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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016


One Of My Very Own…


The movie STARDUST

With Michelle Pfeiffer as a witch driving a chariot pulled by two goats one of which used to be a man.

And Robert De Niro as a crossdressing pirate.

And this guy who talks like a chicken.
I found it worth my time.

One of my bartenders used this app with her and my face and it was hilarious.

A graffiti artist sent me this heads up of the heart mural I posted the other day.
That is fucking wonderful.

Then there’s this prick.
And it’s assholes like that who are going to get laws passed outlawing vaping. There simply is no reason whatsoever to exhale that much vapor.



There are four different ways to pronounce diplodocus, and the way children say it is probably more technically correct than the academics' preferred option.

This class has a mirror at the back so the teacher can see the students' monitors.

What would it take to reunite the Beatles?

Two more bullets.



Asked to describe myself in 3 words: Lazy.

Kid really flipping out.

Drone Racing League

People who have regular orgasms live longer, have less stress and enjoy lower rates of heart disease, breast cancer, prostate cancer and endometriosis.


Johnny Cash waiting to play at Folsom Prison, January 13, 1968

I think toys should only work when the kids are whispering.

Impact fused versus air burst mortar shell in slow motion.

Speaking of...

Other war stuff reminds you of an image I posted a while back about how they shipped Jeeps during WWII.

Here's some more...

There are millions of people who train every day for the most efficient way to kill other people.

Speaking of killing other people, get a load of this...
This is the new brass cased hollow point 12 gauge shotgun shell by Oath Ammo. It can expand 2.5", literally the size of a fist.

 I wonder how long it takes to fill the bottle.

Far out into the Caspian Sea, a hundred kilometers away from the Azerbaijani capital Baku, lies one of the most incredible settlements in the world. A fully functional city of 3,000 living in a network of oil platforms and artificial islands connected by 300 km of trestle bridges. This is Neft Daslari, also known as Oil Rocks, and it lies fully within the world’s largest lake at an incredible distance of 55 km from the lake’s shore.
Azerbaijan has been famed for its rich oil resources since ancient times. There is evidence of oil drilling and actual trade in petroleum as early as the 3rd and 4th centuries. Historical accounts of the area’s oil and natural gas seepage can be found in old Arabic and Persian manuscripts, as well as in the writings of famous travelers such as Marco Polo. The Persians called the area the "Land of Fire”. 

Said to be the largest fossilized tree in the world?
I don't think so.

Then there's this...
Brimham Rocks are balancing rock formations on Brimham Moor in North Yorkshire, England. The rocks stand at a height of nearly 30 meters.

Boston Police Sergeant Edwin Guzman's lawyer says that it's not really a big deal that he sent a photo of his penis to the sixteen-year-old daughter of a friend, because "You can’t tell me someone her age has never seen a picture of a penis on the Internet."


Men with beards have a greater tendency to hold sexist attitudes than their clean-shaven counterparts.

I couldn't agree more...

Thought provoking...

Lies are more convincing when the person telling them needs to urinate.

Those zany Japanese...

 He seems to be getting the hang of it...

Real Paleolithic people, contrary to some of the followers of the fashionable modern diet named after them, appear to have eaten plenty of carbohydrates.


30 years on Mars

A baby is born on its predicted due date just 4% of the time.


There are only three non-gentrifying neighborhoods left in New York City.

This is a white animal that is NOT an albino.
The whiteness in lions is caused by a recessive gene for a color inhibitor. They are not common in nature because the whiteness serves as a selective disadvantage during hunting. They have been considered divine by local aboriginal populations.

The skull of the bear that inspired AA Milne to write Winnie the Pooh has gone on public display for the first time. The cuddly fictional bear was named after a Canadian black bear called Winnie that son Christopher Robin enjoyed visiting and feeding honey in London Zoo during the Twenties. Winnie died in 1934 but her skull was preserved by the Royal College of Surgeons and is now being exhibited in its Hunterian Museum in London. So many children fed her sweet treats that she lost many teeth in old age.

He makes it look so easy...
It is, in fact, very, very difficult. 


There are four main personality types into which people can be categorized when drunk: "Mary Poppins", "Hemingway", "Nutty Professor" and "Mr Hyde".


1 comment:

Oni said...

The people who bitch about participation trophies are also the same people who thought of, purchased, and handed out those trophies to the kids. The kids didn't think up the idea, the adults did. And now they take to Facebook to complain about how selfish, lazy, and entitled millenials are. On a platform... created by a millenial.

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