About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016


One Of My Very Own…

 Over one billion dollars. This is insane.

By chance I got Cincinnati in the playoff pool...out the first day.

Then there was these bastards...

But my Packers somehow won...so I got that going for me.

On Friday the NFL Network will air the first Super Bowl in its entirety. Spoiler alert: The Packers won, 35-10.


The “I’m a horrible douche and know it” smile.

Sleep in peace, Gentle Prince...

So...uh...who took the picture?

Gandhi opposed the building of hospitals.  He said that hospitals and charitable works simply delay the paying of a debt. "If I have been born blind, it is because of the sins committed in my previous life."

The caption said this took a year...


Never stand under a shadow that gets bigger.

 The Hug lady of Fort Hood

Periodic table's seventh row finally filled as four new elements are added.

 As I understand they are rather difficult to produce and are short lived. Naming them has proven to be a trip.

 This reminds me of Indian parents maiming their children so they will be more effective beggars.

Baby listening to hard rock music for the first time


You call it possession of marijuana, I call it joint custody.

Bar stool rodeo because why the fuck not...

What a wonderful thought...
 It is things like that that makes me feels proud of the parents my grandson has. 

Who would do such a thing?
 Did you notice the grip was shaped like a penis?

Electricity caught on fire...


The happiest you’ve ever been won’t be the happiest you’ll ever be.


My wife cleaned out her "special" drawer.

WARNING: This is not true.

This is Donald Trump's son and he kills elephants but on top of that he cuts off they tails for trophy.

Don't you just know you would like that guy on the left.
I call that laughing with your whole face.

Who in their right mind could keep the camera going during this ordeal?


Repeated blood donation is not associated with any known negative side effects.

 And that look on his face.

Why would anyone need these in camo?

When you come to a fork in the road, take it.

No clue as to what caused this. Anybody want to have a go?

One of the National geographic's top 20 pictures of 2015.

Mildly Interesting


Men who ate two servings of garlic smelled more attractive and had less pungent body odor according to female testers.

More photography

This is NOT even in slow motion... 

 How food is done in South Carolina. Seafood spread.

Feeds four.


Data from 1999-2010 show that states with medical marijuana laws had approximately 25% fewer deaths from opioid overdoses.


Best firefighter name ever.


Michael J. Fox’s middle name is Andrew.



Doctors just assume I want all my blood at a particular pressure.



America’s flag should be a picture of a deep-fried smartphone with bullet holes in it.

 The point being, people all over the world can now be exposed to opinions that prior to the internet would have been impossible. I think it's a good thing.


1 comment:

Ninja Grrrl said...

The oddly patterned leaf appears to have been tread on by a muddy shoe with a distinctive tread pattern, then left to bleach in the sun.

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