if I liked people.


Just another place that won't be crossed off my bucket list.


College Truth: If you have a good lab partner, then you are a bad lab partner.

Meanwhile in Syria...

German engineering...


If you have $100 and your wife has $100, then your wife has $200.

This is very, very subtle, so give it some time.


On December 20, 2009, Phelps-Roper was in the basement of her house, for a church function, when she checked Twitter on her phone and saw that Brittany Murphy, the thirty-two-year-old actress, had died. When she read the tweet aloud, other church members reacted with glee, celebrating another righteous judgment from God… But Phelps-Roper had loved Murphy in “Clueless,” and she felt an unexpected pang—not quite sadness, but something close—over her death. As she continued scrolling through Twitter, she saw that it was full of people mourning Murphy. The contrast between the grief on Twitter and the buoyant mood in the basement unsettled her. She couldn’t bring herself to post a tweet thanking God for Murphy’s death.

Australia, where they teach spiders to catch fish for them.

I took this photograph on my first visit to my wife's bedroom...


Sometimes I feel like a man with a fork in a world of soup.




Cannoli-flavored Ice Cream.



Absurd Nude Photography By Giuseppe Palmisano
 Was sent that by a long time viewer who seems to know me pretty well.



Did a cartwheel the other day, thinking it was like riding a bicycle. It’s not.

Oh, hell no...


Sunken Warship Vasa- Stockholm, Sweden: November 2015.  17th Flagship on the Swedish Fleet, Sunk in 1628 during the maiden voyage.  Recovered in 1961 and preserved.
 And this is the way they think it was painted.

Reuse, it's a good thing...

 No photoshop, this...


Every day is Bring You Child To Work Day when you own a Chinese restaurant.


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