About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015


One Of My Very Own…


"Shkreli has purchased a majority share in KaloBios Pharmaceuticals, which allows him to apply for the exclusive right to sell benznidazole, which is used to treat Chagas in South America. Currently, the Times reports the drug costs as little as $50 and as much as $100 for two months of treatment. After the Shkreli Treatment, though, Meymandi says the price will rise to $60,000 to $100,000, similar to the cost of hepatitis C drugs — as much as a 99,900% increase in cost."

Remember Linda, the female A10 pilot?
My zookeeper bartender told me that they just got in a rare male pig for breeding purposes that was so aggressive that it wouldn't let any of the keepers touch it. When my friend heard of the problem she went over and said, "Try scratching his balls." (I swear).
The other keepers slowly reached through the bars and did, in fact, scratch his balls and the pig just stood there.
I found that a fabulous story that I will never forget.


Should a driverless car be programmed to sacrifice its own passenger(s) in order to prevent killing pedestrian(s)?

One of my servers came up to me tonight and showed me a photo on her phone of a ceramic pot she made in my 4th grade class. That she used it as an ashtray didn't diminish the fact that she cherished it enough to save all these years.

Seven hundred and fifty light-years from Earth, a young, sunlike star has been found with jets that blast epic quantities of water into interstellar space, shooting out droplets that move faster than a speeding bullet. The discovery suggests that protostars may be seeding the universe with water. These stellar embryos shoot jets of material from their north and south poles as their growth is fed by infalling dust that circles the bodies in vast disks.


Some good news for a change.

There hadn't been one single baby tortoise sighting in more than a century on the Galapagos Island of Pinzon, until a small group of the tiny, shelled youngsters were spotted this year. This is huge news for a species that has been struggling to survive for a century, relying on humans raising young tortoises bred in captivity until they are large enough to not fall prey to rats and predators. However, the incredible eradication of rats on this island, done by the park service and others, has created the opportunity for the tortoises to breed for the first time. 

FOOTBALL: For the first time in my weekly pool, three of us are tied going into tonight's game between the Giants and the Dolphins. I am the only one with the Giants. Pray for me.

Well, this explains a lot...
But don't her privilege fit nice.


How much weed is the appropriate amount to give as a gift at a baby shower?

As a Street Artist, I naturally think painting buildings is a great idea.
But there is a division in our ranks...

There is a big different between Paint on and Write on.
Developing you own elaborate font for your name was probably great when you were in middle school, but, damn man, you are grown up with responsibilities now.


ROSALIND FRANKLIN...one of the most brilliant women scientist. We have her to thank for understanding DNA as well as many other contributions.
That last sentence is so badly worded that I must respond.
She didn't discover DNA. She didn't know how to manipulate it. She just "understood" it. Well, hell, I understand it.
But don't her smirk fit nice.


Traffic jam in Berlin as the border between East and West Germany opens.
I have posted many images and such about the fall of the wall. I am so very glad I was there to see it, live, on TV. It marked not just the reunion of a divided nation, but the end of the Cold War that kept children my age in a perpetual fear of vaporization. Yeah, to me it was a real big deal.

 Artist: Jae-Hyo Lee

Just another guy I would like to have a beer with.


The last time I took a drive down memory lane, I got a DUI.

I love shit like this.
 Notice how the spectators are kept back at the exact right distance from the cascade.

(these are not mine)
As one could image, of late I have become fascinated by keys. I have a whole bunch of keys and my mind works daily about how I can make art out of them. 

I have a standing rule that applies to this kind of insanity.
I weigh the risks to the payoff for just about everything I think about undertaking. In my opinion, this man has never heard of such risk assessment.
7 seconds of thrill weighed against a lifetime of widowhood for the woman you love most in the world. In my opinion, that's a no brainer....but, apparently not that guy.
But don't his beard fit nice.


 When an American tries to kill another American in the name of Islam, it's terrorism. When white Christians -- the most common religious killers in America open fire on a black church or a Planned Parenthood office, they're "gunmen."
I know everyone has an agenda, but you would think they wouldn't make it so obvious. But one of the things us humans do is invent language. So let's invent another word. It really can't be that hard.
So, anyway, while you are thinking about it, where's this...

Speaking of words, I've been reading various opinions about what is occurring on college campuses.
If you had told me in 1974 that universities would made a concerted effort to shield young students from anything they found offensive, I simply would not have believed it.
I would have first asked, "Why? Why would anyone deduce that we needed protection, since we will hear it in the real world every single day?"
But reality doesn't seem to apply anymore. I always thought that the most powerful thing I learned in college was to learn about the huge diversity of thought among my colleagues. I didn't always like it, but I knew...absolutely, that if their racist, anti-Semitic, etc, speech was curtailed, then it wouldn't be long before my speech was curtailed. Control only breeds more control and then the powerful win every fucking time.


Woodstock - back when college kids were responsible, by god...
Look at all those people; and that is not all of them. There were no muggings. There was no rape. There was no riots. No date rape drugs. Just stoned young people having fun. How wonderful.


Wilbur Wright flies around the Statue of Liberty.
Is it possible to imagine a world without the Wright brothers?


 Beer foam is the opposite of memory foam.

 Edvard Munch

 So I guess he's a tittie guy.

 This stock photo of bullying...

 I fought a bully one time for picking on a smaller child. I got my ass kicked, but I never regretted it.
I do not want any child to be bullied, but going overboard protecting them from bullying deprives them of the opportunity to devise strategies to survive it. And lest we forget, the bullying doesn't stop at graduation. 
If I've learned anything about bullying, it's this: If you know...I mean KNOW, you are about to get your ass kicked, the best...ONLY option is to attack. You might end up in the hospital, but at least your attackers will respect you.


If you thought the Dalai Lama giggled a lot, then you obviously never met the Mwahaharajah.


Ah, schadenfreude.
I will guarantee you that he was the new guy and that is just what men do to new guys. 

Origami steel gate

I really respect a person who can design such a thing.
I can imagine him working out the mechanics with tape and straws and/or rubber bands.


Thank God for that one person who gets on the elevator and takes charge.

 Ladies, how many times have you watched, your mouths agape, as your male companions hork down an extra large cheese pizza with a side of garlic knots? A new study suggests that males eat so much not because they are unaware of your presence, but precisely because they are aware. Cornell University researchers have found that men tend to eat significantly more - almost double - when in the presence of women. This excessive eating may be 'motivated by a hard-wired male urge to demonstrate prowess,' according to the study.

You should realize that the flat-pack part is very important because of the ease and economy of shipping.


It costs over $235,000 for parents to raise a child today. And that's just for the alcohol.


And lastly...


Bartender: Would you like another beer?

Me: You must be new here.

Meanwhile in a war zone somewhere...


You can tell a lot about a person based on how long it takes them to find the gun emoji.

See anything odd?
 That man is dead.
Who thought this would be a good idea?

This from a woman...
Girls, if they are so uncomfortable, why do you continue to wear them? Even my wife, one of the best free-thinkers I know, said that she doesn't want people to see the protrusion of her nipples under her clothes. But that makes no sense to me. Nipples are what men WANT to see most!
Plus, all the research proves that bras do nothing to prevent sagging. Oh, well.

Somebody seems to have missed the whole concept...
If there was such a thing as the frog short bus, these guys would ride on it.


 "You can't have your cake and eat

it too"
 - People who don't know how cake

From Rosa Parks' arrest report...


"For my next illusion" the magician announces: "Free will!" Everyone starts clapping but they don't know why.



 I don’t trust anyone who doesn’t count their donuts before leaving a drive-thru.

Have become fascinated by mouse traps lately. You will understand completely in a few more day..."more days" - like after football season.

As I understand it, there are hundreds of posts like this around Paris for the climate conference.


A friend will invite you for beers

A good friend will pick up the tab
A best friend will hold your hair
All three will have blackmail pics


A new Pew report analyzing data from the U.S. Census Bureau and the Federal Reserve Board of Governors finds that America's middle class has shrunk to the smallest share of the US population for the first time in four decades; while the share of national wealth owned by the middle class has dwindled and the share of wealth controlled by the rich has grown. The number of poor Americans has also grown, as middle class families slip into poverty.
If you think the system is broken, you are wrong. If you think that wealth follows hard work and/or talent, you are wrong. The system is not "broken," it is designed that way.

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