About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, July 8, 2016

FRIDAY #2755

One Of My Very Own… 

That was awful. Here's another you probably won't like either...


Let's start your weekend off with a bang...


Finally watched the movie "The Big Short." I can only encourage you to watch it, but sincerely believe it ought to be mandatory viewing in every high school. They took special pains to explain very complicated financial issues in plain English.

I am not going to ask you to vote for this guy. I'm not even sure I'm going to vote for him, but you need to go to his website and read what he thinks.


A ball boy sneaked into the Portugal team photo in their game against Wales.

Renaldo standing on his tiptoes.

I lost a lot of money on Wales, but won it all back on France. If you are not a soccer fan, you have no idea how much the entire world hates Ronaldo. My money is on France simply due to my loathing of the man.

These are the orbits Juno will make...

Posted due to phrasing...

God's creation of the Devil has always interested me because it is just....illogical. What loving god would do such a thing?
But that's not up for debate today. Our views of sexuality is today's topic.

Forget about lawmakers, I have long given up trying to understand anything they do. But what about normal people abhorring hookers? You can give it away all day long without repercussions, but if your beau leaves you some money, you go to jail. What's up with that?
We know that other cultures do not share our shame of our god given genitalia...

Americans got so bent out of shape over tranies using whatever the hell bathroom they want.

They used the age old anti-argument of "What if."
"What if a dirty old man dressed up like a woman and walked into a woman's bathroom with your young daughter?" Well, I hate to break it to you, but they can do that now.
I'm not really into to girlies shows or titties bars.

I could only see the degradation of the young women. That may sound like it counters my very own argument, but I've talked to some of them and by and large they would rather do something else...almost anything else.
But then there is this insanity.

This simultaneous adoration and prohibition of the female breast. Go figure. But remember, all of this was started by long dead people we don't even know.

So, I put this here just because...


Hard to get our heads around Nazis as being normal...

Americans own more guns today than they ever have...by far, so how do we explain this?

Detail of "Red Angel" Cicero D'avilla

I think he shares one of my passions.

South Africa supports Chinese expansionist policy as US ramps up its military presence.

I've posted about this before, but it is rather a big deal. Those disputed islands are manmade by pumping up sand from the bottom...like they did in Dubai.
The problem is, of course, twofold: China can charge ships a toll for passing through "their" territorial waters. Plus they can forbid any warship from any country into that territory. Big deal, that.


Burning "Slinningsbålet" (The Slinning Bonfire)

They use no machinery...

And now there's a gif...

Wouldn't it be great to be cremated in that?

I'm assuming that they hose down the bottle to keep it from toppling over.

Frenchman sailing around the world with his pet chicken.

I bet that Frenchman has a hard time getting a date.


Would like to know if any of you professors know anything about this, and if not, why not. Wouldn't you like to know who cheats the most in order to keep a keener eye?


And here's the layout...

I wonder if they feed the fish regularly to keep them around to entertain the guests?

When a foreign power takes down our electrical grid, these are the kinds of skills we are going to need. Not only how to use it, but how to make it.

But of course the inevitable blister will probably get infected and at best he will only lose his hand.
But if a barefooted pigtailed girl in a skirt can do it, how hard can it be?

As I understand it, the trick is to keep the blade at a rather severe angle so that instead of hacking at the grass, you are slicing it. I have watched dozens of me dozens of times "mow" the berms around our nuclear weapons facility and they spent a full half of their time sharpening the blade.
 "Peasant infantry armed with scythes pray before the battle of Racławice (1794) by Józef Chełmoński."

Have a nice day.



After learning of the classic origin of the mascot Chanticleers, I propose some team, some place choose Argonauts.



This guy carefully arranges two images...

Thought the wife was mad, but when I asked her she said she was "fine." Fine is good, right?


My wife once tried to give me a hickie on my neck and ended up popping a pimple into her mouth.


I bet my wife oral sex that I could beat her best out of three hands of draw poker. I lost and now she keeps rubbing it in my face.


I don't always apologize. Sorry about that.


Sometimes things go to shit and it's just not your fault...

Two brand new millionaires...not their fault...

But sometimes people just ask for it...

The Valley of Balls, Kazakhstan
The balls are believed to be concretions —a hard, compact mass formed by the precipitation of minerals. They are often spherical and usually forms in sedimentary rock or soil.

How do they know they are not dinosaur balls?

Chinese housing bubble is real, folks. You might want to read up on it.

Have a great weekend. Go out and do something...anything, for the first time. I find such mini adventures rather rewarding.


This can be what it's like when you don't believe in the invisible man in the sky...

"What do you hate god so much?" is a very illogical question. How can you hate something you don't believe in? I do hate what license that smugness of knowing you are god's chosen people gives you to inflict harm on other people.

1 comment:

Robin said...

Why was someone filming their television????

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