About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016


One Of My Very Own…
That's what we call a visual joke.

If you are into such things, music to scroll to...

This image has more or less gone viral a while back. I saw it and chose not to post it, but then I learned it was photographed in a bar in my hometown....so...
The argument that the women on Team USA don't deserve the same pay as the men is unsupportable. This bullshit has got to stop.


Eleanor Rigby would probably get super bummed out if she ever heard the song about her.


 The only reason it’s called Almond Milk is because no one had the nerve to call it Nut Juice.

Well, that’s one way to do it, I guess…


Any machine is a smoke machine if you use it wrong enough.

 Not religious zealots turned radicals, but radicals turned religious zealots. Thugs who have to crash course their way into Islam.  (True)
What that means is that most of the young men were thugs already with crimes of armed robbery, car jacking, assault, etc. Only after they were known bad guys did they turn to the faith to justify it.
It is true that many of them have bought Islam For Dummies and similar books to bone up before going to Syria.

What a wonderful environment…

Two ways to catch fish in the ocean…


Marriage is just anteing up on each other's crazy until one person decides the pot is too big and folds.


 During a visit to see my brother, he had a party, and right in the middle of it he opened his first bottle of homemade beer and after getting everyone’s attention he proclaimed that I would have the first taste of his first batch. So I sipped it and proclaimed it very good, although it tasted like shit. Thirty minutes later my brother nailed me in the middle of a huge crowd with this gem: “You son-of-a-bitch, why didn’t you tell me that the beer had gone bad?!”
The truth is, I had no idea what homemade beer was supposed to taste like, so I faked it. But I did pour mine in a potted plant.

We all know how easy it is to get killed…

And despite that knowledge, some men do shit like this all the time…

The road through Death Valley, USA
I drove that very road and it was great. I even tagged the main entrance sign.

The Reid Technique is the go-to method for coercing false confessions in America's police interrogation rooms, which involves "minimization" (the interrogator downplays the seriousness of the offense) and "maximization" (the interrogator threatens the accused with terrible, lasting punishment for failing to confess).
Now it's being taught to America's schoolteachers, just as schools are using "zero-tolerance" policies and on-site cops to re-characterize school discipline problems as criminal matters, creating a school-to-prison pipeline.

This is the image that accompanied the article.


Hotel in Norway where the movie Ex Machina was filmed.
That was a very good film.

Speaking of great movies…


Have you ever been this drunk?
 I have a heater just like that.

I had no idea…


I'm here for you if you ever need tips on making something look like an accident.




That image came with this disclaimer…
(no editing!)
That alone makes me suspicious.



I never got why people liked sitting home without pants so much until I retired. Now I don't get why people have jobs.



I love Google street view…
That is a modern Renaissance painting.



 My wife’s sister married a man with the last name of Toothman. He really wanted to name is son Buck.

Well, that’s a good idea.
 The gun is slaved to his helmet.

And, the GM6 Lynx.


Gentle Reader, I present a national treasure…


In my opinion, this is the only way to camp…


If we keep building giant walls at the border to Mexico it's only a matter of time before natural selection gives us giant Mexicans.



Guy saves a deer stuck in mud…


If you have twin girls and don't dress them like in "The Shining" and make them stand in hallways, you've squandered a precious gift.



Some things I think are reposts…


Who decided that a clown popping suddenly out of a metal box would be a good toy for young children?



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