About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016


One Of My Very Own…


The internet had a lot to say about that murdered gorilla.

On the first parents' meeting in the first grade classroom, a very wise teacher would say, "I promise not to believe everything your child says about you if you promise not to believe everything they say about me."

The strangeness of women...

They fake everything from eyebrows to hair color, yet refuse to reveal one of their most amazing body parts.


I really have no idea why I posted that.

Except maybe for her boots.

Yes, there used to be such things...

And do notice that she's riding in a convertible without a seat belt.

Revisited this website and out of the hundreds these are my favorite.

All that schooling and this is what most of us have drilled into our memory.


Speaking of such things...

He didn't even inherit the family bald spot.

I watched a great movie: Today's Special

This man, Naseeruddin Shah, had a role and nailed it. I really like this guy.

What a wonderful idea...

Don't bring the axe to the wood, bring the wood to the axe. God I wish I had had one of those growing up.

Free enterprise at its finest...

I judge people who do shit like this.

Not because they over-adorn, but because we all know that none of that shit is real gold. It's just childish.

New York City at night by Vincent Laforet.

You might want to embiggenize that.

Exotic dancer in Las Vegas saved all of her $1's for over a year.

Not really news, but it is one dollar bills.


Couldn't download this gif. It is a Rubik's Cube with different sized units.

I have no idea how that works.




This is the first frame of a dog sled practice gif using wheels instead of skids.

Guess what went wrong.

Flying whale?

This reminds me of my grandfather.

My brother was the first grandchild and as such received a lot of attention. Once while visiting my grandparents, my toddler brother would wander toward the edge of the porch, and an aunt or uncle or some other adult would jump up to keep him from falling the 2 feet to the flower bed. After many such rescues my grandfather just stuck out his foot and tapped the child off the porch, followed by, "He won't get near the edge again." And, of course, he didn't.

Another player has entered the game...

Oh, hell no.

A Nemertea (a.k.a proboscis worm) checking whether he can eat a hand (he can't)

Okay, here's the dog sled...

Speaking of shit hitting the fan...

Said to be a Titanium explosion.

A 20-foot inflatable globe was on display in the Nurses Hall at the State House; people could walk inside through a zippered opening. The globe was brought by Bridgewater State University during school vacation week to emphasize the need for more geography instruction in primary and secondary schools.

Don't give her a Fitbit for Mother's Day. I repeat, DO NOT give her a Fitbit for Mother's Day.

Note: There are real live human beings behind the scoreboard who manually change those numbers. As I recall, some of them have been at that job for many decades.

Barbara Torey is a descendant of Winsor Fry, who fought in 10 battles during the Revolutionary War. She is seeking admission to the Daughters of the American Revolution.

I wish her the best.

How did we get so stupid?

I guess if you can believe all that non-sense in the bible, the jump to Bigfoot is predictable.


My wife once put raisins in meatballs so don't even try to talk to me about psychos.

My very old now dead friend was an ace salesman for RCA and made a fortune selling TV sets. Totally illegal he would go in partners with hardware or furniture stores just so they would carry his product. Then when the money started rolling in, the guy would buy out my friend...that was a win-win.

Anyway, when he was at big meeting with the CEO he handed out sheets of paper with numbered observations like "38: How the hell do we know, we don't make them we just sell them." Then when the CEO said something, my friend would shout out "38!" and everyone would laugh. Finally the CEO got off the stage and took one of the sheets and pointed to my friend and said, "I know you were behind this, Dom." Then he laughed also.


He rubbed her the wrong way.

All men just want a woman who will look out for them while they're shaking the vending machine.

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